12 research outputs found

    Economic Contribution of Copyright Industries in Finland 2016–2020

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    The purpose of the present study was to measure the economic contribution of copyright industries to the Finnish economy in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 using the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) revised methodology in this measurement and to compare the Finnish findings to the results of similar studies completed in other countries.The key findings of the study include the following:-The combined value added of copyright industries represented 5.69 percent of the Finnish GDP in 2020 and amounted to €13.54 billion and the combined number of employees in the copyright industries amounted to 146 380 and represented 5.87 percent of the total employment in Finland in 2015.-From the year 2000 to the year 2020 the economic contribution of core copyright industries has shown a moderate growth. The combined value added of core copyright industries represented 4.47 percent of the Finnish GDP in 2020 (3.28 percent in 2000) amounting to €10.6 billion.-Compared to the Finnish GDP growth of 9.4 percent between 2016 and 2020, the value added of core copyright industries in absolute terms grew by 19.4 percent.-In 2020, the largest core copyright industries, software and databases, accounted for approximately 74 percent of the cumulative value added of the core copyright industries in Finland.-From 2016 to 2020, the most prominent growth in core copyright industries took place in the software industry whereas the relative contribution of the press and literature decreased.-The revised WIPO Guide on Surveying the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-Based Industries has enabled a very useful increase in the comparability of studies madein different countries. Finland ranks high when it comes to the contribution of the core copyright industries but lower in terms of overall copyright contribution.</p

    Economic Contribution of Copyright Industries in Finland 2016–2020

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    The purpose of the present study was to measure the economic contribution of copyright industries to the Finnish economy in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 using the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) revised methodology in this measurement and to compare the Finnish findings to the results of similar studies completed in other countries. The key findings of the study include the following: - The combined value added of copyright industries represented 5.69 percent of the Finnish GDP in 2020 and amounted to €13.54 billion and the combined number of employees in the copyright industries amounted to 146 380 and represented 5.87 percent of the total employment in Finland in 2015. - From the year 2000 to the year 2020 the economic contribution of core copyright industries has shown a moderate growth. The combined value added of core copyright industries represented 4.47 percent of the Finnish GDP in 2020 (3.28 percent in 2000) amounting to €10.6 billion. - Compared to the Finnish GDP growth of 9.4 percent between 2016 and 2020, the value added of core copyright industries in absolute terms grew by 19.4 percent. - In 2020, the largest core copyright industries, software and databases, accounted for approximately 74 percent of the cumulative value added of the core copyright industries in Finland. - From 2016 to 2020, the most prominent growth in core copyright industries took place in the software industry whereas the relative contribution of the press and literature decreased. - The revised WIPO Guide on Surveying the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-Based Industries has enabled a very useful increase in the comparability of studies made in different countries. Finland ranks high when it comes to the contribution of the core copyright industries but lower in terms of overall copyright contribution

    Economic Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries in Finland 2013 – 2015

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    The purpose of the present study was to measure the economic contribution of copyright-based industries to the Finnish economy in 2013, 2014 and 2015 using the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) revised methodology in this measurement and to compare the Finnish findings to the results of similar studies completed in other countries.The key findings of the study include the following:•The combined value added of copyright-based industries represented 5.38 percent of the Finnish GDP in 2015 and amounted to €11.27 billion and the combined number of employees in the copyright-based industries amounted to 136 617 and represented 5.61 percent of the total employment in Finland in 2015.•From the year 2000 to the year 2015 the economic contribution of core copyright industries has shown a moderate growth. The combined value added of core copyright industries represented 4.14 percent of the Finnish GDP in 2015 (3.28 percent in 2000) amounting to €8.67 billion.•Compared to the Finnish GDP growth of 3.04 percent between 2013 and 2015, the value added of core copyright industries in absolute terms grew by 12.73 percent.•In 2015, the two largest core copyright industries, software and databases and press and literature, accounted for approximately 85 percent of the cumulative value added of the core copyright industries in Finland.•From 2013 to 2015, in the core copyright industries the most prominent growth, in terms of value added, took place in the software industry, whereas the relative contribution of the press and literature and radio and television industry decreased.•The revised WIPO Guide on Surveying the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-Based Industries has enabled a very useful increase in the comparability of studies made in different countries. Finland ranks high when it comes to the contribution of the core copyright industries but lower in terms of overall copyright contribution.</p

    Economic Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries in Finland 2013–2015

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    The purpose of the present study was to measure the economic contribution of copyright-based industries to the Finnish economy in 2013, 2014 and 2015 using the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) revised methodology in this measurement and to compare the Finnish findings to the results of similar studies completed in other countries. The key findings of the study include the following: • The combined value added of copyright-based industries represented 5.38 percent of the Finnish GDP in 2015 and amounted to €11.27 billion and the combined number of employees in the copyright-based industries amounted to 136 617 and represented 5.61 percent of the total employment in Finland in 2015. • From the year 2000 to the year 2015 the economic contribution of core copyright industries has shown a moderate growth. The combined value added of core copyright industries represented 4.14 percent of the Finnish GDP in 2015 (3.28 percent in 2000) amounting to €8.67 billion. • Compared to the Finnish GDP growth of 3.04 percent between 2013 and 2015, the value added of core copyright industries in absolute terms grew by 12.73 percent. • In 2015, the two largest core copyright industries, software and databases and press and literature, accounted for approximately 85 percent of the cumulative value added of the core copyright industries in Finland. • From 2013 to 2015, in the core copyright industries the most prominent growth, in terms of value added, took place in the software industry, whereas the relative contribution of the press and literature and radio and television industry decreased. • The revised WIPO Guide on Surveying the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-Based Industries has enabled a very useful increase in the comparability of studies made in different countries. Finland ranks high when it comes to the contribution of the core copyright industries but lower in terms of overall copyright contribution

