491 research outputs found

    The rule of law after globalisation: is myth or reality?

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    The rule of law is unique establishment that had taken place in historical context, as politico-legal edifice of capitalist society. To the extent that any legal system was established in historical context, its form and functioning are cannot be channelled by reflections or professional commitments of lawyers and legal philosophers. The rule of law emerged in certain conditions that we say “classical liberalism”, of power allocation where we diversify political power and legal power in the milieu of political society, enunciated as republic or commonwealth. Contrary to earlier forms of legal order, capitalism was unique that its super structure was articulated according to the pivotal role of legal machinery. There was an actual equilibrium between legal and political domains that they moderately matched with public and private dichotomy. After monopoly capitalism, social setting of liberalism was dramatically incurred some major modifications which were firstly dislocation of liberal individual, incited by monopoly capital and secondly, political achievement of the working classes obtained political equality, as drastic consequence of mass society. Hence, the rule of law altered as depoliticsation of democratised mass society, instead of modus vivendi of liberal individuals, which demarcated the rule of law according to welfare society or sozialrechtsstaat. The neo-liberal globalisation after 1980’s, republican model of political society faded away that it has been transformed by transnational capital where markets, hierarchies, regionalism and communal settings crosscut inner equilibrium between politics and law. Finally, the newborn articulation of power structure undermined necessary basement of the rule of law

    Financial Integration within EU Countries: The Role of Institutions, Confidence and Trust

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    We investigate the degree of financial integration within and between European countries. We construct two measures of de-facto integration across European regions to capture "diversification" and "development" finance in the language of Obstfeld and Taylor (2004). We find evidence that capital market integration within the EU is less than what is implied by theoretical benchmarks and also less than what is found for U.S. states. We ask - why is this the case? Using country-level data for economic institutions, we find that these are not able to explain differences between countries. Using regional data from the World Values Surveys, we investigate the effect of "social capital" on financial integration among European regions. We find regions, where the level of confidence and trust is high, are more financially integrated with each other.

    Conducta Anestésica en Niño con Osteogénesis Imperfecta y Hemorragia Epidural

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    ResumenLa osteogénesis imperfecta (OI) es el resultado de una mutación genética que causa la formación defectuosa o insuficiente de colágeno. La OI puede causar varias complicaciones anestésicas a causa del manejo difícil de las vías aéreas, de la presencia de deformidad de la columna vertebral, de enfermedades respiratorias, anomalías cardíacas, trastorno de la función plaquetaria, riesgo de hipertermia, invaginación bacilar, deformidades óseas y trastornos metabólicos. El abordaje anestésico de pacientes con OI debe ser hecho con cautela, ya que existe un riesgo de ciertas complicaciones respiratorias. Esos riesgos son causados por deformidad del tórax, fracturas óseas durante el movimiento o el cambio de posición, fracturas mandibulares y cervicales relacionadas con la intubación, intubación difícil e hipertermia maligna. Las técnicas anestésicas con el uso de anestesia venosa total (AVT) y mascarilla laríngea, son adecuadas para el manejo de paciente pediátrico con OI. Sin embargo, esas técnicas todavía no han sido mencionadas como útiles en relatos de casos neuroquirúrgicos. En este estudio, presentamos el uso de AVT y mascarilla laríngea ProSeal (MLP) en un niño con OI y hemorragia epidural. Concluimos que la MLP y la AVT pueden ser usadas con seguridad en el manejo anestésico de pacientes con OI y problemas anestésicos graves

    Immunochromatographic diagnostic test analysis using Google Glass.

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    We demonstrate a Google Glass-based rapid diagnostic test (RDT) reader platform capable of qualitative and quantitative measurements of various lateral flow immunochromatographic assays and similar biomedical diagnostics tests. Using a custom-written Glass application and without any external hardware attachments, one or more RDTs labeled with Quick Response (QR) code identifiers are simultaneously imaged using the built-in camera of the Google Glass that is based on a hands-free and voice-controlled interface and digitally transmitted to a server for digital processing. The acquired JPEG images are automatically processed to locate all the RDTs and, for each RDT, to produce a quantitative diagnostic result, which is returned to the Google Glass (i.e., the user) and also stored on a central server along with the RDT image, QR code, and other related information (e.g., demographic data). The same server also provides a dynamic spatiotemporal map and real-time statistics for uploaded RDT results accessible through Internet browsers. We tested this Google Glass-based diagnostic platform using qualitative (i.e., yes/no) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and quantitative prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests. For the quantitative RDTs, we measured activated tests at various concentrations ranging from 0 to 200 ng/mL for free and total PSA. This wearable RDT reader platform running on Google Glass combines a hands-free sensing and image capture interface with powerful servers running our custom image processing codes, and it can be quite useful for real-time spatiotemporal tracking of various diseases and personal medical conditions, providing a valuable tool for epidemiology and mobile health

    Toward Building Hybrid Biological/in silico Neural Networks for Motor Neuroprosthetic Control

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    WOS: 000370402900001PubMed ID: 26321943In this article, we introduce the Bioinspired Neuroprosthetic Design Environment (BNDE) as a practical platform for the development of novel brain-machine interface (BMI) controllers, which are based on spiking model neurons. We built the BNDE around a hard real-time system so that it is capable of creating simulated synapses from extra-cellularly recorded neurons to model neurons. In order to evaluate the practicality of the BNDE for neuroprosthetic control experiments, a novel, adaptive BMI controller was developed and tested using real-time closed-loop simulations. The present controller consists of two in silico medium spiny neurons, which receive simulated synaptic inputs from recorded motor cortical neurons. In the closed-loop simulations, the recordings from the cortical neurons were imitated using an external, hardware-based neural signal synthesizer. By implementing a reward-modulated spike timing-dependent plasticity rule, the controller achieved perfect target reach accuracy for a two-target reaching task in one-dimensional space. The BNDE combines the flexibility of software-based spiking neural network (SNN) simulations with powerful online data visualization tools and is a low-cost, PC-based, and all-in-one solution for developing neurally inspired BMI controllers. We believe that the BNDE is the first implementation, which is capable of creating hybrid biological/in silico neural networks for motor neuroprosthetic control and utilizes multiple CPU cores for computationally intensive real-time SNN simulations.Bogazici University BAP Grants [10XD3]; Bogazici University Life Sciences and Technologies Research Center [09K120520]This research was supported by Bogazici University BAP Grants #10XD3 and Bogazici University Life Sciences and Technologies Research Center #09K120520

    Population Dynamics and Long-Term Trajectory of Dendritic Spines

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    Structural plasticity, characterized by the formation and elimination of synapses, plays a big role in learning and long-term memory formation in the brain. The majority of the synapses in the neocortex occur between the axonal boutons and dendritic spines. Therefore, understanding the dynamics of the dendritic spine growth and elimination can provide key insights to the mechanisms of structural plasticity. In addition to learning and memory formation, the connectivity of neural networks affects cognition, perception, and behavior. Unsurprisingly, psychiatric and neurological disorders such as schizophrenia and autism are accompanied by pathological alterations in spine morphology and synapse numbers. Hence, it is vital to develop a model to understand the mechanisms governing dendritic spine dynamics throughout the lifetime. Here, we applied the density dependent Ricker population model to investigate the feasibility of ecological population concepts and mathematical foundations in spine dynamics. The model includes “immigration,” which is based on the filopodia type transient spines, and we show how this effect can potentially stabilize the spine population theoretically. For the long-term dynamics we employed a time dependent carrying capacity based on the brain's metabolic energy allocation. The results show that the mathematical model can explain the spine density fluctuations in the short-term and also account for the long term trends in the developing brain during synaptogenesis and pruning

    Ranking Of Sustainability Criteria For Industrial Symbiosis Applications Based On Anp

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    ALAKAS, Haci Mehmet/0000-0002-9874-7588WOS:000599463700004Enterprises have started to establish partnerships both to use their internal resources efficiently and to increase their environmental performance. Partnerships and interoperability of enterprises with different processes enable them to benefit more from their benefits. Moving towards the local and regional economy, these partnerships that increase environmental and own resources have created industrial symbiosis practices. Industrial ecology fields are established in these applications. Both environmental and economic gains can be achieved through the efficient use of resources by enterprises and the minimization of wastes. For the sustainability of these partnerships to be established by enterprises, they need to analyze the measures they take internally. In this study, the concept of industrial symbiosis and the criteria that are effective for the sustainability of these industrial symbiosis are evaluated. Analytical network process method is used. Thus, the industrial symbiosis infrastructures to be established by enterprises have been enabled to move strategically