141 research outputs found
Estrategias para mejorar el comportaniento lector de los ni?os en el primer a?o de b?sica primaria de la sede Camilo Torres de la instituci?n educativa Policarpa Salavarrieta de la ciudad de Girardot
255 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa investigaci?n ?Estrategias para mejorar el comportamiento lector de los ni?os en el primer a?o de la b?sica primaria de la sede Camilo Torres de la instituci?n educativa Policarpa Salavarrieta de la ciudad de Girardot? pretende analizar el estado inicial del comportamiento lector de los ni?os de la sede Camilo Torres y dise?ar un plan de acci?n que incluya diversas estrategias did?cticas para mejorarlo.
Para identificar los aspectos abordados en la investigaci?n se tom? la muestra total de los ni?os del grado primero de la sede, a quienes se les realiz? una entrevista semiestructurada con preguntas abiertas que posteriormente fueron analizadas desde la perspectiva del enfoque de la investigaci?n cualitativa para realizar un proceso descriptivo y comprensivo de los fen?menos sociales observados.
Con respecto a la comprensi?n de los datos se realiz? inicialmente el proceso de transcripci?n, sistematizaci?n y codificaci?n en esquemas que permitieron categorizar, ordenar y llegar a conclusiones generales a partir de las respuestas de los ni?os, posteriormente se dio el proceso de construcci?n de tres redes sist?micas que permitieron hacer el levantamiento de tres categor?as de an?lisis.
De igual manera se realiz? una revisi?n te?rica de los elementos claves en el desarrollo del comportamiento lector pasando por la historia de la lectura, conceptos de la did?ctica de la lengua y la motivaci?n en la lectura.
Basados en los resultados y como producto de la confrontaci?n de la teor?a y la pr?ctica se cre? un conjunto de nueve estrategias did?cticas para mejorar el comportamiento lector de los ni?os.The research ?Strategies to improve reading behavior of children in the first year of elementary school Camilo Torres headquarters of the school Policarpa Salavarrieta of Girardot city? analyzes the initial state of the reading behavior of children Camilo Torres headquarters and designs an action plan that includes various didactic strategies to improve it.
In order to identify the issues raised in the investigation the total sample of children enrolled in the first grade of headquarters, who underwent a semistructured interview with open questions which were subsequently analyzed from the perspective of the approach to be taken qualitative research to carry out a descriptive and understanding of social phenomena observed process.
With regard to the understanding of the transcription process data, systematization and coding schemes that enabled categorize, organize, and to draw general conclusions from the responses of children, then the process of construction of three systemic networks were initially performed that allowed you lift three analysis categories.
Similarly a theoretical review of the key elements in the development of the reading behavior through the history of reading, concepts of didactic language and motivation in reading was performed.
Based on the results and as a result of the confrontation of theory and practice a set of nine didactic strategies was established to improve the reading behavior of children.
Keywords: Reading, reading behavior, didactic, strategy
Recomendaciones nacionales sobre donaci?n pedi?trica
Despite being an international reference in donation and transplantation, Spain needs to improve pediatric donation, including donation after the circulatory determination of death. The present article, a summary of the consensus report prepared by the Organizacion Nacional de Trasplantes and the Spanish Pediatrics Association, intends the facilitation of donation procedures in newborns and children and the analysis of associated ethical dilemma. The ethical basis for donation in children, the principles of clinical assessment of possible donors, the criteria for the determination of death in children, intensive care management of donors, basic concepts of donation after the circulatory determination of death and the procedures for donation in newborns with severe nervous system's malformation incompatible with life, as well as in children receiving palliative care are commented. Systematically considering the donation of organs and tissues when a child dies in conditions consistent with donation is an ethical imperative and must become an ethical standard, not only because of the need of organs for transplantation, but also to ensure family centered care.A pesar de ser una referencia internacional en donaci?n y trasplante, Espa?a precisa mejorar los procesos de donaci?n en ni?os, en particular la donaci?n tras la determinaci?n de la muerte por criterios circulatorios (donaci?n en asistolia). El presente art?culo, resumen del documento de consenso elaborado por la Organizaci?n Nacional de Trasplantes y la Asociaci?n Espa?ola de Pediatr?a, pretende facilitar los procesos de donaci?n en ni?os y neonatos y analizar los conflictos ?ticos que plantea. Se comentan los fundamentos ?ticos de la donaci?n pedi?trica, los principios de la evaluaci?n cl?nica de los posibles donantes, los criterios diagn?sticos de muerte encef?lica en ni?os, los cuidados intensivos para el mantenimiento de los donantes, los conceptos b?sicos de la donaci?n en asistolia y los procesos de donaci?n en neonatos con malformaciones muy graves del sistema nervioso incompatibles con la vida y en ni?os en cuidados paliativos. Considerar sistem?ticamente la donaci?n de ?rganos y tejidos cuando un ni?o fallece en condiciones de ser donante es un imperativo ?tico y ha de constituir un est?ndar profesional, tanto por la necesidad de ?rganos para trasplante, como por asegurar un cuidado integral centrado en la familia
Regulatory T cells participate in the recovery of ischemic stroke patients
BACKGROUND: Recent preclinical studies have shown that regulatory T cells (Treg) play a key role in the immune response after ischemic stroke (IS). However, the role of Treg in human acute IS has been poorly investigated. Our aim was to study the relationship between circulating Treg and outcome in human IS patients. METHODS: A total of 204 IS patients and 22 control subjects were recruited. The main study variable was good functional outcome at 3 months (modified Rankin scale </=2) considering infarct volume, Early Neurological Deterioration (END) and risk of infections as secondary variables. The percentage of circulating Treg was measured at admission, 48, 72 h and at day 7 after stroke onset. RESULTS: Circulating Treg levels were higher in IS patients compared to control subjects. Treg at 48 h were independently associated with good functional outcome (OR, 3.5; CI: 1.9-7.8) after adjusting by confounding factors. Patients with lower Treg at 48 h showed higher frequency of END and risk of infections. In addition, a negative correlation was found between circulating Treg at 48 h (r = - 0.414) and 72 h (r = - 0.418) and infarct volume. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that Treg may participate in the recovery of IS patients. Therefore, Treg may be considered a potential therapeutic target in acute ischemic stroke
Dise?o, procura, construcci?n y puesta en marcha de la ampliaci?n del taller de mantenimiento - fase A
El proyecto de ?Dise?o, procura, construcci?n y puesta en marcha de taller de mantenimiento Fase A?, considera incrementar la flota de camiones de 80 a 120 para el a?o 2025, y como consecuencia, la capacidad del actual taller de mantenimiento quedar? subdimensionada; siendo necesario ampliar sus instalaciones para garantizar la confiabilidad y disponibilidad mec?nica de los camiones mineros. Incluye el desarrollo de ingenier?a b?sica, ingenier?a de detalle, contrataciones, adquisici?n de equipos, suministro de materiales, construcci?n y puesta en marcha de la ampliaci?n del taller de mantenimiento que brinden servicio a los equipos de la flota minera. El alcance del trabajo incluye la ejecuci?n de trabajos tempranos en el patio de rescate y en la plataforma principal del taller, construcci?n de construcci?n de plataformas y accesos, desmontaje de instalaciones existentes, construcci?n de 7 bah?as de mantenimiento de camiones, infraestructura auxiliar, instalaci?n de redes de servicio, precomisionamiento y cominsionamiento. Para una adecuada ejecuci?n y entrega del proyecto, se desarrollan los planes de gesti?n de proyectos siguiendo los lineamientos de la gu?a est?ndar del PMBOK y 6ta. Edici?n, los cuales describen la metodolog?a, actividades y consideraciones que deber? tener el equipo para la gesti?n exitosa de este proyect
Influence of Sex on Stroke Prognosis: A Demographic, Clinical, and Molecular Analysis
Identifying the complexities of the effect of sex on stroke risk, etiology, and lesion progression may lead to advances in the treatment and care of ischemic stroke (IS) and non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage patients (ICH). We studied the sex-related discrepancies on the clinical course of patients with IS and ICH, and we also evaluated possible molecular mechanisms involved. The study's main variable was the patient's functional outcome at 3-months. Logistic regression models were used in order to study the influence of sex on different inflammatory, endothelial and atrial dysfunction markers. We recruited 5,021 patients; 4,060 IS (54.8% male, 45.2% female) and 961 ICH (57.1% male, 42.9% female). Women were on average 5.7 years older than men (6.4 years in IS, 5.1 years in ICH), and more likely to have previous poor functional status, to suffer atrial fibrillation and to be on anticoagulants. IS patients showed sex-related differences at 3-months regarding poorer outcome (55.6% women, 43.6% men, p < 0.0001), but this relationship was not found in ICH (56.8% vs. 61.9%, p = 0.127). In IS, women had higher levels of NT-proBNP and 3-months worse outcome in both cardioembolic and non-cardioembolic stroke patients. Stroke patients showed sex-related differences in pre-hospital data, clinical variables and molecular markers, but only IS patients presented independent sex-related differences in 3-months poor outcome and mortality. There was a relationship between the molecular marker of atrial dysfunction NT-proBNP and worse functional outcome in women, resulting in a possible indicator of increased dysfunction
Performance of spanish white Macael marble exposed to narrow- and medium-range temperature cycling
Se aplican ciclos de estrés térmico de medio (100/-20 ºC
y 75/-20 ºC) y bajo (50/-20 ºC) rango sobre probetas de
mármol blanco de Macael (AlmerÃa, España), y se evalúa
ciclo a ciclo su incidencia mediante ultrasonidos. Los
resultados indican un considerable descenso de velocidad
de los ultrasonidos en las muestras sometidas a estrés de
100/-20 ºC, más moderado en el caso de 75/-20 ºC, poco
significativo en el caso de 50/-20 ºC. Las variaciones de
velocidad tienen lugar durante los primeros 5-7 ciclos,
permaneciendo los valores constantes en ciclos posteriores.
Los resultados proporcionados por medidas de dureza
de Schmidt, y de rotura por compresión uniaxial son
coincidentes con los proporcionados por los ultrasonidos.
Las imágenes de microscopÃa petrográfica y electrónica
(SEM) manifiestan una cierta descohesión granular en
zonas muy superficiales de las probetas sometidas a 40
ciclos de 100/-20 ºC. La coincidencia entre los datos por
las técnicas de rotura por compresión, medidas de dureza
superficial y ultrasonidos indican la validez de estas
dos últimas —técnicas no destructivas, NDT— en el control
de la incidencia de ciclos de stress térmico sobre las
caracterÃsticas mecánicas de materiales pétreos.White marble specimens from Macael in the Spanish
province of Almeria were exposed to narrow- (50/
-20 ºC) and medium- (100/-20 ºC and 75/-20 ºC) range
thermal stress cycles. The effects were monitored with
ultrasound techniques. Ultrasound velocity declined
considerably in samples subjected to 100/-20 ºC cycles,
more moderately when the range was 75/-20 ºC and
insignificantly when it was narrowed to 50/-20 ºC. All
variations were recorded in the first five to seven
cycles, with values flattening thereafter. The Schmidt
hardness and compression test results concurred with
the ultrasound findings. Petrographic and scanning
electron microscope (SEM) imaging revealed some very
superficial granular decohesion in the specimens
subjected to forty 100/-20 ºC cycles. The concurrent
results from compression testing on the one hand and
surface hardness and ultrasound measurements on the
other confirmed the validity of the latter two nondestructive
techniques (NDT) for determining the
effects of thermal stress cycling on stone mechanical
strength.La investigación presentada en este artÃculo es parte del Proyecto
MAT 2004-06804-CO2-0 del Plan Nacional de Investigación
cientÃfica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (Ministerio
de Ciencia y TecnologÃa) y llevado a cabo en el Grupo
de Investigación RNM 0179 de la Junta de AndalucÃa
FCGR polymorphisms in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with Fc-containing TNF inhibitors
[EN] Objectives: Reproducible association of a functional polymorphism in FCGR2A with response to a TNF inhibitor (TNFi) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) led us to explore other Fc?R functional polymorphisms. Methods: Functional polymorphisms FCGR3A F158V, FCGR2B I223T and promoter VNTR in FCGRT were analyzed in up to 429 patients with RA. Response to TNFi was recorded during standard care at 3, 6 and 12 months of follow-up. Fixed effects meta-analysis of studies addressing FCGR3A F158V polymorphism, which is the most studied of these polymorphisms, was conducted with inverse variance weighting. Results: None of the functional polymorphisms were associated with change in DAS28. Meta-analysis of the seven studies (899 patients) with available data addressing association of FCGR3A F158V with response to TNFi in RA showed no association (OR: 1.11, 95% CI: 0.8-1.5; p = 0.5). Conclusion: None of the three functional polymorphisms in Fc?R genes showed association with response to TNFi in patients with RA. These negative results were obtained in spite of the larger size of this study relative to previous studies addressing the same polymorphisms. In addition, meta-analysis of FCGR3A F158V was also negative against the results provided by previous studies
Antihyperthermic treatment decreases perihematomal hypodensity
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect on perihematomal hypodensity and outcome of a decrease in body temperature in the first 24 hours in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). METHODS: In this retrospective study on a prospectively registered database, among the 1,100 patients, 795 met all the inclusion criteria. Temperature variations in the first 24 hours and perihematomal hypodensity (PHHD) were recorded. Patients >/=37.5 degrees C were treated with antihyperthermic drugs for at least 48 hours. The main objective was to determine the association among temperature variation, PHHD, and outcome at 3 months. RESULTS: The decrease in temperature in the first 24 hours increased the possibility of good outcome 11-fold. Temperature decrease, lower PHHD volume, and a good outcome were observed in 31.8% of the patients who received antihyperthermic treatment. CONCLUSION: The administration of early antihyperthermic treatment in patients with spontaneous ICH with a basal axillary temperature >/=37.5 degrees C resulted in good outcome in a third of the treated patients
Health Outcome Predictive Evaluation for COVID 19 international registry (HOPE COVID-19), rationale and design
The disease produced by the new coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2), named COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease-2019) has recently been classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). However, scarce clinical data is available and generally limited to the Chinese population due to the first cases were identified in Wuhan (Hubei, China).This article describes the rationale and design of the HOPE COVID-19 (Health Outcome Predictive Evaluation for COVID 19) registry (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04334291). With an ambispective cohort design, eligible patients are those discharged, deceased or alive, from any hospital center with a confirmed diagnosis or a COVID-19 high suspicion. With a current recruitment of more than 7000 cases, in 46 hospitals in 8 countries, since it is not possible to estimate the sample size based on literature reports, the investigators will try to get the maximum numbers of patients possible. The study primary objective is all cause mortality and aims to characterize the clinical profile of patients infected in order to develop a prognostic clinical score allowing, rapid logistic decision making. As secondary objectives, the analysis of other clinical events, the risk-adjusted influence of treatments and previous comorbidities of patients infected with the disease will be performed.The results of HOPE COVID-19 will contribute to a better understanding of this condition. We aim to describe the management of this condition as well as the outcomes in relation to the therapy chosen, in order to gain insight into improving patient care in the coming months. Clinical Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT04334291
Intra- and extra-hospital improvement in ischemic stroke patients: influence of reperfusion therapy and molecular mechanisms
Neuroprotective treatments in ischemic stroke are focused to reduce the pernicious effect of excitotoxicity, oxidative stress and inflammation. However, those cellular and molecular mechanisms may also have beneficial effects, especially during the late stages of the ischemic stroke. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between the clinical improvement of ischemic stroke patients and the time-dependent excitotoxicity and inflammation. We included 4295 ischemic stroke patients in a retrospective study. The main outcomes were intra and extra-hospital improvement. High glutamate and IL-6 levels at 24 hours were associated with a worse intra-hospital improvement (OR:0.993, 95%CI: 0.990-0.996 and OR:0.990, 95%CI: 0.985-0.995). High glutamate and IL-6 levels at 24 hours were associated with better extra-hospital improvement (OR:1.13 95%CI, 1.07-1.12 and OR:1.14, 95%CI, 1.09-1.18). Effective reperfusion after recanalization showed the best clinical outcome. However, the long term recovery is less marked in patients with an effective reperfusion. The variations of glutamate and IL6 levels in the first 24 hours clearly showed a relationship between the molecular components of the ischemic cascade and the clinical outcome of patients. Our findings suggest that the rapid reperfusion after recanalization treatment blocks the molecular response to ischemia that is associated with restorative processes
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