    Suomen meriklusteri kohti 2020-lukua

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    Suomen meriklusteri on merellisten elinkeinojen muodostama kokonaisuus, jossa toimii noin 3 000 yritystä. Tutkimukseen saatiin analysoitavaksi tilinpäätöstiedot hieman yli 1 500 yrityksestä, joiden merisektoriin liittyvien toimintojen yhteenlaskettu liikevaihto vuonna 2014 oli noin 12,7 miljardia euroa. Aineiston yritysten merisektoriin liittyvien toimintojen henkilöstön kokonaismäärä on noin 48 400 henkilöä. Noin 20 prosenttia meriklusteriyrityksistä on ainakin osittain ulkomaisessa omistuksessa, mutta näiden yritysten osuus meriklusterin kokonaisliikevaihdosta oli vuonna 2014 jopa lähes 70 prosenttia. Haastatteluissa ulkomaalainen omistus nähtiin ennen muuta mahdollisuutena, ei uhkan

    Suomen meriklusteri kohti 2020-lukua

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    Suomen meriklusteri on merellisten elinkeinojen muodostama kokonaisuus, jossa toimii noin 3 000 yritystä. Tutkimukseen saatiin analysoitavaksi tilinpäätöstiedot hieman yli 1 500 yrityksestä, joiden merisektoriin liittyvien toimintojen yhteenlaskettu liikevaihto vuonna 2014 oli noin 12,7 miljardia euroa. Aineiston yritysten merisektoriin liittyvien toimintojen henkilöstön kokonaismäärä on noin 48 400 henkilöä. Noin 20 prosenttia meriklusteriyrityksistä on ainakin osittain ulkomaisessa omistuksessa, mutta näiden yritysten osuus meriklusterin kokonaisliikevaihdosta oli vuonna 2014 jopa lähes 70 prosenttia. Haastatteluissa ulkomaalainen omistus nähtiin ennen muuta mahdollisuutena, ei uhkana. Suomen meriklusterin yritysjoukkoa tarkasteltaessa tunnistettiin kuusi päämarkkinasegmenttiä, joiden taloudellista volyymia sekä markkinakohtaisesti merkittävien yritysten lukumäärää tarkasteltiin arvioimalla yritysten meriklusterin arvonlisäyksiä. Koko meriklusterin arvonlisäykseksi tarkastellusta yritysjoukosta arvioitiin 3,8 miljardia euroa. Arvioinnin pohjalta voidaan todeta, että eri markkinat ovat keskenään tyydyttävästi tasapainossa. Taloudelliset syklit tulee ottaa meriklusterin kohdalla erityisesti huomioon, sillä kaikki markkinat eivät kehity samaan tahtiin. Meriklusteriyritysten innovaatiotoiminta on monipuolista ja kotimaisen klusterin ohella laajat kansainväliset verkostot ovat meriklusterin innovaatiotoiminnalle ensiarvoisen tärkeitä. Useimmat yritykset säilyttävät kuitenkin pääkonttorin ja siihen liittyviä keskeisiä toimintoja Suomessa. Jotta meriklusterin korkean lisäarvon toiminnoista kuten innovaatioiden kehittämisestä säilyisi merkittävä osa Suomessa tulevaisuudessakin, olisi näitä toimintoja tukevissa toimenpiteissä omaksuttava kokonaisvaltainen näkemys meriklusterin luonteesta.Lyhyen aikavälin tulevaisuusnäkymät vaihtelevat meriklusterissa sekä eri pääryhmien että yksittäisten yritysten osalta. Keskeisimpinä liiketoiminnan haasteina tutkimuksessa nousivat esille talouden epävakaa tila niin kansallisesti kuin globaalisti. Kannattavuus on monen yrityksen huolenaiheena. Meriklusteriyritykset toimivat erittäin kovassa kansainvälisessä kilpailussa, joten hintakilpailukyky on ratkaisevan tärkeää niille. Osaavan työvoiman saannin turvaaminen on yksi tulevaisuuden haasteista. Pitkän aikavälin tulevaisuutta ohjaavat eri energialähteiden käyttö, kestävän kehityksen mukainen toiminta, globaali kilpailu, raaka-aineiden kuljetusreittien muutos, merten luonnonvarojen käyttö, kansainvälinen sääntely sekä digitalisaatio ja automaatio. </p

    Financial Performance of Commercial Radio in Sweden : 1999-2005

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    Financial performance of commercial radio in Sweden : 1999-2005 /

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