151 research outputs found

    Bringing pervasive embedded networks to the service cloud: a lightweight middleware approach

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    The emergence of novel pervasive networks that consist of tiny embedded nodes have reduced the gap between real and virtual worlds. This paradigm has opened the Service Cloud to a variety of wireless devices especially those with sensorial and actuating capabilities. Those pervasive networks contribute to build new context-aware applications that interpret the state of the physical world at real-time. However, traditional Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), which are widely used in the current Internet are unsuitable for such resource-constraint devices since they are too heavy. In this research paper, an internetworking approach is proposed in order to address that important issue. The main part of our proposal is the Knowledge-Aware and Service-Oriented (KASO) Middleware that has been designed for pervasive embedded networks. KASO Middleware implements a diversity of mechanisms, services and protocols which enable developers and business processing designers to deploy, expose, discover, compose, and orchestrate real-world services (i.e. services running on sensor/actuator devices). Moreover, KASO Middleware implements endpoints to offer those services to the Cloud in a REST manner. Our internetworking approach has been validated through a real healthcare telemonitoring system deployed in a sanatorium. The validation tests show that KASO Middleware successfully brings pervasive embedded networks to the Service Cloud

    Vague de chaleur marine dans le Pacifique Sud-Est causée par une combinaison de facteurs atmosphériques et océaniques

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    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are discrete warm-water anomalies events occurring in every ocean around the globe, in both coastal and open ocean, having major impacts on ecosystems, fisheries and aquaculture. They are generally caused by a combination of oceanic and atmospheric conditions that favours the increase of the sea surface temperature and/or reduce the heat transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere. Here we investigated through satellite data the formation of a MHW offshore the Chilean Patagonia in the Southeast Pacific Ocean which lasted from May to October 2016. That MHW was identifiable through the presence of unusually low heat transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere. This lower than usual heat loss from the ocean was due to the temporary reduction of the wind speed, causing reduced oceanic latent heat loss. These factors, added to the advection of anomalously warm waters from the extratropical South Pacific, favoured the development of a long-lasting MHW

    Motion-based design of viscous dampers for cable-stayed bridges under uncertainty conditions

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    Passive damping devices are widely installed to control the vibration level of stay cables of bridges induced by wind action. The design of passive damping devices must ensure the performance for the all the life-cycle of the structure. In this sense, the design should consider the changes of the pre-fixed parameters and environmental conditions. For this purpose, the motion-based design method under uncertainty conditions is used in this study to carry out the design of a viscous damper. Following this approach, the design requirements are established according to the maximum accepted motions of the structure and the damper device is optimized. In order to validate the method, a benchmark structure is considered. The uncertainty conditions are numerically simulated following a probabilistic approach. As simulation method, the Latin Hypercube is employed. The reliability index is used as reference parameter for the probabilistic assessment.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund under project RTI2018-094945-B-C21Universidad de Sevilla Ref: USE-17047-GSpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities project SEED-SD RTI2018-099639-B-I0

    Evaluación del clima laboral en el desempeño de labores en la Empresa GANO ITOUCH S.A. de C.V. dedicada a la distribución de bebidas de Ganoderma Lucidum.

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    La empresa GANO ITOUCH, S.A. DE C.V., cuyo objetivo es brindar los mejores servicios de bebidas de Ganoderma Lucidum por su calidad y sabor que lo hace único por medido de las bebidas instantáneas que distribuye. Actualmente la Gerencia tiene un presentimiento que las actividades laborales de todos los trabajadores ya que no la ejercen emotivamente ni eficientemente, por tal razón, la empresa teme que afecte negativamente el desarrollo de las funciones y que estas bajen el nivel de valores que caracterizan a la empresa y que se genere un clima laboral pernicioso. GANO ITOUCH, está interesada en aplicar una evaluación al desempeño de funciones a cada uno de los trabajadores que permita identificar cuáles son las fortalezas y debilidades de cada colaborador y de esta manera reconocer la importancia que tiene la evaluación para cada trabajador, identificando sus propios intereses, objetivos y refuerzos que se puedan presentar en el ente y que estos puedan influir en el desarrollo por medio de un buen clima laboral. Para poder solucionar las dificultades que pueda surgir en el desarrollo de las actividades labores, brindamos en el siguiente estudio la “Evaluación del clima laboral en el desempeño de labores en la empresa GANO ITOUCH, S.A. DE C.V., dedicada a la distribución de bebidas de Ganoderma Lucidum” en el cual se presenta el trabajo de la siguiente manera: En el primer capítulo se encuentra el planteamiento del problema, los antecedentes generales de la empresa, la formulación del tema a evaluar, su respectivo marco teórico, la historia organizacional de la empresa, su ubicación, misión y visión, los valores que identifican a la empresa, los recurso con los que cuenta GANO ITOUCH, como también su estructura organizacional, también se encuentra un marco legal e institucional, marco general del tema de estudio que está derivado de las leyes que rigen lo respaldan. También forma parte de esta evaluación el diagnóstico situacional en donde se utilizó en el desarrollo de esta investigación la técnica principal “La Encuesta”, como instrumento el cuestionario y utilizamos el tipo de investigación descriptiva. Identificando como variables dependientes e independientes. El diseño metodológico se aplicó por las ii técnicas e instrumentos a utilizar para recopilar la información, el tipo de investigación que se tomó en cuenta para el desarrollo de esta propuesta, el objeto de estudio que se presentó, unidades de análisis de donde se recolectaron los datos, así como también su población y muestra, se definieron variables e indicadores. Se recomienda a la compañía GANO ITOUCH que para mejorar el ambiente laboral es necesario tomar en cuenta programar reuniones para mejorar aspectos de comunicación entre los empleados y los supervisores, fomentar la sana convivencia entre colaboradores por medio de actividades de recreación, realizar revisión y ajustes salariales esto para obtener mejores resultados en los objetivos y metas de cada uno de los colaboradores mejorando el ambiente laboral que se tiene, esta información fue obtenido por medio de una encuesta para los colaboradores considerando las conclusiones del ambiente laboral que se tiene y realizando recomendaciones a la empresa para su mejora. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, nos podemos referir a las percepciones en el ambiente de trabajo de las instituciones, no sé ni toca, pero tiene una existencia real que influye en el desempeño de los miembros de la organización, el logro de los objetivos establecidos solo se puede lograr manejando una buena convivencia entre compañeros de trabajo, es decir un buen clima laboral

