76 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial and Mechanical Effects of Zeolite Use in Dental Materials: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: Ion-incorporated zeolite is a widely used antimicrobial material studied for various dental applications. At present, there is no other systematic review that evaluates the effectiveness of zeolite in all dental materials. The purpose of this study was to review all available literature that analyzed the antimicrobial effects and/or mechanical properties of zeolite as a restorative material in dentistry. Material and methods: Following PRISMA guidelines, an exhaustive search of PubMed, Ovid Medline, Scopus, Embase, and the Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source was conducted. No language or time restrictions were used and the study was conducted from June 1, 2020 to August 17, 2020. Only full text articles were selected that pertained to the usage of zeolite in dental materials including composite resin, bonding agents, cements, restorative root material, cavity base material, prosthesis, implants, and endodontics. Results: At the beginning of the study, 1534 studies were identified, of which 687 duplicate records were excluded. After screening for the title, abstract, and full texts, 35 articles remained and were included in the qualitative synthesis. An Inter-Rater Reliability (IRR) test, which included a percent user agreement and reliability percent, was conducted for each of the 35 articles chosen. Conclusion: Although ion-incorporated zeolite may enhance the antimicrobial properties of dental materials, the mechanical properties of some materials, such as MTA and acrylic resin, may be compromised. Therefore, since the decrease in mechanical properties depends on zeolite concentration in the restorative material, it is generally recommended to add 0.2-2% zeolite by weight. Ā© 2021 University of Zagreb. All rights reserved

    Relationship Between Air-Blowing Duration and Bond Strengths of Three Adhesive Systems to Dentin After Thermal Aging

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    The purpose was to evaluate the effect of air-blowing duration of three different adhesive systems on immediate or thermal aged resin-dentin shear bond strength (SBS). Human dentin surfaces were bonded with: one-step (Bond Force, BF), two-step (FL-Bond II, FLB) and three-step (Scotch Bond Multi-Purpose, SBMP) adhesive systems. Bonded surfaces from each group were air-blown for 0, 5, or 10 s and cured. Composite cylinders were built on the treated surfaces and cured. Half of the specimens from each group were tested immediately and the other halves were tested after thermal aging. Statistical analysis showed signifcant decrease in SBS after thermal aging compared to immediate testing in all groups, except BF after 5 s air-blowing or FLB and SBMP with no air-blowing (p\u3e0.05). The results suggested that 5 s air-blowing is necessary to obtain a stable SBS for BF. However, extended airblowing duration of FLB and SBMP decreased the SBS significantly after thermal aging

    Evaluation of the Antibacterial Effects of Single and Combined use of Different Irrigation Solutions Against Intracanal Enterococcus Faecalis

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    Ciljevi: U ovoj studiji istraživalo se antibakterijsko djelovanje ojedinačne i kombinirane primjene otopina za irigaciju u slučaju kontaminacije bakterijom Enterococcus faecalis. i to 5,25-postotng natrijeva hipoklorita (NaOCl), 2-postotnog klorheksidina (CHX), 17-postotne etilendiamintetraoctene kiseline (EDTA), 3-postotnog vodikova peroksida (H 2O2 ), MTAD-a, SmearCleara ( SC) i 13,8-postotnog klorova dioksida (ClO 2 ) Materijal i metode: Nasumično je grupirano 280 jednokorijenskih ljudskih pretkutnjaka (premolara) u 26 testnih skupna i u 2 kontrolne (negativna i pozitivna) te su 24 sata inkubirane bakterijom E. faecalis, osim negativne kontrolne skupine. Testirani rezultati su sljedeći: NaOCl; CHX; ClO2 ; MTAD; SC; EDTA; H2O2; NaOCl + CHX; NaOCl + MTAD; SC + NaOCl; EDTA + NaOCl; H2O2 + NaOCl; ClO2 + CHX; CHX + MTAD; SC + CHX; EDTA + CHX; CHX + H2O2; ClO2 + MTAD; SC + ClO2; EDTA + ClO2; ClO2 + H2O2; SC + MTAD; EDTA + MTAD; MTAD + H2O2; SC + H2O2 i EDTA + H2O2. Zabilježene vrijednosti optičke gustoće su 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 i 4 h, a za svaku otopinu stvorena je krivulja rasta bakterija.Rezultati: CHX, MTAD i ClO2 pokazali su visok potencijal smanjenja E. faecalis samostalno i u svim kombinacijama. U skupinama EDTA, H2O2, H2O2 + EDTA, H2O2 + NaOCl i SC + NaOCl postignuto je manje antibakterijsko djelovanje od onoga u ostalima. U skupini SC + CHX zabilježen je najbolji antibakterijski učinak na E. faecalis.Zaključak: Kombinacija SC + CHX može se preporučiti kao najučinkovitiji protokol za irigaciju u slučaju dugotrajnih endodontskih infekcija s E. faecalis.Objectives: This study assessed the antibacterial activity of both separate and combined uses of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), 2% chlorhexidine (CHX), 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), MTAD, SmearClear (SC) and 13.8% chlorine dioxide (ClO2) irrigation solutions against Enterococcus faecalis. Material and Methods: Two hundred eighty single rooted human premolars were randomly grouped into 26 test and 2 control (negative and positive) groups and were incubated for 24 h with E. faecalis, except for the negative control group. The tested solutions were as follow: NaOCl; CHX; ClO2; MTAD; SC; EDTA; H2O2; NaOCl + CHX; NaOCl + MTAD; SC + NaOCl; EDTA + NaOCl; H2O2 + NaOCl; ClO2 + CHX; CHX + MTAD; SC + CHX; EDTA + CHX; CHX + H2O2; ClO2 + MTAD; SC + ClO2; EDTA + ClO2; ClO2 + H2O2; SC+MTAD; EDTA+MTAD; MTAD + H2O2; SC + H2O2; and EDTA + H2O2. Optic density values were recorded at 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 h and bac-terial growth curve created for each solution. Results: The CHX, MTAD and ClO2 showed a high poten-tial for the elimination of E. faecalis, both alone and in all combinations. The EDTA, H2O2, H2O2 + EDTA, H2O2 + NaOCl and SC + NaOCl groups showed less antibacterial activity than the other groups. The SC + CHX group showed the best antibacterial effect against E. faecalis. Conclusion: The SC + CHX com-bination can be recommended as the most effective irrigation regimen against E. faecalisin persis-tent endodontic infections

    Antimikrobni i mehanički učinci upotrebe zeolita u dentalnim materijalima: sistematizirani pregledni rad

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    Objective: Ion-incorporated zeolite is a widely used antimicrobial material studied for various dental applications. At present, there is no other systematic review that evaluates the effectiveness of zeolite in all dental materials. The purpose of this study was to review all available literature that analyzed the antimicrobial effects and/or mechanical properties of zeolite as a restorative material in dentistry. Material and methods: Following PRISMA guidelines, an exhaustive search of PubMed, Ovid Medline, Scopus, Embase, and the Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source was conducted. No language or time restrictions were used and the study was conducted from June 1, 2020 to August 17, 2020. Only full text articles were selected that pertained to the usage of zeolite in dental materials including composite resin, bonding agents, cements, restorative root material, cavity base material, prosthesis, implants, and endodontics. Results: At the beginning of the study, 1534 studies were identified, of which 687 duplicate records were excluded. After screening for the title, abstract, and full texts, 35 articles remained and were included in the qualitative synthesis. An Inter-Rater Reliability (IRR) test, which included a percent user agreement and reliability percent, was conducted for each of the 35 articles chosen. Conclusion: Although ion-incorporated zeolite may enhance the antimicrobial properties of dental materials, the mechanical properties of some materials, such as MTA and acrylic resin, may be compromised. Therefore, since the decrease in mechanical properties depends on zeolite concentration in the restorative material, it is generally recommended to add 0.2-2% zeolite by weight.Svrha istraživanja: Zeolit s ugrađenim ionima često je koriÅ”ten antimikrobni materijal koji se proučava za različite primjene u stomatologiji. Trenutačno ne postoji ni jedan drugi sistematizirani pregledni rad u kojemu bi se ocjenjivala učinkovitost zeolita u svim dentalnim materijalima. Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je pregledati svu objavljenu literaturu u kojoj su analizirani antimikrobni učinci i/ ili mehanička svojstva zeolita kao restaurativnog materijala u stomatologiji. Materijal i metode: Slijedeći smjernice PRISMA-e, od 1. lipnja do 17. kolovoza 2020. provedeno je iscrpno pretraživanje baza Pubmed, Ovid Medline, Scopus, Embasa te Dentistry i Oral Sciences Source. Nisu koriÅ”tena jezična ili vremenska ograničenja. Odabrani su samo cjeloviti članci kojima je tema bila upotreba zeolita u dentalnim materijalima, uključujući kompozitne materijale, adhezive, cemente, restaurativne intrakorijenske materijale, podloge te materijale u protetici, implantologiji i endodonciji. Rezultati: Na početku su pronađena 1534 istraživanja, od kojih je isključeno 687 duplih zapisa. Nakon pregleda naslova, sažetka i cjelovitih tekstova, ostalo je 35 radova koji su uključeni u kvalitativnu sintezu. Za svaki od njih proveden je test pouzdanosti među ocjenjivačima (IRR) koji je obuhvaćao postotak slaganja i postotak pouzdanosti. Zaključak: Iako zeolit s ugrađenim ionima može pojačati antimikrobna svojstva dentalnih materijala, mehanička svojstva nekih mogu biti ugrožena, poput MTA i akrilatne smole. Stoga, s obzirom na to da pogorÅ”anje mehaničkih svojstava ovisi o koncentraciji zeolita u restaurativnom materijalu, općenito se preporučuje dodavanje 0,2 do 2 mas.% zeolita

    Low Genetic Differentiation across Three Major Ocean Populations of the Whale Shark, Rhincodon typus

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    BACKGROUND:Whale sharks are a declining species for which little biological data is available. While these animals are protected in many parts of their range, they are fished legally and illegally in some countries. Baseline biological and ecological data are needed to allow the formulation of an effective conservation plan for whale sharks. It is not known, for example, whether the whale shark is represented by a single worldwide panmictic population or by numerous, reproductively isolated populations. Genetic analysis of population structure is one essential component of the baseline data required for whale shark conservation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We have identified 8 polymorphic microsatellites in the whale shark and used these markers to assess genetic variation and population structure in a panel of whale sharks covering a broad geographic region. This is the first record of microsatellite loci in the whale shark, which displayed an average of 9 alleles per locus and mean H(o) = 0.66 and H(e) = 0.69. All but one of the eight loci meet the expectations of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Analysis of these loci in whale sharks representing three major portions of their range, the Pacific (P), Caribbean (C), and Indian (I) Oceans, determined that there is little population differentiation between animals sampled in different geographic regions, indicating historical gene flow between populations. F(ST) values for inter-ocean comparisons were low (PxC = 0.0387, CxI = 0.0296 and PxI = -0.0022), and only CxI approached statistical significance (p = 0.0495). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:We have shown only low levels of genetic differentiation between geographically distinct whale shark populations. Existing satellite tracking data have revealed both regional and long-range migration of whale sharks throughout their range, which supports the finding of gene flow between populations. Whale sharks traverse geographic and political boundaries during their life history and interbreed with animals from distant populations; conservation efforts must therefore target international protection for this species

    Genetic impacts of Anacapa deer mice reintroductions following rat eradication

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    The Anacapa deer mouse is an endemic subspecies that inhabits Anacapa Island, part of Channel Islands National Park, California. We used mitochondrial DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit II gene (COII) and 10 microsatellite loci to evaluate the levels of genetic differentiation and variation in similar to 1400 Anacapa deer mice sampled before and for 4 years after a black rat (Rattus rattus) eradication campaign that included trapping, captive holding and reintroduction of deer mice. Both mitochondrial and microsatellite analyses indicated significant differentiation between Anacapa deer mice and mainland mice, and genetic variability of mainland mice was significantly higher than Anacapa mice even prior to reintroduction. Bayesian cluster analysis and Principal Coordinates Analysis indicated that East, Middle and West Anacapa mice were genetically differentiated from each other, but translocation of mice among islands resulted in the East population becoming less distinct as a result of management. Levels of heterozygosity were similar before and after management. However, numerous private alleles in the founder populations were not observed after reintroduction and shifts in allele frequencies occurred, indicating that the reintroduced populations experienced substantial genetic drift. Surprisingly, two mitochondrial haplotypes observed in an earlier study of Anacapa deer mice were lost in the 20 years prior to the rat eradication program, leaving only a single haplotype in Anacapa deer mice. This study demonstrates how genetic monitoring can help to understand the re-establishment of endemic species after the eradication of invasive species and to evaluate the effectiveness of the management strategies employed
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