49 research outputs found


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    Cloud computing has been envisioned as the next generation architecture of IT enterprise. It moves the application software and databases to the centralized large data centers where management of data and services may not be fully trustworthy. This unique paradigm brings out many new security challenges like, maintaining correctness and integrity of data in cloud. Integrity of cloud data may be lost due to unauthorized access, modification or deletion of data. Lacking of availability of data may be due to the cloud service providers (CSP), in order to increase their margin of profit by reducing the cost, CSP may discard rarely accessed data without detecting in timely fashion. To overcome above issues, flexible distributed storage, token utilizing, signature creations used to ensure integrity of data, auditing mechanism used assists in maintaining the correctness of data and also locating, identifying of server where exactly the data has been corrupted and also dependability and availability of data achieved through distributed storage of data in cloud. Further in order to ensure authorized access to cloud data a admin module has been proposed in our previous conference paper, which prevents unauthorized users from accessing data and also selective storage scheme based on different parameters of cloud servers proposed in previous paper, in order to provide efficient storage of data in the cloud. In order to provide more efficiency in this paper dynamic data operations are supported such as updating, deletion and addition of data

    A Novel Fractal Antenna in Planar Configuration for Wireless Devices

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    In today’s wireless communication, there has been an increasing need for more compact, portable and wideband radiators. There is a need to evolve antenna designs to minimum size which can be used in many practical applications in modern 2G, 3G, LTW, WiFi and WiMax wireless communications systems. Fractal antenna is one such antenna which is irregular in shape and it is mainly used for wireless applications. Thus, the objective is to design a novel fractal geometry which exhibits self similarity property and can be confined to space. The new proposed fractal antenna is designed in such a way that it can be operating at a frequency of 2.4GHz. This structure is built up through replication of a base shape, improving antenna performance. The purpose of this project is to explore fractal elements antennas through simulation and design experimentation. In the proposed approach, simulators are carried out using FEKO simulator 6.1 and the results are compared with the existing structures of monopole and Koch fractal. The design is implemented in planar structure also to improve its characteristics when compared to the wire monopole

    Contribution towards the development of a DNA barcode reference library for West African mammals

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    DNA barcoding is a widely used molecular approach for species cataloging for unambiguous identification and conservation. In the present study, DNA barcoding of some West African mammals were performed with six new mitochondrial CO1 sequences for Civettictis civetta, Tadarida nigeriae, Orycteropus afer, Heliosciurus gambianus, Equus africanus asinus and Funisciurus anerythrus which are absent in public databases such as BLAST/NCBI and BOLD. Sequence identifications were made by comparing unknown sequences against the DNA barcodes of known species through distance-based tree construction and alignment probing. The sequences have been deposited to GenBank/NCBI.Keywords: mtDNA, West African mammals, conservation, biodiversity

    Studies on structural, optical nonlinearity and antibacterial activity of Piperazine (bis) p-toluenesulfonate single crystal for optical limiting and biological applications

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    Piperazine (bis) p-toluenesulfonate (PPTSA), an organic single crystal was synthesized and grown at environmental temperature by slow evaporation process using methanol as the solvent. The grown PPTSA crystal is from the triclinic system and belongs to the space group P1-. Powder X-ray diffraction was performed to ensure lattice parameters. Analysis and confirmation of functional groups and bonds were carried out through FT-IR spectral study. The optical characteristics were investigated using the UV-Vis spectrum such as the optical absorption, cut-off wavelength were calculated. The photoluminescence investigation was conducted to assess the luminous characteristics of grown crystal. The calculated NLO parameters like β, n2, and χ(3) were found to be 0.0495×10-4 (cm/W), 8.705×10-10 (cm2/W), 5.316×10-7 (esu) and Optical Limiting threshold value was found to be 3.074×10-3 (Wcm-2). Antibacterial studies were carried out to investigate the biological significance against selected foodborne germs

    Immunoproteomics technologies in the discovery of autoantigens in autoimmune diseases

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    AbstractProteomics technologies are often used for the identification of protein targets of the immune system. Here, we discuss the immunoproteomics technologies used for the discovery of autoantigens in autoimmune diseases where immune system dysregulation plays a central role in disease onset and progression. These autoantigens and associated autoantibodies can be used as potential biomarkers for disease diagnostics, prognostics and predicting/monitoring drug responsiveness (theranostics). Here, we compare a variety of methods such as mass spectrometry (MS)-based [serological proteome analysis (SERPA), antibody mediated identification of antigens (AMIDA), circulating immune complexome (CIC) analysis, surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (SELDI-TOF)], nucleic acid based serological analysis of antigens by recombinant cDNA expression cloning (SEREX), phage immunoprecipitation sequencing (PhIP-seq) and array-based immunoscreening (proteomic microarrays), luciferase immunoprecipitation systems (LIPS), nucleic acid programmable protein array (NAPPA) methods. We also review the relevance of immunoproteomic data generated in the last 10 years, with a focus on the aforementioned MS based methods

    Вирощування та характеристика монокристалів саліцилату бензимідазолію для нелінійних оптичних досліджень та антибактеріальної дії

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    Organic non-linear optical Benzimidazolium salicylate (BISA) single crystals have been harvested from methanol solution by slow evaporation method. The grown crystals belong to the monoclinic crystal system with space group P21/c. Good crystalline nature of grown BISA crystal was confirmed by PXRD. The FTIR spectrum analysis affirms the presence of functional groups in BISA crystal. From the UV‒Vis-Absorption spectrum, the lower cut-off wavelength (356 nm) and its energy band gap and linear refractive index were calculated. Luminescence spectrum was recorded to explore the emission peak at 426 nm. The mechanical strength of BISA crystal was determined by Vickers microhardness tester and mechanical parameters like C11, Hk, Kc, and Bi were calculated for the first time. Dielectric properties of grown crystals were systematically investigated for different temperatures. Further, electronic polarizability (α) were calculated using Penn analysis and Clausius‒Mossotti equation. Z‒scan measurement was taken to explore the third-order NLO properties of BISA crystal. For the first attempt, the BISA crystals were tested against five human pathogenic bacterial, i.e. Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella flexneri, Vibrio cholerae, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Existing results established that Benzimidazolium salicylate crystals might find useful applications in nonlinear optics and antimicrobial field.Органічні нелінійні оптичні моноцитрали саліцилату бензимідазолію (BISA) отримували з розчину метанолу методом повільного випаровування. Вирощені кристали належать до моноклінної кристалічної системи з просторовою групою P21/c. Чітка кристалічна природа вирощеного кристалу BISA підтверджена PXRD. FTIR спектральний аналіз свідчить про наявність функціональних груп у кристалі BISA. Зі спектрів УФ ‒ видимого діапазону поглинання розраховано нижню граничну довжину хвилі (356 нм), ширину забороненої зони та лінійний показник заломлення. Спектр люмінесценції реєстрували при дослідження піку випромінювання при 426 нм. Механічну міцність кристалу BISA визначено за допомогою тестера мікротвердості Віккерса і вперше розраховано такі механічні параметри, як C11, Hk, Kc, and Bi. Діелектричні властивості вирощених кристалів систематично досліджували при різних температурах. Крім того, електронну поляризацію (α) розраховано за допомогою аналізу Пенна та рівняння Клаузіуса ‒ Моссотті. Для вимірювання властивостей третього порядку NLO кристалу BISA застосовано Z ‒ сканування. Вперше кристали BISA тестували на п'ять патогенних для людини бактерій, таких як Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella flexneri, Vibrio cholerae, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Отримані результати показали, що кристали саліцилату бензимідазолію можуть знайти корисне застосування в нелінійній оптиці та антимікробній галузі

    Synthesis of fluorescent carbon quantum dots from Manihot esculenta waste peels for nonlinear optical and biological applications

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    The synthesis of carbon quantum dots using cassava (Manihot esculenta) waste peels by simple hydrothermal method. Carbon quantum dots were studied using PXRD, and HRTEM analysis, signifying an amorphous graphite carbon structure. The carbon quantum dots have two absorption peaks in the UV–vis spectrum, around 272 and 304 nm which lead to the π–π* and n–π* transitions. The produced CQDs exhibit excitation dependent fluorescence characteristics, with a fluorescence quantum yield of 4.664% at an excitation wavelength of 330 nm. The CQDs revealed a white light emitting diode with the Commission Internationale d'Eclairage (CIE) coordinates (0.35, 0.35). The nonlinear optical absorption 0.294×10−4 (cm/W), nonlinear refractive index 1.8138×10−8 (cm2/W), and third-order NLO susceptibility 5.5 × 10−6 (esu) were calculated using Z-Scan analysis. The synthesized CQDs were utilized for their antibacterial activity used S. aureus (23 mm), B. cereus (33 mm), E. coli (43 mm), and P. aeruginosa (30 mm) as harmful microbes. Our results suggest that Manihot esculenta waste peels CQDs have potential for application in NLO devices, optical switching, and pharmaceuticals