    Linking Seasonal Reduction of Microbial Diversity to Increase in Winter Temperature of Waters of a Chilean Patagonia Fjord

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    Since microorganisms play a major role in the biogeochemistry of the ocean, understanding structure and dynamics of natural microbial communities is crucial in assessing the impact of environmental changes on marine ecosystems. In order to identify key environmental drivers of microbial community structure in Chilean Patagonian fjords, we analyzed composition of the prokaryotic community over an annual cycle at a single sampling site in Puyuhuapi Fjord. Distinctive communities represented mainly by Actinomycetales, Rhodobacteraceae, Cryomorphaceae, and Flavobacteriaceae were associated with Estuarine Fresh Waters, whereas Cenarchaeaceae and Oceanospirillales were representative of Modified Sub Antarctic Waters present in the fjord. Salinity and oxygen were first-order factors explaining segregation of microbial communities in these contrasting water masses. Positive correlations of members of Flavobacteriaceae, Alteromonadales, and Verrucomicrobiales with diatoms in subsurface waters and of Flavobacteriales (Cryomorphaceae and Flavobacteriaceae), Rhodobacteraceae, and Pelagibacteraceae with dinoflagellates in surface waters suggest that phytoplankton composition could define specific niches for microorganisms in Puyuhuapi fjord waters. A dramatic reduction of richness and individual abundances within Flavobacteriaceae, Rhodobacteraceae, and Cenarchaeaceae families was principally explained by seasonal increase of surface water temperature, with major reduction associated with changes in temperature during winter conditions. Taxa that are sensitive to increased temperature are key components of organic matter and element cycling, and we therefore suggest that potential decrease in diversity associated with rising of surface water temperature could impact current biogeochemical status of Patagonian fjord ecosystems

    Palynostratigraphical review of the K–Pg boundary from the Ibero-Armorican Island: New data from the Maastrichtian dinosaur outcrop Veracruz 1 (Pyrenees, NE Iberian Peninsula)

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    The palynostratigraphy of the K-Pg boundary interval in SW Europe has been a subject of ongoing debate, despite numerous palynological studies in the region. To address this, we review previous publications and conduct analysis of new deposits to establish a palynostratigraphical chart. A total of 40 palynological studies within the Normapolles palynological province were reexamined to elucidate key taxa restricted to the Cretaceous (K-taxa), to the Maastrichtian-Danian interval (KPg-taxa) and those restricted to the Paleogene (Pg-taxa). Eventually, we propose 18 key taxa to differentiate a Maastrichtian from a Danian palynological assemblage within the Normapolles Province. Afterward, a palynostratigraphical analysis was carried out in Veracruz 1 (Aragonese Pyrenees), one of the more modern dinosaurbearing sites of Europe. The palynological assemblage corresponded to an upper Maastrichtian age and was composed by pteridophyte spores, gymnosperms, angiosperms, dinoflagellate cysts, algae, and fungal spores. It was predominated by angiosperm pollen (Liliaceae, post-Normapolles, and triporate pollen). The plant communities in Veracruz 1 seem to be characterized by plants from an open coastal forest prevailed by Liliaceae flowering herbs and Juglandaceae/Myricaceae dicotyledonous trees and shrubs thriving in temperate-warm paleoclimate. The Gondwanan botanical influence was also supported by the presence of Bacumorphomonocolpites sp., as this taxon was previously recorded in other upper Maastrichtian deposits from Europe.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2021-122612OB-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C-2019/28Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2020/175Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | Ref. UNAM-DGAPA 2023–2024Swedish Research Council | Ref. VR 2022-03920Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Effect of Nb as dopant of hydrotalcite catalysts during the ethanol condensation to optimize n-Butanol production

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    The present study optimizes Cu-supported catalysts on hydrotalcite for the synthesis of n-butanol whose interest is in its use as biofuel, due to its superior performance in comparison with other short-chain alcohols. The catalytic performance was improved by adding Nb to the catalytic formulation. In this way, several Cu-Nb catalysts supported on hydrotalcites (Mg/Al) with different Nb loadings were synthesized by incipient wetness impregnation and characterized by H2 temperature-programmed reduction, X-ray diffraction, N2 physisorption, CO2 and NH3 thermo-programmed desorption and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It was shown that the incorporation of Nb promoted a suitable balance between the acid-basic and redox sites, modulating the Cu0/Cu+ dehydrogenation/hydrogenation properties for the n-BuOH production. The synthesis of multiple value-added products (n-BuOH, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, and 1-hexanol) was achieved in both the liquid (at 180 ºC) and gas phase (150 350 ºC), where it was demonstrated that both the n-BuOH selectivity and ethanol con- version improved with the Nb addition. The performance of the catalysts under time on stream and their recycling is also described.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    El arbitraje

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    El arbitraje de la Revista Temas Socio-jurídicos fue realizado por RTSJ002, RTSJ006, RTSJ007, RTSJ009, RTSJ0018. El listado de personas que colaboran como árbitros se encuentra en el Centro de Investigaciones Socio-jurídicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramang