77 research outputs found

    Az érkező légi forgalom folyamatos süllyedéssel történő megközelítését biztosító irányítói támogatóeszköz koncepciója

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    A forgalmas repülőtereken jelentős problémát okoz az érkező és induló légi járművek környezetvédelmi, gazdasági és üzemirányítási szempontból hatékony kezelése. Az érkező forgalom folyamatos süllyedéssel történő bevezetése különösen nagy kihívást jelent, ha a légi járművek egymástól függetlenül, eltérő irányokból közelítik meg a repülőteret. Jelen cikkben bemutatásra kerül egy olyan új koncepció, amely együttesen kezeli a különböző irányokból és útvonalakon érkező légi járművekkel kapcsolatos sorrendezési és optimális profilalkotási kérdéseket

    Heterocladium dimorphum (Heterocladiaceae, Bryophyta) – an old element of the Hungarian bryophyte flora rediscovered

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    Heterocladium dimorphum is considered to be a data-defi cient moss species that has been neither collected nor observed in the last 46 years in Hungary. During the systematic fi eld studies aimed at exploring the recent bryophyte fl ora of the Kőszeg Mts and in the framework of grid-cell based bryophyte recording, H. dimorphum was discovered in two new locations of the Kőszeg Mts and re-found in one of the old locations in the Visegrád Mts. Th e size of populations is estimated and the habitats are characterized. Illustrations and a short description of the species are provided. Th e previous occurrences of H. dimorphum in Hungary are listed based on the specimens of the bryophyte collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest (BP). Based on the extant populations, the species is considered as endangered (EN)

    Analysis of a novel RNA virus in a wild northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus)

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    Tombusviruses are generally considered plant viruses. A novel tombus-/carmotetravirus-like RNA virus was identified in a faecal sample and blood and muscle tissues from a wild northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus). The complete genome of the virus, called H14-hedgehog/2015/HUN (GenBank accession number MN044446), is 4,118 nucleotides in length with a readthrough stop codon of type/group 1 in ORF1 and lacks a poly(A) tract at the 3' end. The predicted ORF1-RT (RdRp) and the capsid proteins had low (31-33%) amino acid sequence identity to unclassified tombus-/noda-like viruses (Hubei tombus-like virus 12 and Beihai noda-like virus 10), respectively, discovered recently in invertebrate animals. An in vivo experimental plant inoculation study showed that an in vitro-transcribed H14-hedgehog/2015/HUN viral RNA did not replicate in Nicotiana benthamiana, Chenopodium quinoa, or Chenopodium murale, the most susceptible hosts for plant-origin tombusviruses

    Comparison of different preparation techniques of dried blood spot quality controls in newborn screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia

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    In newborn screening, samples suspected for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), a potentially lethal inborn error of steroid biosynthesis, need to be confirmed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Daily quality controls (QCs) for the 2(nd)-tier CAH assay are not commercially available and are therefore generally prepared within the laboratory. For the first time, we aimed to compare five different QC preparation approaches used in routine diagnostics for CAH on the concentrations of cortisol, 21-deoxycortisol, 11-deoxycortisol, 4-androstenedione and 17-hydroxyprogesterone in dried blood spots. The techniques from Prep1 to Prep5 were tested at two analyte concentrations by spiking aliquots of a steroid-depleted blood, derived from washed erythrocyte suspension and steroid-depleted serum. The preparation processes differed in the sequence of the preparation steps and whether freeze-thaw cycles were used to facilitate blood homogeneity. The five types of dried blood spot QCs were assayed and quantitated in duplicate on five different days using a single calibration row per day. Inter-assay variations less than 15% and concentrations within +/- 15% of the nominal values were considered acceptable. Results obtained by means of the four dried blood spot QC preparation techniques (Prep1, Prep2, Prep4 and Prep5) were statistically similar and remained within the +/- 15% ranges in terms of both reproducibility and nominal values. However, concentration results for Prep3 (spiking prior to three freeze-thaw cycles) were significantly lower than the nominal values in this setting, with differences exceeding the +/- 15% range in many cases despite acceptable inter-assay variations. These findings have implications for the in-house preparation of QC samples in laboratory developed tests for CAH, including 2(nd)-tier assays in newborn screening

