4 research outputs found

    Potential of Waste as Raw Silk Worm Biodegradable Surfactant

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    Silkworm pupa is byproducts of silkworm farms are not fully utilized. This study aims to assess the potential silkworm waste as a raw material surfactant "biodegradable". Silk pupa oil has 43.70% triglyceride. The characterisation by the spectra FTIR showed the degradation results in wavelength 1050-1300 cm-1 and 1690-1760 cm-1 indicated the consecutive C‒O and C=O group of alcohol/ether/carboxylic acids/esters, and the wave number 2500-2700 cm-1 indicated the presence of O‒H groups of the carboxylic acid with hydrogen bonds. GC-MS analysis showed the components of palmitic acid β-monogliseride, α-monopalmitin, palmitic chloride acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid chloride. FTIR spectra degradation products Mono-diglyceride provide distinctive peaks that appear at wavelength 1041.56 cm-1 and 3659.61 cm-1 that showed group C-OH and OH, respectively. The performance test results of surfactant to the benzene-water system showed no effect of surfactant that is as an emulsifier. Silk pupa oil contains components that can be converted into a biodegradable surfactant. Keywords: silkworm pupa, surfactant, glycerolysis, monoglyceride


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    Corn oil is a food that quite known, but it’s still not optimal. Salad Dressing is one of food product that makeby homoginezer process from oil and water. Emulsifier should be added to keep emultion system stability sothat it not easy for oil and water to be sparated. The experimental aim to find natural emulsfier effect (egg) tosalad dressing emultion satbility and find the product specification that has been made. This experimentconducted by mixing corn oil and lime juice water with a ratio of 250 ml : 25 ml with homoginezer’s duration1,2 and 3 minute, emulsifier’s volume 10,20 and 30 ml, and homoginezer’s velocity 9000, 12000 and 15000rpm. The variabels that has been looked are viscosity, density, also surface tension. The optimal result ofemulsifier volume is 28.2669 ml, homoginezer’s velocity is 9000,14 rpm and homoginezer’s duration 2.9987minute. The optimal equal to viscosities respond (Cp) = -1,20767 + 0,64850 x A + 4,38333E-4 x B +0,02250 x C, the equal respon for dencities respond (g/cm3) =+ 0.76749+7.08125E-3 x A-3.125E-6xB+6.875E-4 x C and the optimal equal to tension respond (N/m)=0.28453-5.0675E-3 xA-1.55E-6 x B+1E-4x C. The salad dressing product with specification pH 4-5, viscosity between 17.85 Nm-2s-1 - 66.76 Nm-2s-1,and surface tension between 0.0942 to 0.1954 N / m. Thus, salad dressing with basic material of Corn Oilhas a good quality


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    Biomassa dari limbah kulit durian selama ini belum banyak dimanfaatkan secara maksimal sehingga perlu adanya alternatif pengolahan agar menjadi bahan yang lebih bermanfaat, salah satunya sebagai bahan bakar alternatif briket. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat briket dari kulit durian dengan proses karbonisasi, mengetahui pengaruh briket terhadap ukuran bahan, suhu, dan waktu karbonisasi, serta mengetahui spesifikasi briket dari kulit durian. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan proses karbonisasi selama 4 dan 7 jam dan melakukan analisa proksimat pada briket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kalor kulit durian sebasar 4.569,54 kcal/kg, kadar air 12%, kadar abu 15%. Kata kunci: briket, nilai kalor, kulit durian, karbonisas