5 research outputs found

    Is IL-8 level an indicator of clinical and radiological status of traumatic brain injury?

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    BACKGROUND: Since understanding the fact that traumatic brain injury includes an inflammatory process, the number of studiesof cytokines has increased. The objective of this study was to analyze and discuss the association of interleukin (IL)-8 level with theclinical and radiological status of patients with head trauma.METHODS: Patients who were admitted to our hospital due to head trauma were included in the study. Findings of clinical and laboratory examinations were analyzed. Data regarding patient age, gender, available clinical findings, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score,trauma cause, brain tomography findings, and biochemical laboratory test results were recorded. The patients were divided into 3groups according to their GCS score: Group I: GCS ?13, Group II: GCS = 9–12, and Group III: GCS = 3–8.RESULTS: A total of 23 (76.7%) patients were male and 7 (23.3%) were female. Overall, 17 (56.7%) patients were admitted due to afall, 8 (26.7%) due to a traffic accident, and 5 (16.7%) due to assault. Each group comprised 10 patients. As the GCS score increased,the IL-8 level decreased. The mean IL-8 level was 1.2 pg/mL in Group I, 6.6 pg/mL in Group II, and 4.7 pg/mL in Group III; however,there was no statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.147). Moreover, the IL-8 level was significantly greater in patients who demonstrated an abnormal tomography finding (p=0.023).CONCLUSION: IL-8 may be a beneficial indicator for monitoring the clinical and radiological status of traumatic brain injury.Nonetheless, studies of larger cohorts in which IL-8 levels are measured at all stages of brain injury and follow-up of long-term prognosis are warranted.AMAÇ: Travmatik beyin hasarının enflamatuvar bir süreci de içerdiği anlaşılması üzerine içerisinde sitokinlerin yer aldığı çalışmalar artmıştır. Bu çalışmada amaç kafa travması geçiren hastalarda interlökin (IL)-8 düzeyinin klinik durum ve radyolojik bulgularla ilişkisinin araştırılması ve tartışılmasıdır. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Hastane verilerinden kafa travması nedeniyle başvurmuş hastaların klinik bulguları ve yapılmış olan laboratuvar sonuçları incelendi. Hastaların yaşı, cinsiyeti, mevcut klinik bulguları, Glaskow Koma Skoru (GKS), travma nedeni, beyin tomografi sonuçları, biyokimyasal laboratuvar incelemeleri ile ilgili tüm verileri kaydedildi. Hastalar GKS’ye göre üç gruba ayrıldı; Grup I: GKS ?13; Grup II: GKS = 9–12; Grup III: GKS = 3–8. BULGULAR: Çalışmada yer alan hastaların 23’ü (%76.7) erkek, 7’si (23.3) kadındı. Hastaların 17’si (%56.7) düşme, 8’i (%26.7) trafik kazası ve 5’i (%16.7) darp nedeniyle başvurmuş idi. Üç grupta 10’ar hasta yer almaktaydı. GKS arttıkça IL-8 değerlerinin daha düşük olduğu gözlendi. Gruplar için ortalama IL-8 düzeyleri Grup I = 1.2 pg/mL, Grup II = 6.6 pg/mL ve Grup III = 4.7 pg/mL olarak tespit edildi, ancak istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanmadı (p=0.147). IL-8 değerlerinin tomografi bulguları anormal olan hastalarda anlamlı olarak yükseldiği gözlendi (p=0.023). TARTIŞMA: Travmatik beyin hasarında ortaya çıkan klinik ve radyolojik durumunu izlemekte IL-8’in yararlı bir belirteç olabileceği düşünülmekle birlikte, beyin hasarının tüm aşamalarında IL-8 ölçümlerinin değerlendirildiği ve uzun dönem prognoz takiplerinin kaydedildiği, daha geniş hasta serileriyle yapılmış çalışmalara gereksinim bulunmaktadı

    Investigation of Lateral Epicondylitis in Neurosurgeons

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    AIM: To investigate the frequency of lateral epicondylitis (LE), depending on the tasks performed by neurosurgeons, and to determinewhether it can be accepted as an occupational disease depending on its frequency.MATERIAL and METHODS: All neurosurgery specialists enrolled in the Turkish Neurosurgical Society website were prospectively included. A questionnaire form was shared, and the subsequent responses were recorded. Those who provided incomplete responseswere excluded from the study. The respondents diagnosed with LE were recorded. Exclusion criteria were investigated on complaints ofpain. They were examined by an orthopedics and traumatology specialist with application of Thomsen test and necessary maneuvers.RESULTS: The study was conducted with 216 neurosurgeons. Those with more than 30 operations per month (p=0.002), those with aspecialization duration of 10–20 years and >20 years (p=0.001), and those who specialized in spinal surgery (p=0.014) had a significantlyhigher prevalence of epicondylitis. Considering the relationship between lumbar/thoracic pedicle screw insertion and epicondylitis, theepicondylitis diagnosis rate was significantly higher in physicians inserting 20–60 screws per month than those inserting <20 screws(p=0.009).CONCLUSION: LE frequently occurs in neurosurgeons who regularly perform spinal instrumentation and appears to be an occupationaldisease. However, data obtained during the current study should be combined with findings from case-control studies of neurosurgeons

    Posterior Endoscope-Assisted Diskectomy Is an Effective Technique for Cervical Soft Disk Herniation

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    Objective To evaluate the clinicoradiologic conditions of patients with a herniated cervical disk who were treated with percutaneous endoscope-assisted cervical diskectomy. Materials and Methods The medical data of 27 patients (16 men and 11 women; mean age: 40.9 years) who were operated on with the posterior endoscope-assisted cervical diskectomy method were reviewed retrospectively. The mean follow-up was 35.1 months, and the patients were assessed with combined preoperative and postoperative visual analog scale (VAS), Prolo Functional Economic Outcome Rating scale, MacNab scale, and clinical imaging. Results The mean preoperative VAS level was 8.6 (range: 7-10), and mean Prolo score was 2.5 (range: 2-5). A postoperative assessment performed 1 week postsurgery found a mean VAS level of 2.1 (range: 0-4). At the final examination, the mean VAS level was 0.81 (range: 0-3), and the mean Prolo score was 4.5 (range: 3-5). The final MacNab scale scores were 62.9%, excellent; 25.9%, good; 7.4%, moderate; and 3.7%, poor. Conclusion Percutaneous endoscope-assisted cervical diskectomy is a suitable and effective treatment method for soft cervical disk herniation.WOS:0006051921000012-s2.0-85099240347PubMed: 3340653

    Neuroprotective effects of tetracyclines on blunt head trauma: An experimental study on rats

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    Background: Prevention of primary damage caused by head trauma may be avoided with protective measures and techniques which is a public health concern. Experimental and clinical studies about treatment of head trauma were all centered to prevent secondary damage caused by physiopathological changes following primary injury. Neuroprotective features of tetracyclines were the focus of several experimental studies in the last decade. In the present study we aimed to investigate the neuroprotective effects of tetracycline in an experimental model of blunt brain injury in rats. Materials and Methods: 32 male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four experimental groups (n = 8). Head trauma was not performed in control group (group 1, craniectomy only). In the second group, head trauma and craniectomy were performed. Intraperitoneal saline was used in addition to trauma and craniectomy for treatment in group 3 whereas intraperitoneal tetracycline and saline were used for treatment in group 4. Results: When histological examinations performed by transmission electron microscopy were evaluated, injury at ultrastructural level was demonstrated to be less pronounced in tetracycline group with decreased lipid peroxidation levels. Conclusion: In accordance with these findings, we conclude that systemic tetracycline administration is effective in reduction of secondary brain damage and brain edema and thus it may be considered as a therapeutic option

    Analysis and injury paterns of walnut tree falls in central anatolia of turkey

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    Introduction: Falls are the second most common cause of injury-associated mortality worldwide. This study aimed to analysis the injuries caused by falls from walnut tree and assess their mortality and morbidity risk. Methods: This is a retrospective hospital-based study of patients presenting to emergency department (ED) of Ahi Evran Univercity between September and October 2012. For each casualty, we computed the ISS (defined as the sum of the squares of the highest Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) score in each of the three most severely injured body regions). Severe injury was defined as ISS >= 16. The duration of hospital stay and final outcome were recorded. Statistical comparisons were carried out with Chi-Square test for categorical data and non-parametric spearman correlation tests were used to test the association between variables. A p value less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: Fifty-four patients admitted to our emergency department with fall from walnut tree. Fifty (92.6%) patients were male. The mean age was 48 +/- 14 years. Spinal region (44.4%) and particularly lumbar area (25.9%) sustained the most of the injuries among all body parts. Wedge compression fractures ranked first among all spinal injuries. Extremities injuries were the second most common injury. None of the patients died. Morbidity rate was 9.25%. Conclussion: Falls from walnut trees are a significant health problem. Preventive measures including education of farmers and agricultural workers and using mechanized methods for harvesting walnut will lead to a dramatic decrease in mortality and morbidity caused by falls from walnut trees