5 research outputs found

    Polímeros bioplásticos de fontes renováveis

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    Biopolymers are useful in the industry due to its elastic properties and sustainability as replacements of non-renewable polymers. In this article, bioplastics were produced and characterized using chitosan (CH), sodium alginate (SA), and galactomannan (GAL) from insects (Hermetia illucens), brown algae (Macrocystis pyrifera) and seeds (Leucaena leucocephala), respectively. The structure of biopolymers was observed by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and characterized by viscosity at different concentrations. The developed bioplastics were characterized by color and mechanical properties (texture). The results were compared to standard samples (commercial). The FTIR spectra confrmed the presence of the typical structure (footprint) for the obtained polymers. The SA showed signifcantly higher viscosity for all concentrations comparedto the standard and the other polymers. The bioplastics strength was similar among CH, SA and GAL for all concentrations; only SA (0,5%) demonstrated higher strength than the standard. For color measurements, hue value indicated a red-yellowish color and the chrome increased directly proportional with polymer concentration. The observed properties suggest that these sustainable sources might be an alternativeto bioplastic production, which can be extended to functionalization and molecular interactions for broad applications in different industries.Los biopolímeros son útiles en la industria por sus propiedades elásticas y su carácter sustentable en el reemplazo de polímeros no renovables. En este artículo se elaboraron y caracterizaron bioplásticos utilizando quitosano (CH), alginato de sodio (SA) y galactomanano (GAL) a partir de insectos (Hermetia illucens), algas pardas (Macrocystis pyrifera) y semillas (Leucaena leucocephala), respectivamente. La estructura de losbiopolímeros se observó por espectroscopía de infrarrojo (FTIR) y se caracterizó en viscosidad a diferentes concentraciones, y los bioplásticos desarrollados se caracterizaron en color y propiedades mecánicas (textura). Los resultados fueron comparados con muestras estándar (comerciales). Los espectros de FTIR confrmaron la presencia de la estructura típica (huella) de los polímeros obtenidos. El SA mostró una viscosidad signifcativamente mayor en todas las concentraciones comparado con el estándar y los otros polímeros. La fuerza de los bioplásticos fue similar entre CH, SA y GAL para todas las concentraciones; únicamente SA (0,5%) demostró una mayor fuerza que el estándar. Para las mediciones de color, los valores de matiz indicaron colores rojo-amarillento y el croma aumentó proporcionalmente a la concentración de polímero. Las propiedades observadas sugieren que estas fuentes sustentables son una alternativa para la producción de bioplásticos y podría mejorarse su funcionalización por interacciones moleculares para su aplicación en diferentes sectores industriales.Os biopolímeros são úteis na indústria por suas propriedades elásticas e sua natureza sustentável na substituição de polímeros não renováveis. Neste artigo, os bioplásticos foram preparados e caracterizados utilizando quitosana (CH), alginato de sódio (SA) e galactomanano (GAL) de insetos (Hermetia illucens), algas marrons (Macrocystis pyrifera) e sementes (Leucaena leucocephala), respectivamente. A estrutura dos biopolímeros foi observada por espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR) e caracterizada em viscosidade em diferentes concentrações, e os bioplásticos desenvolvidos foram caracterizados em propriedades mecânicas e de cor (textura). Os resultados foram comparados com amostras padrão (comerciais). Os espectros de FTIR confrmaram a presença da estrutura típica (pegada) dos polímeros obtidos. O SA mostrou uma viscosidade signifcativamente maior em todas as concentrações em comparação com o padrão e os outros polímeros. A força dos bioplásticos foi semelhante entre CH, SA e GAL para todas as concentrações; somente o SA (0,5%) demonstrou maior força que o padrão. Para medições de cores, os valores de matiz indicaram cores vermelho-amareladas e o croma aumentou proporcionalmente à concentração do polímero. As propriedades observadas sugerem que essas fontes sustentáveis são uma alternativa para a produção de bioplásticos, podendo ser melhoradas por interações moleculares para aplicação em diferentes setores industriais

    Bio-plastic polymers from renewable sources = Bio-plásticos de polímeros a partir de fuentes renovables

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    Biopolymers are useful in the industry due to its elastic properties and sustainability as replacements of non-renewable polymers. In this article, bioplastics were produced and characterized using chitosan (CH), sodium alginate (SA), and galactomannan (GAL) from insects (Hermetia illucens), brown algae (Macrocystis pyrifera) and seeds (Leucaena leucocephala), respectively. The structure of biopolymers was observed by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and characterized by viscosity at different concentrations. The developed bioplastics were characterized by color and mechanical properties (texture). The results were compared to standard samples (commercial). The FTIR spectra confirmed the presence of the typical structure (footprint) for the obtained polymers. The SA showed significantly higher viscosity for all concentrations compared to the standard and the other polymers. The bioplastics strength was similar among CH, SA and GAL for all concentrations; only SA (0,5%) demonstrated higher strength than the standard. For color measurements, hue value indicated a red-yellowish color and the chrome increased directly proportional with polymer concentration. The observed properties suggest that these sustainable sources might be an alternative to bioplastic production, which can be extended to functionalization and molecular interactions for broad applications in different industries


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    El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en Qura, el cual consiste en brindar un aplicativo, que contenga el servicio de delivery especializado en boticas y farmacias, teleconsultas con médicos especializados, comparador de precios de diversas boticas y farmacias dentro del radio de la ubicación, recordatorio para la ingesta de medicinas, entre otros. El servicio está dirigido a hombres y mujeres del NSE A, B y C entre las edades de 18 a 50 años que residan en Lima Metropolitana, Lima Centro y Callao y que se encuentren interesadas en hacer uso del servicio. Los experimentos desarrollados a lo largo del trabajo nos permitieron validar el interés de compra de nuestros posibles consumidores, ya que ellos manifiestan que es un servicio nuevo que les va a ayudar a reducir el tiempo de compra y espera de boticas y farmacias. Ante ello, se pudieron realizar ventas por medio de las redes sociales de Qura, Facebook e instagram, donde se pudo comprobar que el servicio tiene la aceptación del público. El contenido del trabajo se divide en la descripción del modelo de negocio, la validación de los diversos cuadrantes el Business Model Canvas, la validación de la intención de compra y el plan financiero. Gracias a todo ello, se pudo verificar la viabilidad del proyecto.This research work focuses on Qura, which consists of providing an application that contains a delivery service specialized in drugstores and pharmacies, teleconsultations with specialized doctors, price comparator of various drugstores and pharmacies within the radius of the location, reminder for the intake of medicines, among others. The service is aimed at men and women of NSE A, B and C between the ages of 18 and 50 who reside in Metropolitan Lima, Central Lima and Callao and who are interested in using the service. The experiments carried out throughout the study allowed us to validate the interest of our potential consumers in buying the service, since they stated that it is a new service that will help them reduce the time spent shopping and waiting in drugstores and pharmacies. In view of this, sales could be made through Qura's social networks, Facebook and Instagram, where it was possible to verify that the service is accepted by the public. The content of the work is divided into the description of the business model, the validation of the various quadrants of the Business Model Canvas, the validation of the purchase intention and the financial plan. Thanks to all this, it was possible to verify the feasibility of the project.Trabajo de investigació

    Effect of Brown Seaweed (Macrocystis pyrifera) Addition on Nutritional and Quality Characteristics of Yellow, Blue, and Red Maize Tortillas

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of incorporating Macrocystis pyrifera into yellow, blue, and red maize masa and tortillas. The nutritional composition and mineral content of tortillas was determined, and the color, texture, total phenolic compounds (TPC), and antioxidant capacity of masas and tortillas were measured. The addition of seaweed led to a significant decrease in moisture and a significant increase in ash, protein, and fiber, while no differences were observed in the lipid and carbohydrate content. There was a significant increase in all analyzed minerals (Na, Ca, P, K, and Mg). Tortillas weighed 24.54 ± 1.02 g, had a diameter of 11.00 ± 0.79 cm, and a thickness of 0.32 ± 0.09 cm. All color parameters were significantly affected by seaweed concentration. The hardness of the masas was 2.18–22.32 N, and the values of the perforation test of the tortillas were 1.40–4.55 N. The TPC of the masas and tortillas was measured in water and methanol:water extracts. Results were higher in the water extracts (1141.59–23,323.48 mg GAE/100 g masa and 838.06–2142.34 mg GAE/100 g tortilla). Antioxidant capacity (ORAC) was higher for methanol:water extracts (14,051.96–44,928.75 µmol TE/100 g masa and 14,631.47–47,327.69 µmol TE/100 g tortilla)

    Spirulina platensis Protein as Sustainable Ingredient for Nutritional Food Products Development

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    Spirulina platensis, microalgae, is emerging as a sustainable source for highly nutritional food ingredient production to cover the food demands of the global population. This study aimed to characterize food prototypes supplemented with microalgae protein isolate to develop health-promoting food products. The nutritional composition (proximate composition, fatty acids, and mineral content) of the spirulina biomass, the structural characterization of spirulina platensis protein (SPP) isolates, and the physicochemical properties of SPP- developed food products were evaluated. High protein (47%), ϒ-Linolenic acid (24.45 g/100 g of fat), iron (16.27 mg/100 g), calcium (207 mg/100 g), and potassium (1675 mg/100 g) content in the spirulina biomass was found. SPP (76% of purity) with sodium alginate produced stable emulsions (>90%) during storage (14 days). Amaranth + SPP pasta resulted in good appearance, texture, color, and high nutritional value in protein (above 30%) and minerals, mainly iron (9–10 mg/100 g) and magnesium (300 mg/100 g), meeting the daily intake recommendations. In addition, the amino acid profile of the pasta was in line with the amino acid pattern requirements for adults. SPP can be considered as potential additive for emulsions stability and provided nutritional and physicochemical desired in the elaborated pasta