341 research outputs found

    Cross-chapter box on coral reefs

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    Impact of anthropogenic ocean acidification on thermal tolerance of the spider crab <i>Hyas araneus</i>

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    Future scenarios for the oceans project combined developments of CO<sub>2</sub> accumulation and global warming and their impact on marine ecosystems. The synergistic impact of both factors was addressed by studying the effect of elevated CO<sub>2</sub> concentrations on thermal tolerance of the cold-eurythermal spider crab <i>Hyas araneus</i> from the population around Helgoland. Here ambient temperatures characterize the southernmost distribution limit of this species. Animals were exposed to present day normocapnia (380 ppm CO<sub>2</sub>), CO<sub>2</sub> levels expected towards 2100 (710 ppm) and beyond (3000 ppm). Heart rate and haemolymph PO<sub>2</sub> (P<sub>e</sub>O<sub>2</sub>) were measured during progressive short term cooling from 10 to 0&deg;C and during warming from 10 to 25&deg;C. An increase of P<sub>e</sub>O<sub>2</sub> occurred during cooling, the highest values being reached at 0&deg;C under all three CO<sub>2</sub> levels. Heart rate increased during warming until a critical temperature (<i>T<sub>c</sub></i>) was reached. The putative <i>T<sub>c</sub></i> under normocapnia was presumably &gt;25&deg;C, from where it fell to 23.5&deg;C under 710 ppm and then 21.1&deg;C under 3000 ppm. At the same time, thermal sensitivity, as seen in the <i>Q<sub>10</sub></i> values of heart rate, rose with increasing CO<sub>2</sub> concentration in the warmth. Our results suggest a narrowing of the thermal window of <i>Hyas araneus</i> under moderate increases in CO<sub>2</sub> levels by exacerbation of the heat or cold induced oxygen and capacity limitation of thermal tolerance

    How do we best synergise climate mitigation actions to co-benefit biodiversity?

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    Acknowledgements We thank Yuka Otsuki Estrada for help in designing and producing the table, and all other authors of the IPBES-IPCC report on the scientific outcome of the IPBES-IPCC co-sponsored workshop on biodiversity and climate change (Pörtner et al., 2021) for cross-cutting discussions during preparation of this analysis. Although this paper is based on the report of the IPBES-IPCC co882 sponsored workshop, the views expressed here represent the individual views of the authors. We would also like to thank the scientific steering committee of the IPBES-IPCC co-sponsored workshop, review editors, the IPCC and IPBES Secretariat, especially Anne Larigauderie, and Technical Support Units. In memory of our friend and co-author, Bob Scholes, who sadly died during the preparation of this synthesis, and who will be sorely missed by all.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Impact of ocean acidification on thermal tolerance and acid–base regulation of Mytilus edulis from the White Sea

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    Ocean warming and acidification are two important environmental drivers affecting marine organisms. Organisms living at high latitudes might be especially threatened in near future, as current environmental changes are larger and occur faster. Therefore, we investigated the effect of hypercapnia on thermal tolerance and physiological performance of sub-Arctic Mytilus edulis from the White Sea. Mussels were exposed (2 weeks) to 390 ”atm (control) and 1,120 ”atm CO2 (year 2100) before respiration rate (MO2), anaerobic metabolite (succinate) level, haemolymph acid-base status, and intracellular pH (pHi) were determined during acute warming (10-28°C, 3°C over night). In normocapnic mussels, warming induced MO2 to rise exponentially until it levelled off beyond a breakpoint temperature of 20.5°C. Concurrently, haemolymph PCO2 rose significantly >19°C followed by a decrease in PO2 indicating the pejus temperature (TP, onset of thermal limitation). Succinate started to accumulate at 28°C under normocapnia defining the critical temperature (TC). pHi was maintained during warming until it dropped at 28°C, in line with the concomitant transition to anaerobiosis. At acclimation temperature, CO2 had only a minor impact. During warming, MO2 was stimulated by CO2 resulting in an elevated breakpoint of 25.8°C. Nevertheless, alterations in haemolymph gases (>16°C) and the concomitant changes of pHi and succinate level (25°C) occurred at lower temperature under hypercapnia versus normocapnia indicating a downward shift of both thermal limits TP and TC by CO2. Compared to temperate conspecifics, sub-Arctic mussels showed an enhanced thermal sensitivity, exacerbated further by hypercapnia, indicating their potential vulnerability to environmental changes projected for 2100

