4,055 research outputs found

    The Stationary Phase Method for a Wave Packet in a Semiconductor Layered System. The applicability of the method

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    Using the formal analysis made by Bohm in his book, {\em "Quantum theory"}, Dover Publications Inc. New York (1979), to calculate approximately the phase time for a transmitted and the reflected wave packets through a potential barrier, we calculate the phase time for a semiconductor system formed by different mesoscopic layers. The transmitted and the reflected wave packets are analyzed and the applicability of this procedure, based on the stationary phase of a wave packet, is considered in different conditions. For the applicability of the stationary phase method an expression is obtained in the case of the transmitted wave depending only on the derivatives of the phase, up to third order. This condition indicates whether the parameters of the system allow to define the wave packet by its leading term. The case of a multiple barrier systems is shown as an illustration of the results. This formalism includes the use of the Transfer Matrix to describe the central stratum, whether it is formed by one layer (the single barrier case), or two barriers and an inner well (the DBRT system), but one can assume that this stratum can be comprise of any number or any kind of semiconductor layers.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures although figure 4 has 5 graph

    Local Anomalies, Local Equivariant Cohomology and the Variational Bicomplex

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    The locality conditions for the vanishing of local anomalies in field theory are shown to admit a geometrical interpretation in terms of local equivariant cohomology, thus providing a method to deal with the problem of locality in the geometrical approaches to the study of local anomalies based on the Atiyah-Singer index theorem. The local cohomology is shown to be related to the cohomology of jet bundles by means of the variational bicomplex theory. Using these results and the techniques for the computation of the cohomology of invariant variational bicomplexes in terms of relative Gel'fand-Fuks cohomology introduced in [6], we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the cancellation of local gravitational and mixed anomalies.Comment: 36 pages. The paper is divided in two part

    Detection of an ionized gas outflow in the extreme UV-luminous star-forming galaxy BOSS-EUVLG1 at z=2.47

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    BOSS-EUVLG1 is the most ultraviolet (UV) and Lyα\alpha luminous galaxy detected so far in the Universe, going through a very active starburst phase, and forming stars at a rate (SFR) of 955 ±\pm 118 M_{\odot} yr1^{-1}. We report the detection of a broad Hα\alpha component carrying 25% of the total Hα\alpha flux. The broad Hα\alpha line traces a fast and massive ionized gas outflow characterized by a total mass, log(Mout[M]),\log(M_{out}[M_{\odot}]), of 7.94 ±\pm 0.15, an outflowing velocity (Vout_{out}) of 573 ±\pm 151 km s1^{-1}, and an outflowing mass rate (M˙out\dot{M}_{out}) of 44 ±\pm 20 M_{\odot} yr1^{-1}. The presence of the outflow in BOSS-EUVLG1 is also supported by the identification of blueshifted UV absorption lines in low and high ionization states. The energy involved in the Hα\alpha outflow can be explained by the ongoing star formation without the need for an Active Galactic Nucleus. The derived low mass loading factor (η\eta= 0.05 ±\pm 0.03) indicates that although massive, this phase of the outflow can not be relevant for the quenching of the star formation. In addition, only a small fraction (\leq 15%) of the ionized outflowing material with velocities above 372 km s1^{-1} could escape the gravitational potential, and enrich the surrounding circum-galactic medium at distances above tens of kpc. The ionized phase of the outflow does not carry the mass and energy to play a relevant role neither in the evolution of the host galaxy nor in the enrichment of the intergalactic medium. Other phases of the outflow could be carrying most of the outflow energy and mass in the form of hot X-ray emitting gas as predicted by some recent simulations. The expected emission of the extended X-ray emitting halo associated with the outflow in BOSS-EUVLG1 and similar galaxies could be detected with the future X-ray observatory, {\it ATHENA} but could not be resolved spatially.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted in A&

    Magneto-caloric effect in the pseudo-binary intermetallic YPrFe17 compound

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    We have synthesized the intermetallic YPrFe17 compound by arc-melting. X-ray and neutron powder diffraction show that the crystal structure is rhombohedral with View the MathML source space group (Th2Zn17-type). The investigated compound exhibits a broad isothermal magnetic entropy change {\Delta}SM(T) associated with the ferro-to-paramagnetic phase transition (TC \approx 290 K). The |{\Delta}SM| (\approx 2.3 J kg-1 K-1) and the relative cooling power (\approx 100 J kg-1) have been calculated for applied magnetic field changes up to 1.5 T. A single master curve for {\Delta}SM under different values of the magnetic field change can be obtained by a rescaling of the temperature axis. The results are compared and discussed in terms of the magneto-caloric effect in the isostructural R2Fe17 (R = Y, Pr and Nd) binary intermetallic alloys.Comment: Preprint, 5 pages (postprint), 4 figures, regular pape

    Rotura traumática del colédoco

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    En el presente trabajo se describe un caso de rotura traumática del conducto colédoco, su diagnóstico, así como su tratamiento y evolución.The authours present in this article a case about a traumatic fracture of choledoco; diagnosis, treatment and evolution

    Genetic differentiation between two geographic subpopulations of Bermeya goat

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    Ponencia publicada en ITEA, vol.104Este trabajo es un análisis preliminar de la diversidad y grado de diferenciación genética entre las subpoblaciones Oriental y Occidental de la cabra de raza Bermeya de Asturias. Se han genotipado 27 microsatélites en 122 individuos pertenecientes a las poblaciones de cabra Bermeya Oriental, Bermeya Occidental, del Guadarrama, Alpine y Saanen. Las poblaciones de raza Bermeya presentaron heterocigosis esperadas menores de 0,6 y coascendencias moleculares dentro de población de 0,419, reflejando una alta identidad genética entre individuos. Asimismo, el número medio de alelos por locus, ajustado por el tamaño muestral, de las poblaciones Bermeya Oriental y Occidental fueron los menores encontrados (3,8 y 3,9, respectivamente). La mayor coascendencia molecular se encontró entre las poblaciones Bermeya Oriental-Guadarrama (0,388 ± 0,006), como consecuencia de la introgresión, en el Oriente asturiano de individuos de tipo Pirenáico. Este parámetro entre las poblaciones de Bermeya Oriental y Occidental fue de 0,371 ± 0,007. Puede ser necesario establecer estrategias de conservación diferenciadas para las dos poblaciones geográficas de cabra Bermeya.Two geographic subpopulations (Eastern and Western) of the Asturian Bermeya goat were analysed using 27 microsatellites. A total of 122 individuals of Bermeya, Guadarrama, Alpine and Saanen goat breeds were genotyped. The Eastern and Western Bermeya subpopulations had expected heterozygosity values lower than 0.6 and within-subpopulations molecular coancestry values of 0.419, thus illustrating a high between individuals genetic identity. The rarefacted average number of alleles per locus found in both the Eastern and the Western Bermeya subpopulations were the lowest in the dataset (3.8 and 3.9, respectively). The higher between-populations molecular coancestry values was found for the pair Eastern Bermeya-Guadarrama (0.388 ± 0.006), thus reflecting the introgression of the Pyrenean-type goat into Eastern Asturias. This parameter between the two Bermeya subpopulations was of 0.371 ± 0.007. It could be recommended the implementation of different conservation strategies for each of the geographic subpopulations of Bermeya goat

    Mapeo de Actores y Necesidades de Información Agroclimática en los Cultivos de Maíz y Frijol en sitios piloto - Colombia

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados del mapeo de actores y necesidades de información agroclimática en los cultivos transitorios de seguridad alimentaria: maíz y frijol arbustivo en sitios piloto en Colombia. A través del mapeo de los actores que transmiten información a los agricultores, la confianza en la información proporcionada, y las necesidades de información para la toma de decisiones, logramos entender el ancho espectro de problemas y prioridades a tomar en cuenta en la producción de estos cultivos, y proponer soluciones útiles, relevantes, confiables, sostenibles y aplicables. Con este enfoque, se llevaron a cabo 27 entrevistas semi-estructuradas con informantes clave y 12 grupos focales con un total de 151 agricultores en los departamentos de Córdoba y Santander. Los resultados evidencian que una de las prioridades de los agricultores es recibir información agroclimática confiable a escala local, que permita tomar mejores decisiones de siembra, variedades, insumos y manejo de suelos y cultivos ante eventos de variabilidad climática. Se evidencia una desconfianza en las instituciones oficiales que transmiten información climática y un sentimiento difuso de falta de interés de las instituciones hacia los pequeños agricultores. Los agricultores se endeudan para lograr producir fríjol arbustivo y maíz o subsidian la producción por otros cultivos, mientras el acceso a un seguro agrícola es limitado. El formato preferido para recibir información climática es a través de mensajes de texto (celular) y mensajes en la radio local. Grupos de interacción presencial o virtual entre agricultores y expertos parecen una alternativa útil y confiable para recibir y compartir información en tiempo real. Sin embargo, los agricultores están interesados en adoptar el manejo agrícola tras un pronóstico si: a) la información es local, b) proviene de una fuente considerada confiable como expertos u otros agricultores, c) se transmite en el momento adecuado para la toma de decisiones y d) si sus efectos son medibles, verificables y validados, por ejemplo, a través de resultados de pilotos o parcelas experimentales en dos años consecutivos. ENGLISH This working paper presents the results of the mapping of actors and of agroclimatic information needs in pilot sites in Colombia for two annual crops, fundamental for food security: maize and bush beans. The mapping of the actors that transmit information to farmers, the confidence the latter have in the information provided, and their information needs for decision-making, allows us to understand the broad spectrum of issues and priorities to be taken into account in the production of these crops, and suggest solutions that are useful, relevant, reliable, sustainable and applicable. Under this assumption, we conducted 27 semi-structured interviews with key informants and 12 focus groups with a total of 151 farmers in the departments of Córdoba and Santander. Results show that one of the priorities of farmers is to receive reliable local agroclimatic information that enables them to take decisions on planting, varieties, inputs, soil and crop management, that address climate variability. We find a generalized distrust of official institutions that transmit weather information, and a feeling that institutions are not interested in smallholders. Farmers resort to indebtedness to produce beans and maize, or subsidize production with cash crops, while access to agricultural insurance is limited. The format preferred to receive weather information is text messages (phone) and information through the local radio. The creation of groups of farmers and experts who interact in person or virtually seem a useful and reliable alternative to receive and share information in real time. However, farmers are only interested in adopting farm management changes after a forecast if: a) the information is local, b) the information is given by a trusted source such as experts or other farmers, c) the information is transmitted at the right time for decision-making d) the effects of taking these decisions are measurable, verifiable and validated, for example, through pilots or results from experimental plots in two consecutive years