2 research outputs found

    Trabajo profesional y conflicto trabajo-escuela en estudiantes-trabajadores: El papel mediador de distanciamiento psicológico del trabajo

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    In recent years there Portuguese higher education institutions have been aiming to attract more people to the educational system that are either in the labor market by offering evening and weekend graduate academic programs. Blending work and school is a demanding task and, so far, at the country level this phenomenon has received relatively little empirical attention. The purpose of the study is to build on existing work-to-school conflict literature and to explore a possible relationship between professional work load on work-to-school conflicts among working students enrolled in a master program. Moreover we test the role of psychological detachment from work as mediator in this process. This model was tested, through path analysis, using 152 working students, 88 women and 64 men, enrolled as fulltime students in evening and weekend master programs.. The model showed an adequate fit to the data, suggesting that the influence of professional work load on work-to-school conflict is fully mediated by psychological detachment from work. These findings unveil a new perspective on working students enrolled in postgraduate school, pointing out the importance of psychological detachment from work to a better understand the impact of blending work and school. Contributions to the work-school literature, future research directions, and limitations of the study are discussed. En los últimos años, las instituciones de enseñanza superior portuguesas han intentado atraer a más personas al sistema educativo que se encuentran en el mercado laboral ofreciendo programas académicos de posgrado nocturnos y de fin de semana. La combinación del trabajo y la escuela es una tarea exigente y, hasta ahora, a nivel de país este fenómeno ha recibido relativamente poca atención empírica. El propósito del estudio es basarse en la literatura sobre conflictos de trabajo a escuela existentes y explorar una posible relación entre la carga de trabajo profesional en los conflictos entre el trabajo y la escuela entre los estudiantes que trabajan matriculados en un programa de maestría. Además, probamos el papel del desapego psicológico del trabajo como mediador en este proceso. Este modelo fue probado, a través de análisis de trayectoria, utilizando 152 estudiantes de trabajo, 88 mujeres y 64 hombres, matriculados como estudiantes de tiempo completo en programas de posgrado de tarde y fin de semana. El modelo mostró un ajuste adecuado a los datos, sugiriendo que la influencia de la carga de trabajo profesional en el conflicto entre el trabajo y la escuela está plenamente mediado por el desapego psicológico del trabajo. Estos resultados revelan una nueva perspectiva sobre los estudiantes que trabajan y que frecuentan la escuela de posgrado, señalando la importancia del desapego psicológico del trabajo para comprender mejor el impacto de la mezcla de trabajo y la escuela. Se discuten las contribuciones a la literatura de la escuela de trabajo, las direcciones futuras de la investigación y las limitaciones del estudio

    Advances in the Design of Nanostructured Catalysts for Selective Hydrogenation

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    Selective hydrogenations lay at the heart of many industrial processes. The archetypal catalysts for this class of reactions are generally prepared by ‘metal poisoning’ strategies: the active metal is protected and selectively deactivated with vari- ous compounds. This approach has been applied for decades, with limited understanding. Low product selectivity and pres- ence of toxic elements in the catalyst pose severe constraints in the utilization of these materials in the future. Thus, to de- velop more sustainable catalysts, this field has recently gained momentum. This Review analyzes the concepts and frontiers that have been developed in the last decade: from nanostruc- turing less conventional metals in order to improve their ability to activate H2, to the use of oxides as active phases, from alloy- ing, to the ensemble control in hybrid materials, and site isola- tion approaches in single-site heterogeneous catalysts. Particu- lar attention is given to the hydrogenation of alkynes and ni- troarenes, two reactions at the core of the chemical industry, importantly applied in the manufacture of polymers, pharma- ceuticals, nutraceuticals, and agrochemicals. The strategies here identified can be transposed to other relevant hydrogena- tions and can guide in the design of more advanced materials