1,502 research outputs found

    Larval data to the caddisfly fauna of the Szuha stream and its environments, NE Hungary (Trichoptera)

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    Localities and collecting data of 29 caddisfly species belonging 7 families are given from 31 collecting sites of the Szuha-valley, NE Hungary. All of the species are new to this region of Hungary

    Contribution to the aquatic beetle, aquatic and semiaquatic bug fauna of Hernád and its environments, NE Hungary (Coleoptera: Hydradephaga, Palpicornia; Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha)

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    Collecting data of 76 species of water beetles (9 Haliplidae, 21 Dytiscidae, 2 Noteridae, 2 Gyrinidae, 2 Hydrochidae, 13 Helophoridae, 27 Hydrophilidae) and 20 species of water bugs (1 Mesoveliidae, 1 Hydrometridae, 1 Veliidae, 5 Gerridae, 2 Nepidae, 6 Corixidae, 1 Naucoridae, 2 Notonectidae, 1 Pleidae) are given from 27 localities in Hernád valley and its surroundings. Helophorus rufipes (Bosc d`Antic, 1791) is new to the fauna of Hungary

    Contribution to the mayfly, aquatic beetle, aquatic and semiaquatic bug and caddisfly fauna of watercourses in the Bihari-plain, E Hungary (Ephemeroptera larvae; Coleoptera: Hydradephaga, Hydrophiloidea; Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha; Trichoptera larvae)

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    Collecting data of 113 species of aquatic macroinvertebrates (Ephemeroptera: 6, Coleoptera: 75, Heteroptera: 20 and Trichoptera: 12) are given from 8 localities in Bihari plain, E Hungary

    Vízibogarak és vízipoloskák napszakos és évszakos vándorlásának vizsgálata különös tekintettel a szaporodási ciklus által befolyásolt migrációs aktivitásra = Investigations on daily and seasonal migration of aquatic beetles and aquatic bugs with special respect on the migration activity under the influence of breeding period

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    A pályázat keretében egy újonnan kifejlesztett mintavételi módszer segítségével a vízirovarok repülési (diszperziós) aktivitásának vizsgálatát végeztük el. Feltártuk a repülési aktivitás napszakos és évszakos változását, az egyes fajok napszakos és évszakos repülési mintázatát. Meghatároztuk az egyes környezeti (elsősorban meteorológiai) tényezők repülési aktivitásra kifejtett hatását. Megállapítottuk, hogy a repülés intenzitására, a repülő rovarok egyedszámára és fajösszetételére elsősorban a nap beesési szögének változása (ezzel együtt a vízfelszín detektálhatóságának mértéke) van a legnagyobb hatással. Külön vizsgáltuk a szaporodási periódus és a repülési intenzitás kapcsolatát, valamint a holdfázisok befolyásoló hatását. | In the frames of this OTKA project the flying (dispersal) activity of aquatic insects were investigated using a newly created sampling method. Diel and seasonal patterns and changes in activity patterns of several aquatic beetle and bug species were revealed. The effects of environmental (mainly meteorological) factors on dispersal activity were determined. Changing of solar elevation angle (together with detectability of water surfaces) stated as the main influential factor on number of individuals and species richness of flying insects. Possible connections between breeding period and dispersal activity were investigated in detail, as like the effects of changes in lunar phases

    Part failure diagnosis for internal combustion engine using noise and vibration analysis

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    Former practice proves that the vibration and noise caused by rotating or alternately moving parts together with the physical and chemical processes inside an internal combustion engine contain a great amount of information about what happens inside the machine. The art of extracting useful information from time based vibro-acoustic signals is especially difficult in the case of an operating internal combustion engine because there are many vibration and noise sources and the rotation speed is not constant. The other problem is that the rotational speed is not constant in the case of an internal combustion engine during a single working cycle and in the course of continuous operation. we developed a method to follow the fine details of angular speed fluctuations e. g. because of the activity of single piston. Our purpose was to develop a flexible and improvable measurement system which is usable both for experiments and final tests of several engines. Using the measuring set-up we could exploit the order anal ysis function together with the analysis of results in the frequency domain


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    The thermopower (S) measurements were carried out to detect the alloying effect (Cr addition) in Fe-B based glassy alloys. In spite of the single phase nature of the investigated glasses a non-monotonic shift in the thermopower was found versus the Cr-content which hints to the existence of a hidden transformation in amorphous state in the investigated alloys. The mentioned hidden transformation is also supported by the results of subsequent relaxation of heat treatments