40 research outputs found

    Wojna - media i propaganda.

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    This article try to demonstrate how recent developments have altered the relationship between politicians, the media and civil servants in the shaping of policies which may led to conflict. Author here examine the complex subjects of propaganda, censorship, and the handling of the media by the military and political authorities, while also shedding light on journalistic ethics and motives. The article tried to highlights the effect of the media on the formation of public opinion and the extend to which the latter influences the making of foreign policy. So the main question asking by the author is about power of the influence of the media on public opinion and the politics. In this article is also tickled concept of information domination. It is also dealing with the issue of new independent sources of information. In this article were used some examples of particular conflicts like Vietnam, the Falklands, Gulf War, and II Iraqi war

    Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej nt. "Stosunki polsko-białoruskie - historia i teraźniejszość", Siedlce, 28-29 maja 2008 roku.

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    Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej pt. „Stosunki polsko-białoruskie – historia i teraźniejszość”, zorganizowanej w Siedlcach, w dn. 28–29 maja 2008 r. przez Instytut Nauk SPołecznych Akademii Podlaskiej

    Rola sił zbrojnych w państwie. Główne nurty teorii stosunków cywilno-wojskowych.

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    Polityka bezpieczeństwa Kanady: nowa strategia, wierność priorytetom.

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    Canada took part in creating United Nations Organization and actively participated in many UN specialized organizations. It was also the co-author of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Contributed in negotiations in the matter of the prohibition of continuing the experiences with the nuclear weapon, supported Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems. Canada acted as a leader of the British Commonwealth, the allied of United States, moderator in the Atlantic Alliance, mediator in solving international conflicts. Canada was involved as the economic power in solving global problems, and also offered help for undeveloped states. Beginning from the end of years 60. the politics of Canadian governments brought to the reduction of defense expenses, and in the result brought some problems with the Canadian identity. The Canada balances among the necessity of the co-operation with United States and the protections of own independence. New defense strategy introduced in 2008, Canada First. Defense Strategy, created possibilities of change in the defense policy. New strategy give possibility of the armed forces strengthening and the strengthening of the international position of the Canada, however these introduced changes are meeting some difficulty after years of negligence s

    Neuroendocrine tumour metastasis to the orbit

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    Neuroendocrine neoplasms are tumours that usually arise in the gastrointestinal tract and the bronchopulmonary system. The orbit is a rare anatomical site for their metastases. In the following article we present a case report of a 73-year-old man who was admitted to the Ophthalmology Department because of eye pain and high intraocular pressure in the right eye. There was also eye motility restriction, diplopia, oedema of the eyelid, and subconjunctival haemorrhage. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a tumour in the right orbit, probably arising from the inferior rectus muscle. The patient was qualified for surgery, during which orbit decompression was conducted and a sample of the tumour tissue was collected. Based on the biopsy of the lesion, diagnosis of a metastatic neuroendocrine neoplasm, probably of gastrointestinal origin, was made. Further diagnostic procedures revealed metastases to other organs, and the patient was qualified for oncological treatment. In this case, orbital metastasis was the first diagnosed location of the neoplasm.

    Aromatase inhibitor therapy for endometrial stromal sarcoma — two-centre experience

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    Objectives: Endocrine therapy is the recommended systemic treatment for steroid receptor positive endometrial stromalsarcoma (ESS). There is no current consensus on the optimal hormonal therapy for ESS. The literature offers several reports on advanced/recurrent/metastatic ESS patients treated with progestins, whereas data on the efficacy of aromatase inhibitors are scarce.Material and methods: We retrospectively identified cases treated for ESS with aromatase inhibitors at our institutions. There were five patients with advanced or unresectable recurrent estrogen, progesterone and androgen receptor-positive ESS, treated with aromatase inhibitors: letrozole or anastrozole (at a daily dose of 2.5 mg and 1 mg, respectively), as first-line endocrine therapy in all but one case treated following progression with megestrol acetate.Results: Disease stabilization was achieved in four cases (80%), including two with long-term progression-free survivalfor up to 10 years attained under letrozole treatment, and one case after prior progestin treatment. During therapy, nosubstantial toxicity was observed.Conclusions: Aromatase inhibitors as first- or second-line endocrine treatment achieve disease control in most steroidreceptor positive ESS. Our series of cases is evidence of aromatase inhibitors efficacy as long-term endocrine treatmentoption for ESS patients

