710 research outputs found

    Projecte CLICK: creant vincles entre les tesines del Màster en Sostenibilitat de la UPC i la pràctica professional i social

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    El projecte CLICK neix de la col•laboració entre els/les alumnes del Màster en Sostenibilitat, professorat, el Centre per a la Sostenibilitat (CITIES) i l’Associació Barrinar cap a la Sostenibilitat. El Màster en Sostenibilitat de la UPC té com a objectiu formar professionals emprenedors i agents del canvi cap a la Sostenibilitat, amb capacitat per a dissenyar i avaluar solucions globals i sostenibles, de forma interdisciplinària i amb rigor científic i tècnic. El projecte CLICK pretén vincular les tesines de final de Màster amb la pràctica professional i social del sector associatiu i no governamental, de l'empresa privada i del sector públic, possibilitant que els estudiants contribueixin a la resolució de problemes reals de la comunitat oferint una pràctica professional, basant-se en els resultats de la seva recerca. Mitjançant la col•laboració dels alumnes i professorat, esperem crear i dinamitzar una plataforma d’interacció entre el Màster en Sostenibilitat de la UPC i el món professional, social i cultural, que ofereixi als alumnes la possibilitat d’aplicar els resultats de la recerca al món real, i que ofereixi als socis la resolució de problemes reals de la seva activitat. El projecte CLICK s’emmarca dins la concepció de la Universitat com a un servei públic d’educació superior que ha de rendir comptes a la societat que n’és receptora. Des d’aquesta visió, la Universitat no només imparteix coneixement sinó que esdevé un instrument de dinamització social i econòmica, al que li cal dotar-se de les eines necessàries per identificar i donar resposta a les necessitats socials.Peer Reviewe

    Experiencia vivida de los adolescentes consumidores de drogas: un abordaje fenomenológico

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    Objective: To understand the life experience of adolescents who use illicit drugs. Method: A phenomenological qualitative study conducted in a Youth Integration Center of Sinaloa Mexico from October 2016 to July 2017. The phenomenological interview was conducted with 11 adolescent informants and was based on a leading question. Heideggerian hermeneutics were used as a reference for the analysis of the narratives that identified the phenomenon described. Results: Three categories expressed the phenomenon: family roughness, which revealed a violent, oppressive world lacking in affection and moral values; experimenting in the world of drug use, which revealed its existence and experimentation with several drugs and the novelty in that world; and the hope of “being there”, which portrays an individual with possibilities to coexist with themselves, society, family, loved ones and their spirituality. Conclusion: The understanding of the life experience reflects the adolescent drug user’s need for sensitive and comprehensive human care provided by a multidisciplinary health team.Objective: To understand the life experience of adolescents who use illicit drugs. Method: A phenomenological qualitative study conducted in a Youth Integration Center of Sinaloa Mexico from October 2016 to July 2017. The phenomenological interview was conducted with 11 adolescent informants and was based on a leading question. Heideggerian hermeneutics were used as a reference for the analysis of the narratives that identified the phenomenon described. Results: Three categories expressed the phenomenon: family roughness, which revealed a violent, oppressive world lacking in affection and moral values; experimenting in the world of drug use, which revealed its existence and experimentation with several drugs and the novelty in that world; and the hope of “being there”, which portrays an individual with possibilities to coexist with themselves, society, family, loved ones and their spirituality. Conclusion: The understanding of the life experience reflects the adolescent drug user’s need for sensitive and comprehensive human care provided by a multidisciplinary health team

    Detección de compuestos orgánicos mediante LIBS en rocas de interés en exploración planetaria. Aplicaciones en Astrobiología

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    La integración de instrumentos LIBS en misiones de exploración planetaria es una realidad desde hace ya unos años, siendo una tecnología conducente a la obtención de información multielemental en las distintas rocas y minerales existentes en la superficie de Marte. Su gran eficacia ha sido demostrada en muchos de los trabajos publicados hasta la fecha por los equipos de investigación participantes en la misión Mars Science Laboratory (MSL). Uno de los objetivos primordiales de dichas investigaciones radica en la detección de posibles bioindicadores [1], así como en la identificación y discriminación mediante LIBS de compuestos orgánicos, tarea que puede llegar a ser compleja ya que, entre otros aspectos, se trata de una técnica muy sensible a las condiciones ambientales (composición de la atmósfera y presión existente) [2] [3]. El presente trabajo ha buscado por un lado, evaluar el efecto de la atmósfera existente en el planeta rojo (rica en CO2 con 7mb de presión media) en la formación de plasmas inducidos por láser a partir de la ablación de muestras formadas por matrices inorgánicas dopadas con compuestos orgánicos seleccionados. Por otro lado, a partir de las diferentes huellas espectrales obtenidas en dichas condiciones y mediante la aplicación de técnicas quimiométricas adaptadas, se estudian las posibilidades de identificación de dichos referentes orgánicos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Social media and eating disorder psychopathology: a systematic review

