54 research outputs found

    Influencia del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional en el desempeño laboral en AGP Customs Service, Lima, 2021

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    La presente investigación denominada: Influencia del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional en el desempeño laboral en AGP Customs Service, Lima, 2021; se llevó a cabo con el objetivo de explicar la influencia del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional en el desempeño laboral en AGP Customs Service, Lima, 2021. La metodología empleada fue de tipo aplicada, enfoque cuantitativo, método hipotético deductivo, diseño no experimental, nivel explicativo causal, y corte transversal. Asimismo, la población estuvo conformada por 50 colaboradores de la empresa, y la muestra fue censal ya que se tomó el 100% de la población. Mientras que, la técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta y el instrumento el cuestionario, el cual se desarrolló de manera virtual a través de un formulario Google y estuvo compuesto por 24 preguntas con 5 posibilidades de respuesta de escala Likert ordinal. Para ello, se realizó previamente el método de juicio de expertos para determinar la validez del instrumento y una prueba piloto de 10 encuestas a través del método de Alfa de Cronbach para medir el nivel de confiabilidad. Por otro lado, los resultados obtenidos lograron demostrar que existe influencia significativa del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional en el desempeño laboral en AGP Customs Service, el cual fue demostrada por los resultados del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson positiva muy alta (r = 0.952), nivel de significancia alta (Sig = 0.000 < α = 0.05). y el coeficiente de determinación (r 2 = 0.907)

    Asociación entre cognición y depresión en adultos mayores panameños con cognición normal y deterioro cognitivo leve

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    Depression and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in the elderly are related to the development of different types of dementia and decreased functionality. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with a sample of 73 Panamanian older adults aged 65 years or older, from the cohort of the PanamaAgingResearch Initiative (PARI). Health status and functionality were measured in activities of daily living. Cognitive functioning was measured with neuropsychological tests whose scores were combined to form six domains: global cognition, memory, language, visuospatial skills, attention, and executive functions. To measure depressive symptoms, the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-30) was used. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was performed comparing subjects with and without possible depression for each cognitive domain, in subjects with MCI and normal cognition (NC) and controlling for the variables of age and education. Significant differences were found between the groups, the group with possible depression and MCI had lower scores compared to the other groups in global cognition. Two linear regression analyzes were performed to determine the factors associated with cognitive performance in each diagnostic group individually. In the NC group, education was a significant predictor of performance in the cognitive domains, while in the MCI it was found that age, education, depression and body mass index (BMI) were related to lower cognitive performance. , depression predicted poor performance in the cognitive domains of executive functions and attention. These results could contribute to the development of health policies aimed at older adults, and to specialized prevention and intervention efforts focused on minimizing disability and its mediators.La depresión y el deterioro cognitivo leve (DCL)en el adulto mayorestánrelacionadoscon el desarrollo de distintos tipos de demencia y disminución en la funcionalidad. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con una muestra de 73adultos mayores panameños de 65 años o más, de la cohorte del PanamaAgingResearchInitiative (PARI). Se midió estado de salud y funcionalidad en las actividades de la vida diaria. El funcionamiento cognitivo fue medido con pruebas neuropsicológicas cuyos puntajes se combinaron para formar seis dominios: cognición global, memoria, lenguaje, habilidades visuoespaciales, atención y funciones ejecutivas. Para medir síntomas depresivos se utilizó la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica (GDS-30). Se realizó un análisis de covarianza (ANCOVA) comparando sujetos con y sin posible depresión para cada dominio cognitivo, en sujetos con DCL y cognición normal (CN)y controlando por las variables de edad y escolaridad. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos, el grupo con posible depresión y DCL tenía menores puntuaciones en comparación con los otros grupos en cognición global. Se realizaron dos análisis de regresión lineal para determinar los factores asociados con el desempeño cognitivo en cada grupo diagnóstico individualmente. En el grupo CN la escolaridad fue un predictor significativo del desempeño en los dominios cognitivos, mientras queen el DCL se encontróque la edad,la educación,la depresión y elíndice de masa corporal (IMC) estaban relacionados con menor desempeñocognitivo.En el grupo de DCL, depresión predijo bajo desempeño en los dominios cognitivos de funciones ejecutivas y atención. Estos resultados podrían aportar al desarrollo depolíticas de salud dirigidas a adultos mayores, y a esfuerzos especializados de prevención e intervención enfocados enminimizar la discapacidad y sus mediadores

    Inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) by D-005 (A lipid extract of Acrocomia crispa fruits)

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    This study was aimed to investigate whether the a lipid extract from Acrocomia crispa fruits (D-005) inhibits COX and 5-LOX enzyme activities in vitro. This study demonstrates that D-005 inhibits markedly and in a dose dependent manner COX-2 and 5-LOX activities. The dual inhibition of COX-2 and 5-LOX supports further research on the potential anti-inflammatory effect of D-005

    Helsinki aerosol studies

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    Presentación realizada en: 2nd ACCORD ASW celebrado del 4 al 8 de abril de 2022 en Ljubljana, Eslovenia

    Effects of Grape Seed Extract, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E on Ethanol- and Aspirin-Induced Ulcers

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    Effects of GSE and vitamins C and E on aspirin- and ethanol-induced gastric ulcer and associated increases of lipid peroxidation in rats were compared. Two experiments were conducted. Rats were randomized into eight groups: a negative control and seven groups that received aspirin or ethanol for ulcer induction: one positive control (vehicle) and six with VC, VE, or GSE (25 and 250 mg/kg). Ulcer indexes and gastric levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) were quantified. VC, VE, and GSE (25 and 250 mg/kg) decreased aspirin, and ethanol-induced ulcers and MDA values compared with positive control group. The magnitude of aspirin ulcer reduction was comparable for all treatments, and MDA decrease with GSE was higher than with VC and tended to be greater, albeit none significantly, than with VE. GSE was more effective than VC and VE for lowering the ethanol ulcers, while the decrease of MDA levels with GSE was greater than with VC, but comparable to that achieved with VE. GSE protected against ethanol-induced gastric ulcers more effectively than VC or VE, while its protection against aspirin ulcers was comparable for all treatments. GSE produced the greatest reductions of gastric MDA in both models

    Relación entre las funciones ejecutivas y el rendimiento académico en una muestra de escolares

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    In the last decade, the integration between neuroscience and education has contributed to the understanding and improvement of the educational system, in addition, there has been an interest in the study of executive functions and the academic performance of students. Executive functions are a multimodal system that coordinate higher mental processes. Research with a child population has emphasized the relationship between executive functions and cognitive abilities, literacy skills, and mathematical skills. It has been reported that alterations in executive functions could lead to poor academic performance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between executive functions and academic performance in a sample of schoolchildren.Materials and method: A correlational descriptive study was carried out with 34 students, to whom the ENFEN test was applied and the average of the first and second quarter grades of the school year as a value to measure academic achievement. Data were analyzed with Spearman's correlation coefficient. Results: It was found that the performance of most of the students in the ENFEN test was low and medium, while the academic performance of the participants was medium and high. No significant correlations were found between performance on the ENFEN and academic performance. Conclusions: The results found were opposite to what was proposed by the literature, which would lead to propose a review by the educational system to the evaluation of the cognitive and academic capacities of the students. Increasing the sample size and the use of other research designs are recommended in future studies.En la última década, la integración entre las neurociencias y la educación hacontribuido a la comprensión y mejoramiento del sistema educativo, además, se ha mostrado un interés en el estudio de las funciones ejecutivas y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes. Las funciones ejecutivas son un sistema multimodal que coordinan procesos mentales superiores. Las investigaciones con población infantil han enfatizado la relación entre las funciones ejecutivas y las capacidades cognitivas, habilidades en lectoescritura y competencias matemáticas. Se ha reportado que alteracionesen las funciones ejecutivas podría llevar a un bajo rendimiento académico. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la relación entre las funciones ejecutivas y el rendimiento académico en una muestra de escolares.Materiales y método:Se realizó un estudio descriptivo correlacional con 34 estudiantes, a los cuales se les aplicó la prueba ENFEN y se tomó el promedio de las notas del primer y segundo trimestre del año escolarcomo valor para medir rendimiento académico.Los datos se analizaron con el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Resultados:Se encontró que el desempeño de la mayoría de los estudiantes en la prueba ENFEN fue bajo y medio, mientras el rendimiento académicode los participantesfue medio y alto. No se encontraron correlaciones significativasentre la ejecución en el ENFEN y el rendimiento académico. Conclusiones:Los resultados encontrados fueron opuestos a lo planteado por la literatura, lo que conllevaría a plantear una revisión por parte del sistema educativo a la evaluación de las capacidades cognitivasy académicasde los estudiantes. Se recomienda aumentar el tamaño de la muestra y el uso de otros diseños de investigaciónen estudios futuros

    Diagnóstico de material gráfico visual en el Instituto Salvadoreño para el Desarrollo Integral de la Niñez y Adolescencia para el refuerzo y/o desarrollo de material gráfico para la promoción de derechos de la niñez

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación de proceso de grado se analizó la implementación del diseño gráfico, para el desarrollo de material publicitario o informativo sobre los programas que desarrollan las instituciones u organizaciones que trabajan por el bienestar de la niñez salvadoreña y como el diseño gráfico puede usarse para atraer y conectar mejor la información con los espectadores o grupos de enfoque. La aplicación del diseño gráfico y la ilustración para divulgar el trabajo de algunas instituciones que facilite la comunicación con la población es uno de los objetivos de esta investigación, se exploró los inicios y objetivos de una institución vital para el desarrollo y protección de los derechos de la niñez salvadoreña el Instituto Salvadoreño para el Desarrollo Integral de la Niñez y Adolescencia (ISNA). El desarrollo de la investigación se basó en el enfoque cualitativo con un método exploratorio (inductivo). En el cual, por medio de la observación y la recopilación de información por visitas de campo, entrevistas y principalmente por conversaciones con miembros claves del ISNA se obtuvieron datos que demostraban las fortalezas y limitantes que poseen en cuanto al material gráfico. Se destaca que gran parte de la investigación se desarrolló en el Departamento de Comunicación y el Departamento de Difusión y Promoción de los Derechos de la Niñez y Adolescencia del ISNA. Para tener un panorama más amplio de la investigación se destacan los orígenes de la misma, sus procesos de cambios, sus objetivos y el trabajo que desarrollan como institución pública, con el compromiso de trabajar por el bienestar de la niñez salvadoreña. La investigación culmina con la realización de tres tomos cortos bajo un concepto infantil que habla sobre los derechos de la niñez y protegidos por la LEPINA, estos documentos explican principalmente sobre los derechos que actualmente se registran con mayores números de casos en el país, los cuales son el maltrato infantil y el abuso sexual, además de ser un material de apoyo en el método de enseñanza por medio de elementos gráficos, también es un material de divulgación de la ayuda que brinda el ISNA como institución

    Effects of oral treatment (60 Days) with D-004, a lipid extract from Roystonea regia fruits, on rat prostate hyperplasia and oxidative markers

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    Short-term (14 days) treatment with D-004, a lipid extract from Roystonea regia fruits, has been shown to prevent testosterone (T)-induced prostate hyperplasia (PH) and increased oxidative stress in rat prostate, but no study has documented if such effects persist after longer treatment. This study investigated the persistence of the effects of D-004 orally given for 60 days for preventing prostate enlargement and increase of oxidative markers in rats with T-induced PH. Rats were randomized into three groups: a negative control and two T-injected that received orally vehicle (positive control) or D-004 (400 mg/kg/day), respectively. Prostate weights of positive controls significantly and markedly increased over the time, while persistent and significant reductions of such increases were seen in D-004-treated rats. Also, D-004 significantly reduced the T-induced increase of prostate conjugated diene generation and sulphydril groups concentrations, achieving a complete reduction from the day 30 after starting the treatment. Concluding, the effects of oral treatment with D-004 (400 mg/kg/day) on T-induced prostate enlargement and increased prostate oxidative markers persisted over 60 days of treatment.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Effect of oral administration of D-004, a lipid extract from Roystonea regia Fruits, on xylene-induced ear oedema in mice

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    D-004, a lipid extract from Roystonea regia fruits, consists in a mixture of free fatty acids, mainly of oleic, lauric, myristic and palmitic acids, whereas other free fatty acids are present in minor proportions. D-004 has been shown to reduce experimentally-induced prostate hyperplasia and to produce anti-inflammatory effects in a chronic inflammation model. The effects of D-004 on models of acute inflammation, however, have not been explored. This study investigated the effects of single oral doses of D-004 on the model of xylene-induced ear mice oedema. Mice were distributed into 6 experimental groups: one negative control and five xylene-treated groups: one positive control (vehicle), three treated with D-004 (100, 400 and 800 mg/kg) and one with indomethacin (10 mg/kg). Effects on oedema formation and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity were assessed. D-004 at 400 and 800 mg/kg significantly reduced both variables. The reduction of MPO activity, not of oedema formation, was dose-dependent. Concluding, D- 004 was effective as anti-inflammatory drug on the xylene-induced ear mice oedema, a model of acute inflammation.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Inflammatory Biomarkers, Depressive Symptoms and Falls Among the elderly in Panama

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    Background: Falls are common among elderly adults, and are predictors of hospitalization, institutionalization and mortality. Objective: The objective of the present study was to examine the relationship between blood-based markers of inflammation and fall events in a sample of elderly Hispanic adults. Method: Data were collected from 190 participants enrolled in the Panama Aging Research Initiative study who completed baseline clinical and cognitive assessments. A non-fasting blood sample was obtained. Self-reported falls were classified as no falls, single falls or recurrent (two or more) falls reported in the 12 months prior to baseline evaluations. Serum levels of C Reactive Protein (CRP), T-lymphocyte secreting protein (I-309), interleukin 10 (IL-10), interleukin 6 (IL-6) and interleukin 7 (IL-7) were measured. Global cognition was assessed with the Mini Mental State Examination and depressive symptoms were assessed with the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-30). Multinomial logistic regression was used to assess the link between inflammation and fall events. Results: Depressive symptoms, limitations in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), IL-7 and I-309 were significantly related to fall events. Elevated levels of IL-7 increased the likelihood of single and recurrent falls, while increased levels of I-309 were associated only with recurrent falls. Greater IADL limitations and depressive symptoms were associated with an increased likelihood of recurrent falls. Conclusion: There is a lack of research investigating the relationship between inflammatory biomarkers and fall events. These results provide evidence of risk factors for falls in Hispanic older adults, and could serve to guide public health professionals to establish clinical guidelines to reduce fall risks.Background: Falls are common among elderly adults, and are predictors of hospitalization, institutionalization and mortality. Objective: The objective of the present study was to examine the relationship between blood-based markers of inflammation and fall events in a sample of elderly Hispanic adults. Method: Data were collected from 190 participants enrolled in the Panama Aging Research Initiative study who completed baseline clinical and cognitive assessments. A non-fasting blood sample was obtained. Self-reported falls were classified as no falls, single falls or recurrent (two or more) falls reported in the 12 months prior to baseline evaluations. Serum levels of C Reactive Protein (CRP), T-lymphocyte secreting protein (I-309), interleukin 10 (IL-10), interleukin 6 (IL-6) and interleukin 7 (IL-7) were measured. Global cognition was assessed with the Mini Mental State Examination and depressive symptoms were assessed with the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-30). Multinomial logistic regression was used to assess the link between inflammation and fall events. Results: Depressive symptoms, limitations in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), IL-7 and I-309 were significantly related to fall events. Elevated levels of IL-7 increased the likelihood of single and recurrent falls, while increased levels of I-309 were associated only with recurrent falls. Greater IADL limitations and depressive symptoms were associated with an increased likelihood of recurrent falls. Conclusion: There is a lack of research investigating the relationship between inflammatory biomarkers and fall events. These results provide evidence of risk factors for falls in Hispanic older adults, and could serve to guide public health professionals to establish clinical guidelines to reduce fall risks