    Endoscopic ultrasound-guided ethanol ablation of insulinoma

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    What's happening? : uma plataforma de eventos

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    Os eventos são uma presença constante no nosso dia a dia e são divulgados através dos meios de comunicação, anúncios publicitários ou através de conversas entre amigos. A era digital trouxe consigo uma data de mudanças significativas no mundo das comunicações e consequentemente, a divulgação de eventos é facilitada devido às redes sociais que desempenham um papel importante na proliferação destes. No entanto, a procura de eventos, quer no tempo ou no espaço, não é uma tarefa fácil nos dias que correm. Apesar da evolução tecnológica ter permitido a criação de novas plataformas para divulgação de eventos, ainda existe dificuldade em saber o que está a acontecer em redor da nossa localização. Atualmente, um grande número de eventos sociais é criado e promovido nas redes sociais. Com o aglomerado de informação que estas redes geram, a experiência de procurar eventos não é a mais consistente para o utilizador porque os resultados obtidos nem sempre refletem os interesses do utilizador. Este trabalho propõe um novo conceito para uma plataforma de divulgação de eventos, intitulada de What’s Happening? com o objetivo de melhorar a experiência do utilizador na procura e recomendação destes. Em particular, é proposta uma arquitetura para a plataforma que utiliza técnicas de machine learning para classificar eventos provenientes de redes sociais populares, e.g. Facebook, com o objetivo de os categorizar. Tendo em conta que os serviços utilizados para a obtenção de eventos apresentam modelos de dados diferentes, é proposta a ontologia LODSE (Linking Open Descriptions of Social Events), tendo como base a ontologia LODE (Linking Open Descriptions of Events), com o objetivo de facilitar a integração dos dados obtidos dos serviços externos, modelar um evento social para ser posteriormente classificado e melhorar a classificação de eventos. Como forma de validação das técnicas de machine learning na arquitetura proposta bem como o modelo de dados criado a partir da ontologia LODSE, foram realizadas duas avaliações experimentais. A primeira avaliação experimental demonstrou que o melhor algoritmo para classificar os datasets de eventos criados é o Random Forest obtendo 83,33% de eventos corretamente classificados. A segunda avaliação experimental demonstrou que o modelo de dados baseado na ontologia LODSE traz benefícios na classificação de eventos demonstrando uma melhoria de 12,4% de eventos corretamente classificados bem como uma melhoria de 5,9% no tempo de processamento quando comparado com o modelo de dados baseado na ontologia LOD

    Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica — case report and literature review

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    Tracheobronchopatia osteochondroplastyczna (TBO) jest rzadką chorobą o niejasnej etiologii, charakteryzującą się powstawaniem mnogich, chrzęstnych i chrzęstno-kostnych guzków w błonie podśluzowej tchawicy i dużych oskrzeli. Przebieg kliniczny choroby jest zwykle łagodny, ale zwężenie dróg oddechowych może powodować przewlekłe, niespecyficzne objawy kliniczne. Przedstawiono przypadek 50-letniego mężczyzny z przewlekłą dusznością wysiłkową i widocznym w badaniach obrazowych zwężeniem tchawicy. Przyczyną objawów była TBO.Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica (TBO) is a rare disease of unknown etiology characterised by a formation of multiple, cartilaginous and osteocartilaginous submucosal nodules in the trachea and major bronchi. The course of the disease is usually benign but the narrowing of the respiratory tract can lead to chronic non-specific clinical symptoms. We present a case of a 50-year old man with chronic exertional dyspnoea and stenosis of the trachea visible in imaging tests, in whom the symptoms were caused by TBO