31 research outputs found

    Driving Forces in Carbon Dioxide Emissions of the Hungarian Transport Sector

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    This article examines the evolution of the long-lasting trends and factors affecting the transport sector, which is responsible for a significant part of Hungarian carbon dioxide emissions. Empirical evidence suggests that the primary driving forces behind emissions from cars are stock development and carbon intensity. In freight transport, the primary driver of decarbonization is the rate of rail freight in total freights. By 2030, motorization and the size of cars will probably increase, so no significant emission reductions are expected in this area. In contrast, the increasing proportion of rail traffic can be a substantial decarbonization reserve. By 2030, carbon dioxide emissions from passenger cars could increase by 1.5 million tonnes and from freight transport could decrease by 1 million tonnes, which would mean a further increase in the sector's aggregate pollution

    Almost-monochromatic sets and the chromatic number of the plane

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    In a colouring of Rd a pair (S, s0) with S ⊆ Rd and with s0 ∈ S is almost-monochromatic if S \ {s0} is monochromatic but S is not. We consider questions about finding almost-monochromatic similar copies of pairs (S, s0) in colourings of Rd, Zd, and of Q under some restrictions on the colouring. Among other results, we characterise those (S, s0) with S ⊆ Z for which every finite colouring of R without an infinite monochromatic arithmetic progression contains an almost-monochromatic similar copy of (S, s0). We also show that if S ⊆ Zd and s0 is outside of the convex hull of S \ {s0}, then every finite colouring of Rd without a monochromatic similar copy of Zd contains an almost-monochromatic similar copy of (S, s0). Further, we propose an approach based on finding almost-monochromatic sets that might lead to a human-verifiable proof of χ(R2) ≥ 5

    Almost-monochromatic sets and the chromatic number of the plane

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    In a colouring of Rd\mathbb{R}^d a pair (S,s0)(S,s_0) with SRdS\subseteq \mathbb{R}^d and with s0Ss_0\in S is \emph{almost monochromatic} if S{s0}S\setminus \{s_0\} is monochromatic but SS is not. We consider questions about finding almost monochromatic similar copies of pairs (S,s0)(S,s_0) in colourings of Rd\mathbb{R}^d, Zd\mathbb{Z}^d, and in Q\mathbb{Q} under some restrictions on the colouring. Among other results, we characterise those (S,s0)(S,s_0) with SZS\subseteq \mathbb{Z} for which every finite colouring of R\mathbb{R} without an infinite monochromatic arithmetic progression contains an almost monochromatic similar copy of (S,s0)(S,s_0). We also show that if SZdS\subseteq \mathbb{Z}^d and s0s_0 is outside of the convex hull of S{s0}S\setminus \{s_0\}, then every finite colouring of Rd\mathbb{R}^d without a similar monochromatic copy of Zd\mathbb{Z}^d contains an almost monochromatic similar copy of (S,s0)(S,s_0). Further, we propose an approach of finding almost-monochromatic sets that might lead to a non-computer assisted proof of χ(R2)5\chi(\R^2)\geq 5


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    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) means commitment and actions beyond compliance by the integration of social and environmental concerns into companies´ business operation. The actors of economy, especially the companies have a basic role in fulfilling the goal of sustainability. In the threefold system of sustainability those companies would only be successful which are responsible to build social and environmental concerns into their strategy. In the present article we overview the development of CSR, the CSR policy of the European Union and investigate its relation to sustainable development and describe why it can be interpreted as a measure to get closer to sustainability

    Centrális eredetű tremorok generátorainak vizsgálata klinikai elektrofiziológiai módszerekkel = Clinical electrophysiological investigation of tremors with central origin

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    Létrehoztunk egy olyan internetes adatbázist, mellyel a tremorral járó idegrendszeri betegségekben szenvedők adatainak feldolgozását követően homogén betegcsoportok alakíthatók ki. Tremorometriás vizsgálatokkal igazoltuk, hogy a tremor frekvencia-paraméterei Parkinson-betegségben jellegzetesen aszimmetrikusak, míg esszenciális tremorban (ET) mindkét oldalon hasonló eltérést mutatnak, függetlenül a tremor intenzitásától. Ez arra utal, hogy Parkinson-kórban a két féltekében egymástól függetlenül, míg ET-ban egymással kapcsoltan működő tremorgenerátorkör feltételezhető. Kimutattuk, hogy ET-ban az kézmozgások ritmusossága mindkét oldalon zavart szenved, mely cerebelláris működészavart igazol, és alátámasztja, hogy az ET nem monoszimptómás betegség, hanem több funkcionális rendszert érintő komplex kórkép. Bizonyítottuk, hogy a krónikus valproát kezelés még azokban a betegekben is módosítja a tremor frekvencia-teljesítmény spektrumot, akiknél nincsen klinikailag kimutatható intenzitású tremor. Mivel a valproát befolyásolja mind a bazális ganglionok mind pedig a cerebellum GABAerg működését, feltehető, hogy a különböző típusú tremorokban ezen pályarendszerek is érintettek. Igazoltuk, hogy Parkinson-kórban, ET-ban és Wilson-kórban a mozgást követő EEG béta szinkronizáció latenciája ill. nagysága változik az egészségesekhez képest, ami arra utal, hogy a szupplementer ill. premotor kérgi területek részei a fenti kórképekben megjelenő tremorok generátorköreinek. | In the present project we have established an internet based database, which helps us to generate homogeneous groups of patients with various tremor types. We have proved using complex tremorometry that the frequency parameters of Parkinson-tremor are characteristically asymmetric, while in essential tremor (ET) these are altered on both sides, and these changes are not related of tremor intensity. These data suggest that in Parkinson's disease the tremor generators in the two hemispheres are not connected, however in ET these might be interconnected. We have shown that in ET the rhythmicity of alternating hand movements are altered on both sides, which might be related to cerebellar dysfunction, and suggests that essential tremor affects several functional systems of the brain. We have demonstrated that chronic valpoate treatment alters the tremor frequency parameters even in those patients who have no clinically noticeable symptoms. Since valproate influences the GABAergic functions of the basal ganglia and the cerebellum, our data might suggest, that these circuitries are involved in the generation of various tremor types. We have described that in Parkinson's disease, in ET and in Wilson's disease the latency and/or amplitude of EEG post-movement beta synchronization is affected compared to the control group. This implies that the suplementer and premotor cortical areas are part of the generator circuitry of the above mentioned tremors


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    While on a world-wide scale Hungary is a key greenhouse gas emitter neither on an absolute nor on a per capita basis, Hungary recognizes the significance of limiting its greenhouse gas emissions. This paper is based on the Hungarian contribution to a two-year, ten-country research effort, funded by UNEP, aimed at developing a state-of-the-art methodology for the understanding of the economics of greenhouse gas abatement. This paper concentrates on the challenges of the implementation of greenhouse gas mitigation measures. While Hungary has an important cost-effective potential for reducing the emission of carbon dioxide by improving energy efficiency, the implementation of this mitigation strategy is a complex and challenging task. The implementation and financing of energy efficiency measures require the concerted targeting of close to 4 million households, and a wide variety of actors, including banks, the industry, government, international and multilateral organisations, and NGOs. Thus, developing an implementation strategy requires a clear understanding of the existing structures, barriers, and experiences to date. This paper provides a strategic framework for the implementation of demand-side energy efficiency, and examines a case study, the tool of energy efficiency labelling and standards, within this framework

    Permutations, hyperplanes and polynomials over finite fields

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    Starting with a result in combinatorial number theory we prove that (apart from a couple of exceptions that can be classified). for any elements a1, .,a(n) of GF(q), there are distinct field elements a(1), a(n), such that a(1)b(1) + +a(n)b(n) = 0. This implies the classification of hyperplanes lying in the union of the hyperplanes X-i = X-j in a vector space over GF(q), and also the classification of those multisets for which all reduced polynomials of this range are of reduced degree q - 2. The proof is based on the polynomial method. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserve