74 research outputs found

    Improving the performance of bubble sort using a modified diminishing increment sorting

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    Sorting involves rearranging information into either ascending or descending order. There are many sorting algorithms, among which is Bubble Sort. Bubble Sort is not known to be a very good sorting algorithm because it is beset with redundant comparisons. However, efforts have been made to improve the performance of the algorithm. With Bidirectional Bubble Sort, the average number of comparisons is slightly reduced and Batcher’s Sort similar to Shellsort also performs significantly better than Bidirectional Bubble Sort by carrying out comparisons in a novel way so that no propagation of exchanges is necessary. Bitonic Sort was also presented by Batcher and the strong point of this sorting procedure is that it is very suitable for a hard-wired implementation using a sorting network. This paper presents a meta algorithm called Oyelami’s Sort that combines the technique of Bidirectional Bubble Sort with a modified diminishing increment sorting. The results from the implementation of the algorithm compared with Batcher’s Odd-Even Sort and Batcher’s Bitonic Sort showed that the algorithm performed better than the two in the worst case scenario. The implication is that the algorithm is faster

    Гибридный блочный метод для решения начальных и граничных задач со второй производной

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    В настоящей работе мы рассматривает метод прямого численного интегрирования начальной и краевой задач второго порядка. С использованием метода коллокаций мы получили новый класс ортогональных базисных полиномов и разработали двухшаговый гибридный блочный метод, который позволяет находить интеграл дифференциального уравнения без его редукции к системе уравнений. В ходе исследований установлен порядок точности, сходимость и область абсолютной устойчивости предлагаемого метода. Приведены результаты численных экспериментов, которые демонстрируют применимость и вычислительную эффективность предложенного метода

    Bidirectional Bubble Sort Approach to Improving the Performance of Introsort in the Worst Case for Large Input Size

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    Quicksort has been described as the best practical choice for sorting. It is faster than many algorithms for sorting on most inputs and remarkably efficient on the average. However, it is not efficient in the worst case scenarios as it takes O(n2). Research efforts have been made to enhance this algorithm for the worst case scenarios by improving the way the algorithm chooses its pivot element for partitioning, but these approaches have the disadvantage of increasing the algorithm’s average computing time. Introsort was, however, developed to overcome this limitation. This paper presents an approach that uses Bidirectional Bubble Sort to improve the performance of Introsort. Instead of using Insertion Sort as the last step of the sorting algorithm for small lists, the approach uses Bidirectional Bubble Sort. The results of the implementation and experimentation of this algorithm compared with Introsort shows its better performance in the worst case scenario as the size of the list increases

    Mobile Phone:The Past,The Present and The Future

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    Since the introduction of cellular analogue phone in 1985 (first generation mobile phone), there has been a continuous improvement from the first generation to digital secondgeneration to 2.5 generation and now the third-generation. The ground is also being prepared for the fourth-generation mobile phone. Mobile technology has transformed our lives in ways that might have seemed unimaginable some years ago and yet we are still witnessing more transformations and many more are yet to come. This paper examines the concept of cellular communication, the development of mobile phones, the features in the past, the current trends and what to the future holds in general and specifically for Nigeria. The cost implications of the various generations over the previous ones to the end users are also discusse


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    E-Learning involves using a variety of computer and networking technologies to access training materials. The United Nations report, quoted in one of the Nigerian dailies towards the end of year 2006, says that most of the minor languages in the world would be extinct by the year 2050. African languages are currently suffering from discard by the original speakers of the languages as parents prefer to communicate with their children in English language or other languages rather than in their mother tongues. Although, there are Web-based language learning systems, this paper presents a standalone Igbo language learning system that enables prospective learners to learn the rudiments of the language at their convenience especially where there is limited or no Internet connectivity in order to arrest the extinction that looms over the language

    An Architectural Framework for Collaboration of Heterogeneous Communication Devices Using WAP and Mobile Device Augmented(MDA)Gateway Integration

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    Within the last couple of years, the challenge of displaying collaborative multimedia information has become very important with the large diversity of communication devices such as Personal Computers, laptops, notebooks and handheld devices. The shared data and information may be presented with different views depending on the communication device used by a particular collaborator. The use of various web tools (HTML, WML etc) offers some solutions to the problem but if the target application requires more complex features such as rich multimedia data than is manageable using HTML or WML format, something else need to be done. In this paper, we propose a framework that integrates WAP and MDA Gateway to support collaboration among virtual teams and nomadic workers using heterogeneous communication devices. We then discuss an approach for augmenting mobile device small screen capabilities with surrounding large screen display device

    Improved Shellsort for the Worst-Case, the Best-Case and a Subset of the Average-Case Scenarios

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    Sorting involves rearrangement of items into ascending or descending order. There are several sorting algorithms but some are more efficient than others in terms of speed and memory utilization. Shellsort improves on Insertion sort by decreasing the number of comparisons made on the items to be sorted. This paper presents an Improved Shellsort algorithm that further decreases the number of comparisons made on the items to be sorted through a modified diminishing increment sort. The results obtained from the implementation of both Shellsort and the proposed algorithm shows that the proposed algorithm has a fewer number of comparisons made for all input sizes of the best and worst cases and for input size of twenty or less for the average case. By implication, this means that the proposed algorithm is faster in these situations. The strength of the algorithm however diminishes for only the average case of input size greater than twenty

    Developing a Web-Based Location Navigation System in the Context of Covenant University

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    More often than not, people are faced with a number of challenges while considering the environment where they are vis-a-vis locating the exact place they are going at a particular instance. A location-based navigation system, however, helps out by providing direction to the desired location through the use of subjective rating. However, users preferring a combination of maps and photographs of the desired places render such location-based navigation systems inadequate. This paper addresses these challenges by presenting a web- based destinations „ directions system that assists users locate their desired destinations on the campus by navigating their way using the map provided by the audio navigator as the navigator tells the users their locations and how to get to their destinations on the campus

    The impact of carbon nanomaterials on the development of phenanthrene catabolism in soil

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    This study investigates the impact of different types of carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) namely C60, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and fullerene soot on the catabolism of (14)C-phenanthrene in soil by indigenous microorganisms. Different concentrations (0%, 0.01%, 0.1% and 1%) of the different CNMs were blended with soil spiked with 50 mg kg(-1) of (12)C-phenanthrene, and aged for 1, 25, 50 and 100 days. An increase in the concentration of MWCNT- and FS-amended soils showed a significant difference (P = 0.014) in the lag phase, maximum rates and overall extent of (14)C-phenanthrene mineralisation. Microbial cell numbers did not show an obvious trend, but it was observed that control soils had the highest population of heterotrophic and phenanthrene degrading bacteria at all time points