34 research outputs found
Uji Aktivitas Antidementia Minuman Gambir dan Minuman Gambir Kombucha Lokal Bali secara In Vivo
Dementia dapat disebabkan oleh kerusakan oksidatif, dimana antioksidan dapat memperbaiki kerusakan tersebut. Secara in vitro, minuman gambir kombucha lokal Bali memiliki aktivitas antioksidan lebih tinggi dibandingkan minuman gambir (Rupadani, 2013). Penelitian secara in vivo telah dilakukan pada mencit galur Balb/c yang bertujuan untuk menguji aktivitas antidementia minuman gambir dan minuman gambir kombucha lokal Bali. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan uji aktivitas antidementia minuman gambir dan minuman gambir kombucha lokal Bali pada dosis 200mg/kgBB dengan metode induksi ECS sebesar 50 mA selama 20 detik lalu dilakukan pengukuran waktu tempuh hewan uji 45 menit setelah induksi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik dengan menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis dan uji Mann-Whitney dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minuman gambir dan minuman kombucha lokal Bali memiliki potensi aktivitas antidementia pada dosis 200mg/kgBB. Minuman gambir lebih efisien digunakan sebagai antidementia
Exploring the relationship between plural values of nature, human well‐being, and conservation and development intervention: Why it matters and how to do it?
Globally, land and seascapes across the bioculturally diverse tropics are in transition. Impacted by the demands of distant consumers, the processes of global environmental change and numerous interventions seeking climate, conservation and development goals, these transitions have the potential to impact the relationships and plurality of values held between people and place.
This paper is a Synthesis of seven empirical studies within the Special Feature (SF): ‘What is lost in transition? Capturing the impacts of conservation and development interventions on relational values and human wellbeing in the tropics’. Through two Open Forum workshops, and critical review, contributing authors explored emergent properties across the papers of the SF. Six core themes were identified and are subsumed within broad categories of: (i) the problem of reconciling scale and complexity, (ii) key challenges to be overcome for more plural understanding of social dimensions of landscape change and (iii) ways forward: the potential of an environmental justice framework, and a practical overview of methods available to do so.
The Synthesis interprets disparate fields and complex academic work on relational values, human well-being and de-colonial approaches in impact appraisal. It offers a practical and actionable catalogue of methods for plural valuation in the field, and reflects on their combinations, strengths and weaknesses.
The research contribution is policy relevant because it builds the case for why a more plural approach in intervention design and evaluation is essential for achieving more just and sustainable futures, and highlights some of the key actions points deemed necessary to achieve such a transition to conventional practice
Capturing nested spheres of poverty: a model for multidimensional poverty analysis and monitoring
In this paper the authors discuss recent trends in poverty concepts and suggest a locally adapted multidimensional model for measuring and monitoring poverty. The model comprises nested layers with subjective wellbeing in the centre surrounded by a core of health, wealth and knowledge, and a context that includes natural, economic, social and political spheres, as well as service and structural aspects. These nine facets of poverty cover basic needs, individual assets and capabilities, and the enabling environment that helps people escape poverty by ensuring sustainability, providing opportunities and minimising vulnerability. The model was tested in several monitoring trials and in the official poverty and wellbeing monitoring of Kutai Barat District, Indonesia, in early 2006. Twenty-one subdistricts covering 223 villages with more than 150 000 people were assessed. Examples drawn from this experience illustrate possible applications of the model