    Actions to halt biodiversity loss generally benefit the climate

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    The two most urgent and interlinked environmental challenges humanity faces are climate change and biodiversity loss. We are entering a pivotal decade for both the international biodiversity and climate change agendas with the sharpening of ambitious strategies and targets by the Convention on Biological Diversity and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Within their respective Conventions, the biodiversity and climate interlinked challenges have largely been addressed separately. There is evidence that conservation actions that halt, slow or reverse biodiversity loss can simultaneously slow anthropogenic mediated climate change significantly. This review highlights conservation actions which have the largest potential for mitigation of climate change. We note that conservation actions have mainly synergistic benefits and few antagonistic trade-offs with climate change mitigation. Specifically, we identify direct co-benefits in 14 out of the 21 action targets of the draft post-2020 global biodiversity framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity, notwithstanding the many indirect links that can also support both biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation. These relationships are context and scale-dependent; therefore, we showcase examples of local biodiversity conservation actions that can be incentivized, guided and prioritized by global objectives and targets. The close interlinkages between biodiversity, climate change mitigation, other nature\u27s contributions to people and good quality of life are seldom as integrated as they should be in management and policy. This review aims to re-emphasize the vital relationships between biodiversity conservation actions and climate change mitigation in a timely manner, in support to major Conferences of Parties that are about to negotiate strategic frameworks and international goals for the decades to come

    Global warming and mass extinctions associated with large igneous province volcanism

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    The coincidence of large igneous province (LIP) eruptions with at least three, if not all of the “Big Five” biotic crises of the Phanerozoic implies that volcanism is a key driver of mass extinctions. Many LIP-induced extinction scenarios invoke global warming, caused primarily (but not exclusively) by greenhouse gases emitted at the site of LIP emplacement and by contact metamorphism of carbon-rich host rocks. Here we explore a) the climate-changing products of volcanism including sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) from eruptions, contact metamorphism, and melting (dissociation) of gas hydrates; b) their deadly effects, including marine anoxia and thermal stress; c) increasingly sophisticated paleotemperature proxies (e.g. ή18O of shell material) through case studies of the best-known LIP-warming-extinction nexi; and d) global warming through the lens of the putative “Anthropocene” extinction

    Regional Endothermy in a Coral Reef Fish?

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    Although a few pelagic species exhibit regional endothermy, most fish are regarded as ectotherms. However, we document significant regional endothermy in a benthic reef fish. Individual steephead parrotfish, Chlorurus microrhinos (Labridae, formerly Scaridae) were tagged and their internal temperatures were monitored for a 24 h period using active acoustic telemetry. At night, on the reef, C. microrhinos were found to maintain a consistent average peritoneal cavity temperature 0.16±0.005°C (SE) warmer than ambient. Diurnal internal temperatures were highly variable for individuals monitored on the reef, while in tank-based trials, peritoneal cavity temperatures tracked environmental temperatures. The mechanisms responsible for a departure of the peritoneal cavity temperature from environmental temperature occurred in C. microrhinos are not yet understood. However, the diet and behavior of the species suggests that heat in the peritoneal cavity may result primarily from endogenous thermogenesis coupled with physiological heat retention mechanisms. The presence of limited endothermy in C. microrhinos indicates that a degree of uncertainty may exist in the manner that reef fish respond to their thermal environment. At the very least, they do not always appear to respond to environmental temperatures as neutral thermal vessels and do display limited, but significant, visceral warming
