17 research outputs found

    Lithospheric Structure and Evolution of Southern Africa: Constraints from Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Dispersion and Receiver Functions

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    We conduct a joint inversion of teleseismic receiver functions and Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion from both ambient noise and earthquakes using data from 79 seismic stations in southern Africa, which is home to some of the world\u27s oldest cratons and orogenic belts. The area has experienced two of the largest igneous activities in the world (the Okavango dyke swarm and Bushveld mafic intrusion) and thus is an ideal locale for investigating continental formation and evolution. The resulting 3-D shear wave velocities for the depth range of 0—100Â km and crustal thickness measurements show a clear spatial correspondence with known geological features observed on the surface. Higher than normal mantle velocities found beneath the southern part of the Kaapvaal craton are consistent with the basalt removal model for the formation of cratonic lithosphere. In contrast, the Bushveld complex situated within the northern part of the craton is characterized by a thicker crust and higher crustal Vp/Vs but lower mantle velocities, which are indicative of crustal underplating of mafic materials and lithospheric refertilization by the world\u27s largest layered mafic igneous intrusion. The thickened crust and relatively low elevation observed in the Limpopo belt, which is a late Archean collisional zone between the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons, can be explained by eclogitization of the basaltic lower crust. The study also finds evidence for the presence of a stalled segment of oceanic lithosphere beneath the southern margin of the Proterozoic Namaqua-Natal mobile belt

    Rayleigh wave dispersion measurements reveal low-velocity zones beneath the new crust in the Gulf of California

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    Rayleigh wave tomography provides images of the shallow mantle shear wave velocity structure beneath the Gulf of California. Low-velocity zones (LVZs) are found on axis between 26 and 50 km depth beneath the Guaymas Basin but mostly off axis under the other rift basins, with the largest feature underlying the Ballenas Transform Fault. We interpret the broadly distributed LVZs as regions of partial melting in a solid mantle matrix. The pathway for melt migration and focusing is more complex than an axis-centered source aligned above a deeper region of mantle melt and likely reflects the magmatic evolution of rift segments. We also consider the existence of solid lower continental crust in the Gulf north of the Guaymas Basin, where the association of the LVZs with asthenospheric upwelling suggests lateral flow assisted by a heat source. These results provide key constraints for numerical models of mantle upwelling and melt focusing in this young oblique rift

    Site amplification at Avcilar, Istanbul

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    Avcilar is the suburb of Istanbul that was most heavily damaged during the August 17, 1999 M-w 7.4 Izmit earthquake. Strong ground motion caused fatalities and damage in Avcilar despite being similar to90 km from the epicenter. We deployed five portable seismograph stations equipped with Reftek 24-bit recorders and L4C-3D seismometers for 2 months, in order to understand why the local site response was different from elsewhere in Istanbul. A reference station was placed on a hard rock site, and the remaining four stations were placed on other geological units, in areas that had experienced varying levels of damage. We calculated frequency-dependent ground amplification curves by taking the ratios of the spectra at soft and hard rock sites. We obtained similar site response curves for most earthquakes at each site in the frequency range of 0.3-1.6 Hz, and observed no significant site amplification beyond 2.0 Hz at any site. The overall characteristics of the recorded S-waveforms and our modeling of the calculated site amplification curves are consistent with amplification as a result of trapping of seismic energy within a 100-150 m thick, low-velocity subsurface layer. We also review the applicability of microtremor measurements to estimate local site effects at Avcilar. For these data, we used ratios of spectra of horizontal to vertical components to obtain each site response. These results are compared with standard spectral ratios. These microtremor measurements provide consistent estimates of the amplification at most sites at the higher end of the frequency band, namely above 1 Hz. The results from both methods indeed agree well in this part of the frequency band. However, the microtremor method fails to detect amplification at lower frequencies, namely <1.0 Hz. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved