267 research outputs found

    Laser induced distortion of band structure in solids: an analytic model

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    We consider a spatially periodic (cosine) potential as a model for a crystalline solid that interacts with a harmonically oscillating external electric field. This problem is periodic both in space and time and can be solved analytically using the Kramers-Henneberger co-moving frame. By analyzing the stability of the closely related Mathieu-type differential equation, the electronic band structure can be obtained. We demonstrate that by changing the field intensity, the width of the zero-field band gaps can be drastically modified, including the special case when the external field causes the band gaps to disappearComment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    What can economics teach us about Santa Claus?

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    In this paper we sketch a theory about the role of supernatural beliefs in incentivizing "good" behavior among children by parents. We present a simple theory on the production and the use of certain supernatural beliefs by parents to influence their children’s behavior. A prime example of this is the idea of Santa Claus and the idea that Santa Claus rewards children according to how well they have behaved during the year. We show that under standard conditions parents face a time inconsistency problem when trying to incentivize their offspring. We claim that the production of beliefs in certain supernatural or quasi-supernatural persons who allegedly have infinite lives can help parents discipline their children. Finally, we extend this logic to a community and its ruler or rulers. We show that rulers can have incentives to influence the beliefs of their subjects. This incentive is greater whenever the ruler is a monopolist and when he or she expects to rule for a long period. Rulers with limited ability and/or superior technology for producing beliefs will also supply more supernatural stories to enforce their rule

    Cognitive Model for Image Sensor Motion Control

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    This paper presents a neurobiology and cognitive psychology inspired model, implemented using a neural-network-like parallel computational strategy. The goal of the model is to show how a visual cortex inspired system can control camera alignment using a given camera hardware setup, in a similar way to the brain´s controlling eye movements. The system (computational model and camera hardware) are integrated into an experimental environment, the Intelligent Space, a room of ubiquitous computing. The intelligent space is based on several Distributed Intelligent Network Devices (DIND). A DIND has a sensor input, integrated intelligence and a communication interface. The model presented in this paper serves as the integrated intelligence component of a particular DIND. The proposed model implemented in a parallel hardware performs real time operation

    Recent Advances Of Mucosal Capnometry And The Perspectives Of Gastrointestinal Monitoring In The Critically Ill. A Pilot Study

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    Mucosal capnometry involves the monitoring of partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) in mucous membranes. Different techniques have been developed and applied for this purpose, including sublingual or buccal sensors, or special gastrointestinal tonometric devices. The primary use of these procedures is to detect compensated shock in critically ill patients or patients undergoing major surgery. Compensatory mechanisms, in the early phases of shock, lead to the redistribution of blood flow towards the vital organs, within ostensibly typical macro-haemodynamic parameters. Unfortunately, this may result in microcirculatory disturbances, which can play a pivotal role in the development of organ failure. In such circumstances mucosal capnometry monitoring, at different gastrointestinal sites, can provide a sensitive method for the early diagnosis of shock. The special PCO2 monitoring methods assess the severity of ischaemia and help to define the necessary therapeutic interventions and testing of these monitors have justified their prognostic value. Gastrointestinal mucosal capnometry monitoring also helps in determining the severity of ischaemia and is a useful adjunctive in the diagnosis of occlusive splanchnic arterial diseases. The supplementary functional information increases the diagnostic accuracy of radiological techniques, assists in creating individualized treatment plans, and helps in follow-up the results of interventions. The results of a pilot study focusing on the interrelation of splanchnic perfusion and gastrointestinal function are given and discussed concerning recent advances in mucosal capnometry

    Psychic Punishment Costs and Deterrence

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    In this paper we analyze criminal deterrence in the presence of specific psychic costs of punishments. We consider a dynamic model with three players, analyzing the choices of a representative lawmaker, potential criminal and judge. In our setting the lawmaker decides whether to introduce a fixed punishment enhancement above a chosen threshold of crime level, depending on its popularity among the voters. In reaction, the judge, who is influenced by her own preferences as well as the opinion of her peer group, might change the probability of punishment, through affecting the standard of reasonable doubt. Our results suggest that large discontinuous and mandatory increases in punishment can have unintended effects that are contrary to the stated goal of such punishment enhancements. In equilibrium, when either the judge or her peer group is "anti-punishment" enough, the level of criminal activity might increase in response to the punishment enhancement. This perverse effect is less likely to occur if there is a higher number of peer groups within the "elite", so that a greater extent of self-selection by judges can occur. Our results have relevance for a number of areas outside the traditional criminal justice system as well, such as special courts (such as ecclesiastical or military courts), or the strictness and enforcement of regulations

    Data on the terrestrial Isopoda fauna of the AlsĂł-hegy, Aggtelek National Park, Hungary

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    Field surveys in dolines of AlsĂł-hegy, Aggtelek Karst (Hungary) yielded 10 terrestrial isopod species. Despite of the relatively low species richness, we would like to emphasize the high naturalness of the area indicated by the presence of endemic and rare species

    Szorongás, depresszió, egészségkontrollhit és az egészség-magatartással való kapcsolatuk ischaemiás szívbetegek körében

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: Az ischaemiás szívbetegség vezető haláloknak számít hazánkban. Kialakulásában és a betegség prognózisában is kiemelkedő szerepet játszanak a mentális és az életmódbeli tényezők. Célkitűzés: Ischaemiás szívbetegek körében a szorongás, a depresszió és az egészséggel kapcsolatos kontrollérzés, valamint az egészség-magatartások összefüggéseinek elemzése. Módszer: Keresztmetszeti vizsgálatban 116 kardiológiai rehabilitációs osztályon fekvő beteg vett részt (56,9% férfi, átlagéletkor: 57,65±8,22 év). Eredmények: A betegek 30,9%-a számolt be megemelkedett szorongásról és 21,9%-a depressziós hangulatról. Az egészségkontrollhit tekintetében e betegek körében a más személyek befolyásában való hit volt a legerősebb. A kevésbé szorongó és kevesebb depressziós tünetet mutató betegek gyakrabban figyeltek oda az egészséges táplálkozásra és a testmozgásra. Az erősebb belső kontrollhittel rendelkezők nagyobb eséllyel végeztek testmozgást, a társas külső kontroll skálán magas értéket mutatók pedig nagyobb valószínűséggel keresték fel orvosukat, ha betegségre gyanakodtak. Következtetések: A kardiológiai rehabilitáció során fontos a szívbetegséggel kapcsolatos mentális tényezők átfogó vizsgálata és szükség esetén adekvát pszichológiai intervenciók alkalmazása. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(20), 813–822
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