137 research outputs found

    Powerful Prose

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    What makes a reading experience »powerful«? This volume brings together literary scholars, linguists, and empirical researchers to elucidate the effects and reader responses to investigate just that. The thirteen contributions theorize this widely-used, but to date insufficiently studied notion, and provide insights into the therefore still mysterious-seeming power of literary fiction. The collection investigates a variety of stylistic as well as readerly and psychological features responsible for short- and long-term effects - topics of great interest to those interested or specialized in literary studies and narratology, (cognitive) stylistics, empirical literary studies and reader response theory

    The new radio licence fee and the future of mixed financing in the context of public service broadcasting of the Federal Republic of Germany

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    Die Mischfinanzierung des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks – eine neverending Story, die bald vielleicht doch ein Ende findet? Der neue Rundfunkbeitrag soll laut Kommission zur Ermittlung des Finanzbedarfs der Rundfunkanstalten bis 2016 Mehreinnahmen von bis zu 1,5 Milliarden Euro einbringen. Sind die zusätzlichen Werbeeinahmen damit noch gerechtfertigt? Gegner der Mischfinanzierung sagen klar nein und fordern lauter als je zuvor die Abschaffung der ohnehin schon beschränkten Werbeschaltungen der Öffentlich-Rechtlichen. Was sind die Argumente für und gegen diese Abschaffung? Welche Auswirkungen hätte ein Verbot von Werbung und Sponsoring im öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk? „Der neue Rundfunkbeitrag und die Zukunft der Mischfinanzie-rung“ gibt einen Überblick über die Diskussion, das duale Mediensystem und gibt eine Prognose über die Zukunft der Mischfinanzierung ab

    Fault Injection in Native Logic-in-Memory Computation on Neuromorphic Hardware

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    Logic-in-memory (LIM) describes the execution of logic gates within memristive crossbar structures, promising to improve performance and energy efficiency. Utilizing only binary values, LIM particularly excels in accelerating binary neural networks, shifting it in the focus of edge applications. Considering its potential, the impact of faults on BNNs accelerated with LIM still lacks investigation. In this paper, we propose faulty logic-in-memory (FLIM), a fault injection platform capable of executing full-fledged BNNs on LIM while injecting in-field faults. The results show that FLIM runs a single MNIST picture 66754x faster than the state of the art by offering a fine-grained fault injection methodology

    A General Framework for Redactable Signatures and New Constructions

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    A redactable signature scheme (RSS) allows removing parts of a signed message by any party without invalidating the respective signature. State-of-the-art constructions thereby focus on messages represented by one specific data structure, e.g., lists, sets or trees, and adjust the security model accordingly. To overcome the necessity for this myriad of models, we present a general framework covering arbitrary data-structures and even more sophisticated possibilities. For example, we cover fixed elements which must not be redactable and dependencies between elements. Moreover, we introduce the notion of designated redactors, i.e., the signer can give some extra information to selected entities which become redactors. In practice, this often allows to obtain more efficient schemes. We then present two RSSs; one for sets and one for lists, both constructed from any EUF-CMA secure signature scheme and indistinguishable cryptographic accumulators in a black-box way and show how the concept of designated redactors can be used to increase the efficiency of these schemes. Finally, we present a black-box construction of a designated redactor RSS by combining an RSS for sets with non-interactive zero knowledge proof systems. All the three constructions presented in this paper provide transparency, which is an important property, but quite hard to achieve, as we also conceal the length of the original message and the positions of the redactions

    Fully Invisible Protean Signatures Schemes

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    Protean Signatures (PS), recently introduced by Krenn et al. (CANS \u2718), allow a semi-trusted third party, named the sanitizer, to modify a signed message in a controlled way. The sanitizer can edit signer-chosen parts to arbitrary bitstrings, while the sanitizer can also redact admissible parts, which are also chosen by the signer. Thus, PSs generalize both redactable signature (RSS) and sanitizable signature (SSS) into a single notion. However, the current definition of invisibility does not prohibit that an outsider can decide which parts of a message are redactable - only which parts can be edited are hidden. This negatively impacts on the privacy guarantees provided by the state-of-the-art definition. We extend PSs to be fully invisible. This strengthened notion guarantees that an outsider can neither decide which parts of a message can be edited nor which parts can be redacted. To achieve our goal, we introduce the new notions of Invisible RSSs and Invisible Non-Accountable SSSs (SSS\u27), along with a consolidated framework for aggregate signatures. Using those building blocks, our resulting construction is significantly more efficient than the original scheme by Krenn et al., which we demonstrate in a prototypical implementation
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