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    The relationship between socialization through social media (SM) and eating disorders (EDs) is a serious problem for public health, largely affecting the mental health of younger people. This work aimed to identify scientific works addressing ED psychopathologies, studying their relationship with SM usage. In this systematic review, we analyze the available scientific evidence, thereby providing tools for intervention, prevention, and treatment. A systematic review and PRISMA analysis of narrative syntheses was carried out. Works were selected from the databases of Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and PsycINFO. Out of a total of 257 references, 19 articles were identified and selected; among them, correlational studies predominated. A growing interest in the subject matter was identified, as it is undergoing constant changes. The investigations found that EDs and SM usage are influenced by the time spent on SM, the type of interactions, and shared photographs, as well as gender and sociocultural context

    Effects of short-term hyposalinity stress on four commercially important bivalves: A proteomic perspective

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    Increased heavy rainfall can reduce salinity to values close to 0 in estuaries. Lethal and sublethal physiological and behavioural effects of decreases in salinity below ten have already been found to occur in the commercially important clam species Venerupis corrugata, Ruditapes decussatus and R. philippinarum and the cockle Cerastoderma edule, which generate an income of ∼74 million euros annually in Galicia (NW Spain). However, studies of the molecular response to hyposaline stress in bivalves are scarce. This ‘shotgun’ proteomics study evaluates changes in mantle-edge proteins subjected to short-term hyposaline episodes in two different months (March and May) during the gametogenic cycle. We found evidence that the mantle-edge proteome was more responsive to sampling time than to hyposalinity, strongly suggesting that reproductive stages condition the stress response. However, hyposalinity modulated proteome profiles in V. corrugata and C. edule in both months and R. philippinarum in May, involving proteins implicated in protein folding, redox homeostasis, detoxification, cytoskeleton modulation and the regulation of apoptotic, autophagic and lipid degradation pathways. However, proteins that are essential for an optimal osmotic stress response but which are highly energy demanding, such as chaperones, osmoprotectants and DNA repair factors, were found in small relative abundances. In both months in R. decussatus and in March in R. philippinarum, almost no differences between treatments were detected. Concordant trends in the relative abundance of stress response candidate proteins were also obtained in V. corrugata and C. edule in the different months, but not in Ruditapes spp., strongly suggesting that the osmotic stress response in bivalves is complex and possibly influenced by a combination of controlled (sampling time) and uncontrolled variables. In this paper, we report potential molecular targets for studying the response to osmotic stress, especially in the most osmosensitive native species C. edule and V. corrugata, and suggest factors to consider when searching for biomarkers of hyposaline stress in bivalves.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CTM2014-51935-RXunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC2013-004Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2017/46Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2020/05Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Investor sentiment in the theoretical field of behavioural finance

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    Investor sentiment is a research area in the theoretical field of behavioural finance that analyses the sentiment of investors and the way it influences stock market activity. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of publications in this area, which indicates its incremental relevance. To date, there is no consensus on the theoretical structure of behavioural finance nor on the investor sentiment research area. We have used co-citation, bibliographic coupling and co-occurrence analysis to provide an overview of the structure of investor sentiment. Therefore, this study contributes to defining the theoretical structure of investor sentiment by identifying the foundations of the research area and main journals, references, authors, or keywords, which represent the core of knowledge of this research area. The results obtained suggest that investor sentiment is related to efficient market theory and behavioural finance theories. Furthermore, investor sentiment is a relevant research field, especially since 2014. Advances in computer science or theories based on physics or mathematics can help to better define the influence of investor sentiment on stock markets. This study advances research on investor sentiment within the field of behavioural finance, thus showing its relevance

    Caracterización “in-situ” de aerosoles en entornos industriales agresivos mediante libs a distancia

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    Este trabajo se ha centrado en evaluar las posibilidades analíticas de detección “in situ” de aerosoles sólidos generados durante la fabricación de acero, así como en la determinación de su composición elemental, Con este objetivo, se diseñó un analizador LIBS de pulso doble compacto y versátil, capaz de muestrear a distancias de hasta ocho metros y trabajar en estos entornos industriales hostiles. Se investigaron dos modos de interacción entre el rayo láser y las partículas en el aire, denominados, regímenes de láser de pulso único y de pulso doble.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Técnicas láser de excitación y levitación óptica para la identificación de nanopartículas, Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Ref. CTQ2014-56058-P

    Non-invasive Estimation of Atrial Fibrillation Driver Position With Convolutional Neural Networks and Body Surface Potentials

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    [EN] Atrial fibrillation (AF) is characterized by complex and irregular propagation patterns, and AF onset locations and drivers responsible for its perpetuation are the main targets for ablation procedures. ECG imaging (ECGI) has been demonstrated as a promising tool to identify AF drivers and guide ablation procedures, being able to reconstruct the electrophysiological activity on the heart surface by using a non-invasive recording of body surface potentials (BSP). However, the inverse problem of ECGI is ill-posed, and it requires accurate mathematical modeling of both atria and torso, mainly from CT or MR images. Several deep learning-based methods have been proposed to detect AF, but most of the AF-based studies do not include the estimation of ablation targets. In this study, we propose to model the location of AF drivers from BSP as a supervised classification problem using convolutional neural networks (CNN). Accuracy in the test set ranged between 0.75 (SNR = 5 dB) and 0.93 (SNR = 20 dB upward) when assuming time independence, but it worsened to 0.52 or lower when dividing AF models into blocks. Therefore, CNN could be a robust method that could help to non-invasively identify target regions for ablation in AF by using body surface potential mapping, avoiding the use of ECGI.This work has been partially supported by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (PID2019-105032GB-I00), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (supported by FEDER Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional PI17/01106 and RYC2018-024346B-750), Consejeria de Ciencia, Universidades e Innovacion of the Comunidad de Madrid through the program RIS3 (S-2020/L2-622), EIT Health (Activity code 19600, EIT Health is supported by EIT, a body of the European Union) and the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 860974.Cámara-Vázquez, MÁ.; Hernández-Romero, I.; Morgado-Reyes, E.; Guillem Sánchez, MS.; Climent, AM.; Barquero-Pérez, O. (2021). Non-invasive Estimation of Atrial Fibrillation Driver Position With Convolutional Neural Networks and Body Surface Potentials. Frontiers in Physiology. 12:1-11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.733449S1111

    Low-risk polycythemia vera treated with phlebotomies: clinical characteristics, hematologic control and complications in 453 patients from the Spanish Registry of Polycythemia Vera

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    Myelofibrosis; Phlebotomies; ThrombosisMielofibrosi; Flebotomies; TrombosiMielofibrosis; Flebotomías; TrombosisHematological control, incidence of complications, and need for cytoreduction were studied in 453 patients with low-risk polycythemia vera (PV) treated with phlebotomies alone. Median hematocrit value decreased from 54% at diagnosis to 45% at 12 months, and adequate hematocrit control over time ( 60 years, and microvascular symptoms constituted the main indications for starting cytoreduction. Median duration without initiating cytoreduction was significantly longer in patients younger than 50 years (< 0.0001). The incidence rate of thrombosis under phlebotomies alone was 0.8% per year and the estimated probability of thrombosis at 10 years was 8.5%. The probability of arterial thrombosis was significantly higher in patients with arterial hypertension whereas there was a trend to higher risk of venous thrombosis in cases with high JAK2V617F allele burden. Rates of major bleeding and second primary neoplasm were low. With a median follow-up of 9 years, survival probability at 10 years was 97%, whereas the probability of myelofibrosis at 10 and 20 years was 7% and 20%, respectively. Progression to acute myeloid leukemia was documented in 3 cases (1%). Current management of low-risk PV patients is associated with low rate of thrombosis and long survival. New treatment strategies are needed for improving hematological control and, in the long term, reducing progression to myelofibrosis.This work was supported by PI18/01472, PI18/00205, and PI21/00231 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), through the Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación. GEMFIN received a grant from Novartis for the development of the Spanish Registry of Polycythemia Vera and for conducting the present project