653 research outputs found

    Mohaflorisztikai vizsgálatok az egykori almásfüzitői timföldgyár környékén = Bryofloristial studies in an abandoned alumina refinery near Almásfüzitő, NW Hungary (a case study)

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    Abstract – Based on data collected during field surveys between 2012–2014, the author presents the results of bryofloristical studies carried out in an abandoned alumina refinery. The author has detected altogether 46 bryophytes from the territory, of which 15 species are new to the bryoflora of the settlement. In the surroundings of the industrial zone (where alumina production was carried out until 1997) some bryophytes, which are classified as least concern (Brachythecium albicans, Brachythecium tommasinii, Rhynchostegium murale) and near threatened status in the Hungarian Red List (Aloina aloides, Brachythecium glareosum, Dicranella staphylina, Didymodon insulanus, Orthotrichum pumilum), can be found. Keywords: bryoflora, industrial zone, near-threatened mosses, special substrates | Összefoglalás – A 2012–2014 közötti időszakban végzett mohaflorsztikai kutatások eredményeképpen összesen 46 mohafaj azonosítása történt meg az almásfüzitői timföldgyár környékéről, melyek közül 15 taxon új Almásfüzitőre. Az ezredforduló előtti évtizedekben intenzív termelést folytató, mára felhagyott ipari gyáregység és a hozzá kapcsolódó területek különféle mesterséges élőhelyein a közönséges fajok mellett természetvédelmi szempontból figyelmet érdemlő (Brachythecium albicans, Brachythecium tommasinii, Rhyncostegium murale) és veszélyeztetettség közeli (Aloina aloides, Brachythecium glareosum, Dicranella staphylina, Didymodon insulatus, Orthotrichum pumilum) mohataxonok is megtalálják életfeltételeiket. Kulcsszavak: ipari övezet, mohaflóra, speciális aljzatok, veszélyeztettség közeli fajo

    Acta Biologica Plantarum Agriensis (7.)

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    Preliminary results of bryofloristical investigations in Balaton village (NE-Hungary)

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    During the last decades, the bryophyte flora of several European settlements have been studied, but these bryofloristical and ecological investigations carried out in inhabited areas usually focus on the urban areas of large cities. There are only a few publications on the bryophytes of the inhabited areas of Hungary and these works focus only on the documentation of floristic data. The main objective of the present project is the presentation of the bryophyte flora and diversity of the village of Balaton. The village occupies an area of 13.2 km2 and is located in northeastern Hungary, in the so called Heves (Ózd-Egercsehi Basin) region, on the bank of the Eger stream and has about 1000 inhabitants. The settlement lies at 290 – 320 m a.s.l. (above sea level). The field work was started in September of 2017. Random sampling was performed in different habitats and microhabitats within the administrative borders of the village including the family house, traffic, sport, garden, watercourse, cemetery and forest areas. The bryophyte flora of Balaton is similar to that of nearby Middle European settlements, which was primarily explained by the presence of common and frequent species (e.g. Ceratodon purpureus, Grimmia pulvinata, Barbula unguiculata, Hypnum cupressiforme), characteristic of urban environments. Work of Dominika Zsólyom was supported by the ÚNKP-17-1 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities


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    Abstract: According to the present investigations 54 bryophyte species were collected in the Arboretum of Erdőtelek, including 3 liverworts and 51 mosses. Most of this species are common in Hungary, one of them is vulnerable (Orthotrichum patens) and three species are listed as near threatened in the Hungarian Red Data List: Brachythecium glareosum, Cirriphyllum piliferum and Orthotrichum obtusifolium. In the recent paper a comparison of the number of bryophytes recorded in Hungarian botanical gardens and arboretums is presented