430 research outputs found

    Information and digital literacy challenges: a guide to bridge the gap between natives and digital immigrants

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    La alfabetización mediática y la alfabetización informacional se han convertido en un problema socioeconómico que excede el alcance de las bibliotecas. Las estructuras educativas formales, universidades y escuelas están seriamente involucradas en este tipo de alfabetización. Algunas instituciones privadas también están asumiendo parte de la alfabetización tecnológica de los trabajadores. Los organismos internacionales, OCDE, Unión Europea, Unesco y otros están redefiniendo las nuevas competencias básicas del siglo XXI. Las bibliotecas universitarias tienen experiencia en programas de alfabetización informacional. Falta definir el papel de las bibliotecas públicas como agentes formadores que ayuden a las distintas comunidades a superar la brecha entre nativos e inmigrantes digitales.Media and informational literacy has become a socioeconomic problem beyond the scope of the libraries. Formal education structures, universities and schools, are seriously involved in this kind of literacy. Some private institutions are also taking part in the Information Technology (IT) literacy of workers. International agencies, OECD, European Union, UNESCO and others are redefining the new basic skills for the 21st century. University libraries have experience in information literacy programs but it’s necessary to define the role of public libraries as forming agents that help different communities to bridge the gap between natives and digital immigrantsPublicad

    Intranets y preservación digital, algo más que tecnología

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    Análisis sobre la evolución de las intranets, sus actores y servicios. Se reflexiona sobre el cambio que se ha producido en las ntranets desde una perspectiva tecnológica a una perspectiva funcional, la importancia en el diseño de las intranets más allá de los criterios puramente estéticos y la urgencia en abordar cuestiones relacionadas con la preservación digital a medida que las intranets crecen

    El uso de metadatos en archivos orales digitales accesibles a través de internet

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    VI Encontro Ibérico EDICIC 2013En la actualidad, y en el contexto de internet, los archivos orales adquieren importancia y protagonismo, en parte, por los retos que plantean su conservación y preservación pero también por los avances relacionadoscon la accesibilidad y la recuperación de sus contenidos y materiales. Hoy, la tendencia de este tipo de archivos apunta a la codificación de sus contenidos en lenguaje de marcado XML, el uso metadatos y esquemas para la integración de textos, audios, imágenes fijas y en movimiento, así como de aplicaciones tecnológicas que permitan su sincronización. Sin embargo, no todos los proyectos usan los mismos esquemas de metadatos, algunos de los que más se utilizan son: Dublin Core, EBUCore, PBCore y MODS, METS, MARCXML, EAD en menor medida.Publicad

    Systematic review of the efficacy of statins for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia. Recent studies have assessed the possibility of using statins as treatment for AD. However, their efficacy is not clear. In this study, we collected the most relevant information about the efficacy of statins for the treatment of AD. We conducted a systematic literature search using MEDLINE, EMBASE and The Cochrane Library. We included clinical trials, meta-analyses and systematic reviews that analysed the efficacy of statins in AD. We also extracted the characteristics and efficacy results of the studies selected. Of the 304 articles identified, 13 complied with the inclusion criteria. The scientific quality of studies was high and their results indicated that there were no significant differences in the main efficacy variables between statins and placebo treatment for AD. Therefore, according to the available scientific evidence, statins have not shown an improvement in cognition and do not appear to offer significant benefits to patients with AD

    Open data and data repositories: a new challenge for librarians

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    The concept of open data, which demands that many more conditions be met than simple internet accessability in any format, is analyzed. Some examples are given about the importance of open data repositories in efforts to promote transparency in science and avoid scientific fraud. Some of the main problems in the management of data repositories are discussed

    Patrimônio cultural digital europeu: Europeana

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    Se presentan las principales políticas, líneas de actuación, estrategias y marcos de referencia de la Unión Europea respecto a uno de los proyectos más importantes en materia de digitalización del patrimonio cultural europeo: Europeana. Se hace un recorrido por los derechos de autor y las 14 declaraciones de derechos que admite Europeana, y se pone en relación con el uso y reutilización de los objetos digitales. Se presentan los cuatro niveles de publicación que establece el Marco de Publicación de Europeana, así como la Estrategia de Contenidos que da prioridad a la calidad de lo digitalizado, más que a la cantidad, y a las necesidades de los usuarios.The main policies, lines of action, strategies and reference frameworks of the European Union are presented with respect to one of the most important projects in the area of digitization of the European cultural heritage: Europeana. A tour of the copyright and the 14 rights declarations that Europeana admits is made, and it is related to the use and reuse of digital objects. The four levels of publication established by the Europeana Publication Framework are presented, as well as the Content Strategy that gives priority to quality of digitized material, rather than quantity and the need to improve usability and user needs.As principais políticas, linhas de acção, estratégias e estrutura de referência da União Europeia são apresentadas no que diz respeito a um dos projectos mais importantes no domínio da digitalização do património cultural europeu: Europeana. Uma revisão dos direitos autorais e 14 declarações de direitos que a Europeana admite serem feitas, e está relacionado ao uso e reutilização de objetos digitais. São apresentados os quatro níveis de publicação estabelecidos pelo Europeana Publication Framework, bem como a Estratégia de Conteúdo que prioriza a qualidade dos objetos digitalizados e não a quantidade e e usabilidade e as necessidades dos usuários

    Predicting health-related quality of life in Spanish adolescents with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and bronchial asthma

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    This study analyzed the predictive power of sociodemographic (age, sex) and medical variables (months since diagnosis and in treatment, immunotherapy, number of environmental allergens, food allergies or atopic dermatitistypes) on the quality of life of patients with rhinoconjunctivitis and bronchial asthma, using models based on comparative qualitative fuzzy analysis to compare them according to the pathology(s). Retrospective cross-sectional design.Sixty-four adolescents (65.60% boys) diagnosed with rhinoconjunctivitis and/or bronchial asthma aged between 12 and 16 years old (M= 14.02; SD = 1.45). The data were collected between February 2019 and January 2020 using the Brief Disease Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ), the Adolescent Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire (AdolRQoLQ) and the Respiratory Disease Questionnaire Self-administered and Standardized Chronicle (CRQSAS). Qualitative comparative analysis models (QCA) were used. In the QCA models, the various combinations indicated that the variables that predicted a higher quality of life for both rhinocojuntivitis symptoms and respiratory symptoms were receiving longerterm immunotherapy and a perceived lower threat of the disease. The consistencies of the models vary between 23-29%. In conclusion, the patients' QoL was explained by the presence of longerterm immunotherapy and a less threatening perception of the disease. Therefore, early multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment is importan

    Psychological aspects of pre-adolescents or adolescents with precocious puberty: A systematic review

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    Precocious puberty (PP) is an illness that appears when puberty, begins some years earlier than usual, provoking inferences in preadolescents and adolescents and their families. Therefore, the aim is to analyze if psychological consequences can be observed in groups of preadolescents or adolescents with PP. Method: A bibliographic search of the scientific literature was made following the PRISMA guide in the following databases: ProQuest, Psychinfo, Web Of Science, and Scopus. 592 studies were found, were uploaded to Covidence to make a screening, of which finally 6 were included for the revision according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Two independent evaluators made the search, selection, data extraction and quality evaluation of studies independently. The agreement degree between both was excellent in all of the cases. Results: 211 preadolescents participated in total in all studies, of which 99 were preadolescents with PP, with a mean age of 8,94 years old. Studies evaluated so heterogeneous variables, such as psychopathology, selfimage, neuropsychological and cognitive variables, and reasons to delay or stop PP. The quality of studies was moderated especially due to the low quality of the studies design, which were mostly transversal, and the representativity of the sample, being selected by convenience. Conclusions and implications: More research is needed to evaluate the psychological consequences of the PP diagnosis in pediatrics, and its protection factors, because none of the studies approached this question. We consider that it is necessary to increment the quality of these studies, and that these take a biopsychosocial perspective

    Cognitive decline and tau-associated pathology worsen after late-life depression in P301S mice.

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    Recent studies suggest that depression may be a crucial risk factor for the development of cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (AD). In fact, there is a strong association between late-life depression and AD. The age of AD onset has been shown to be accelerated in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) with a history of depression, and women appear to be particularly more vulnerable to this condition. In addition, individuals with MCI who present depressive symptoms have an elevated burden of amyloid-beta, the main toxic protein associated with AD pathology, and a higher risk of developing AD compared to non-depressed MCI patients. Although it has been described that some transgenic models of AD can develop signs similar to depression in advanced stages, the induction of AD pathology due to a depressive process has not been studied under experimental conditions to emulate late-life depression as a risk factor for dementia. The objective of this study is to determine, by inducing unpredictable mild chronic stress (CUMS) in tau transgenic P301S mice, whether depression is a cause, rather than a consequence, of tau-associated pathology. The results of our study indicate that the induction of CUMS in transgenic animals accelerates tau pathology, synaptic impairment, elevates neuroinflammation, and triggers GABAergic alterations, in addition to worsen clinical signs. The findings generated in this project could provide solid evidence of depression as a risk factor for AD and other tauopathies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Late-life depression accelerates cognitive impairment and tau-associated pathology in an Alzheimer´s disease model.

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    Clinical studies suggest that depression could be considered an important risk factor for the future development of cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (AD). In fact, there is a strong association between late-life depression and AD. The age of AD onset has been shown to be accelerated in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) with a history of depression, and women appear to be particularly more vulnerable to this condition. In addition, individuals with MCI who present depressive symptoms have an elevated burden of amyloid-beta (Aβ), the main toxic protein associated with Alzheimer's pathology, and a higher risk of developing AD compared to non-depressed MCI patients. Although it has been described that some transgenic models of AD can develop signs similar to depression in advanced stages, the induction of Alzheimer's pathology due to a depressive process has not been studied under experimental conditions to emulate late-life depression as a risk factor for AD. In this study, we induced chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) in P301S tau transgenic mice to determine whether depression is a cause, rather than a consequence, of the development of AD pathology. Our results suggest that transgenic tau mice subjected to CUMS seem to develop a depressive state. This animals display enhanced cognitive impairment compared to controls. In addition, histological studies show increased tau deposition, suggesting that late-life depression could worse AD progression by accelerating tau aggregation and worsening clinical signs. The findings generated in this project could provide evidence of depression as a risk factor for AD, providing new insights on molecular mechanisms involved in AD onset and progression.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech