8 research outputs found

    Giant orf on the nose

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    WOS: 000174701000015PubMed ID: 11872419Ecthyma contagiosum, or orf, is a viral zoonosis of sheep and goats that can be transmitted to humans. In humans, it generally manifests as a solitary skin lesion, although rarely it can have an unusual course or be accompanied by systemic symptoms or complications. We present a case of giant orf lesion on the nose of a 9-year-old. The lesion grew rapidly and measured 5 cm by 4 cm and was attached to the right ala nasi by a base 2 cm round in diameter. The diagnosis was suggested by clinical and histopathologic appearance and confirmed by electron microscopic visualization of the virus. The lesion resolved spontaneously with minimal scarring and the entire cycle lasted about 3 months

    A survey of trachoma: The histopathology and the mechanism of progressive cicatrization of eyelid tissues

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    The aim of this study is to demonstrate the spectrum of conditions encompassed by the term 'trachomatous cicatrization of eyelid tissue', to discuss the mechanisms of scar tissue formation and to describe sequelae in this potentially blinding condition. Specimens of eyelid tissues were taken from 27 upper eyelids of 21 patients with entropion who underwent surgical procedures and 2 post-mortem upper eyelids with severe trachomatous entropion, Upper palpebral conjunctival swabs and biopsy specimens were taken from 5 patients with active trachoma and they were examined by fluorescence microscopy and routine histopathological methods. Conjunctival impression cytology samples were collected in all patients, In specimens taken from patients with active trachoma the inflammatory infiltrate was organized as lymphoid follicles in the underlying stroma and impression cytology showed cytoplasm ic elementary bodies. In specimens taken from patients with scarring trachoma light microscopy studies showed subepithelial fibrous membrane formation, squamous metaplasia and loss of goblet cells, pseudogland formation in conjunctiva, degeneration of orbicularis oculi muscle fibres, subepithelial vascular dilatation, localized perivascular amyloidosis and subepithelial lymphocytic infiltration, Accessory lachrymal glands and the ducts of glands were compromised by subepithelial infiltration and scarring, The contraction of the subepithelial fibrous tissue formed by collagen fibres a nd anterior surface drying a re the main factors contributing to the chronic cicatrization and entropion formation

    Pretarsal and marginal orbicularis oculi muscle fiber changes in trachomatous cicatricial entropion: histopathological evaluation

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    Purpose. To evaluate the histopathological changes of pretarsal and orbicularis muscle fibers in trachomatous cicatricial entropion

    Three-day course of oral azithromycin vs topical oxytetracycline/polymyxin in treatment of active endemic trachoma

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    Purpose: The aim of this study on endemic trachoma was to carry out a comparison of azithromycin (3-day course, oral dose of 10 mg/kg per day) with conventional treatment (topical oxytetracycline/polymyxin ointment; twice a day for 2 months) in a rural area near Sanliurfa, Turkey

    The treatment of severe trachomatous dry eye with canalicular silicone plugs

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    Purpose To evaluate the effects of temporary canalicular occlusion with silicone plugs on trachomatous dry eye patients who were on maximal tolerable medical therapy