    Temporal Processing of Cyclopean Stimuli: A Psychophysical Study

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    In the clinical practice, the evaluation of binocular vision is carried out with the traditional Worth-4-dot test, which is based on his classic theory, suggesting three hierarchical stages of stereovision (Worth, 1906). However, according to research nowadays, binocular vision rather involves parallel pathways. We do not know how the hierarchical organizational principles set forward in the Worth model can be related to the parallel processing pathway theory. We aimed to use reaction time (RT) measurement, a traditional psychophysical method, in a series of experiments, to examine the processing time of mechanisms in stereovision by using different types of cyclopean stimuli that are only visible binocularly by individuals who have intact stereopsis. We tested the effect of correlation, disparity and contrast on RT. Overall, the results suggest that the processing of cyclopean stimuli is more time consuming than non-cyclopean ones and that the speed further depends on the disparity and contrast of the stimuli. We have failed to prove that the processing of the different types of cyclopean stimuli takes a hierarchical order, rather, the results support the idea of parallel systems

    Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin): Its Fate from Ingestion to Metabolism with Particular Emphasis on Diagnostic Approaches of Acquired Neonatal/Infantile Deficiency Detected by Newborn Screening

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    Acquired vitamin B12 (vB12) deficiency (vB12D) of newborns is relatively frequent as compared with the incidence of inherited diseases included in newborn screening (NBS) of different countries across the globe. Infants may present signs of vB12D before 6 months of age with anemia and/or neurologic symptoms when not diagnosed in asymptomatic state. The possibility of identifying vitamin deficient mothers after their pregnancy during the breastfeeding period could be an additional benefit of the newborn screening. Vitamin supplementation is widely available and easy to administer. However, in many laboratories, vB12D is not included in the national screening program. Optimized screening requires either second-tier testing or analysis of new urine and blood samples combined with multiple clinical and laboratory follow ups. Our scope was to review the physiologic fate of vB12 and the pathobiochemical consequences of vB12D in the human body. Particular emphasis was put on the latest approaches for diagnosis and treatment of vB12D in NBS


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    Az atopiás dermatitis (AD) immunpatológiai eltéréseinek megismerését célzó kutatásaink során megállapítottuk, hogy míg a Tr1 sejtek száma szignifikánsan emelkedett volt AD betegek perifériás vérében, a nTreg sejtek esetében sem a sejtszám, sem a funkció nem mutatott lényeges eltérést. Az AD gyulladásos bőrben ugyanakkor nagy számban mutattunk ki CD4+/CD25+/Foxp3+ nTreg sejteket. Elsőként közöltük, hogy akut AD epidermisben a dendritikus sejtek csoportokat alkotva helyezkednek el, melyekben szoros kapcsolat mutatható ki a dendritikus sejtek és a CD4+/CD25+/Foxp3+ T sejtek között. Fenotípusosan a sejtekre a CD1a+/CD11c+/CD40+/CD123-/CD207- felszíni molekula készlet volt jellemző. A betegek vérében mind az NKT sejtek százalékos aránya, mind pedig abszolút sejtszáma szignifikánsan csökkent. Először mutattuk ki, hogy a CD4-/CD8- NKT alcsoport szignifikánsan kevesebb IFN?-t és szignifikánsan több IL-4-et termel az egészséges kontrollokhoz képest. A perifériás vér fehérvérsejteken nem tudtuk a toll-szerű receptorok csökkent számát, vagy kóros funkcióját detektálni. Ezzel ellentétben szignifikánsan emelkedett számot találtunk, melyet következményes jellegűnek tartunk. Ezeken kívül kimutattuk, hogy AD-es betegekben a LTB4 szignál útvonal kifejezetten felerősödött egészségesekhez viszonyítva, valamint, hogy szignifikánsan magasabb a szérum IL-16 szintje, azonban ez kevésbé jelzi a szenzitizáció mértékét, mint a totál IgE szint. | Our research aimed to investigate the possible immunological alterations in atopic dermatitis (AD). While Tr1 cell number was significantly elevated in the peripheral blood of AD patients, nTreg cells showed no significant changes either in number or in function. Besides, in the inflamed AD skin CD4+/CD25+/Foxp3+ nTreg cells were detected in large amount. In the epidermis of acute AD skin the dendritic cells were located in clusters and there was a close connection between dendritic cells and the CD4+/CD25+/Foxp3+ T cells. Phenotypically the cells displayed a CD1a+/CD11c+/CD40+/CD123-/CD207- cell surface molecule feature. We found that the absolute number and percentage of NKT cells in the peripheral blood of AD patients were significantly decreased. We demonstrated that the CD4-/CD8- NKT subgroup produced significantly lower amount of IFN-gamma and significantly higher amount of IL-4 compared to healthy controls. We detected no evidence of decreased numbers or altered functions of toll-like receptors on the surface of peripheral blood leukocytes. On the other hand we detected significantly elevated number of these receptors that might be a consequential effect. Furthermore we demonstrated that the LTB4 signal pathway in AD patients was extremely powered compared to healthy volunteers, and that the serum IL-16 level was significantly elevated in AD serum that was correlated with the degree of sensitization at a lower extent than that of total serum IgE level