550 research outputs found

    EFL pedagogy students' self-directed learning: use of edmodo and e-portfolio

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    Tesis (Pedagogía en Inglés)This study aims at exploring how Edmodo and E-Portfolio affect EFL Pedagogy Students’ Self-Directed Learning (SDL). The theory is framed within the concepts of Self-Directed Learning and online platforms. This mixed type of research (qualitative and quantitative) considered 3 different instruments to collect data: questionnaires (PRO-SDLS), interviews, and a focus group. The participants were 26 freshmen in an English Pedagogy program. From the data obtained and analyzed, the study showed that there is a statistically significant difference in the participants’ SDL between the pre and posttest. At the same time, students perceived that E-Portfolio is more useful than Edmodo in their learning process.Este estudio tiene como objetivo explorar cómo Edmodo e E-Portfolio afectan en el aprendizaje autodirigido en estudiantes que aspiran a ser profesores de EFL. La teoría se enmarca en los conceptos de aprendizaje autodirigido y plataformas en línea. Este tipo de investigación mixta (cualitativa y cuantitativa) consideró tres instrumentos diferentes para recopilar datos: cuestionarios (PRO-SDLS), entrevistas y un grupo focal. Los participantes fueron 26 estudiantes de primer año en un programa de Pedagogía en Inglés. A partir de los datos obtenidos y analizados, el estudio mostró que existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el SDL (siglas en Inglés del Aprendizaje Autodirigido) de los participantes entre el primer cuestionario y el segundo. Al mismo tiempo, los estudiantes percibieron que E-Portfolio es más útil que Edmodo en su proceso de aprendizaje

    Problem gambling in Chile: a comparison between pre and post pandemic behavior 2018-2022

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    The COVID-19 Pandemic involved several behavioral changes in the world’s population. Extended periods of isolation were one of its most defining features of it. These changes affected people\u27s relationship with gambling, both in terms of access and socialization processes associated with it. Asocial gambling is one of the features of problematic gambling, and it was particularly fit to grow in the framework of long periods of isolation. The article reports the differences in the prevalence of problem gambling in the general Chilean population as well as the changes in the characteristics of gamblers between 2018 and 2022. The study uses a household-based representative sample of people living in the metropolitan city of Santiago de Chile. The primary comparison tool is the validated version of NODS. The results show an increase in at-risk gamblers during the last year, passing from 9.6% to 13.1%, and a large increase in problematic and pathological gamblers, passing from 2.2% to 8.3%. These results show a particular increase in problem gambling among young males and particularly among gamblers involved in online gambling

    Cumplimiento del flujo de decisiones clínicas de los algoritmos de derivación y confirmación diagnóstica del primer PAP atípico H1-Santiago Sur

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.Antecedentes: Un algoritmo puede definirse como un conjunto de operaciones y procedimientos que se deben seguir con el fin de resolver un problema. Objetivo: Conocer el cumplimiento del flujo de decisiones clínicas del protocolo preconizado en los algoritmos de derivación y de confirmación diagnóstica para la citología cervical atípica de significado indeterminado – H1, estipulados en el Programa Nacional de Búsqueda y Control del Cáncer Cervical de Chile. Métodos: Estudio epidemiológico de tipo descriptivo, observacional, cuantitativo y de seguimiento de una cohorte de mujeres portadoras de un primer informe de citología cervical atípica de significado indeterminado – H1, pertenecientes a los consultorios de Atención Primaria de Salud del área Metropolitana Sur de Santiago, Chile. El seguimiento fue a través de la aplicación de los “Algoritmo de derivación a especialista o U.P.C. del primer PAP atípico según la clasificación Bethesda 2001” y “Algoritmos para confirmación diagnóstica”. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 446 mujeres con un primer informe H1. El cumplimiento de conductas de acuerdo al algoritmo de derivación fue de 42.4% y las conductas alternativas fue de 5.8%. La adherencia de conducta en los algoritmos para confirmación diagnóstica fue cumplida en un 89.6%. Conclusiones: El cumplimiento de las conductas ajustadas a algoritmo de derivación del primer Pap atípico fue realizado por la mitad de las mujeres y el cumplimiento del algoritmo de confirmación diagnóstica fue realizado por la gran mayoría.Background: An algorithm can be defined as a set of operations and procedures that must be followed in order to solve a problem. Objective: Determine the compliance of the clinical decisions flow and procedures recommended by the ASCUS results derivation and diagnostic confirmation algorithms established in the National Program of Search and Control of Cervical Cancer of Chile. Methods: An epidemiological, descriptive, observational and quantitative study of a follow up investigation of a cohort of women with ASCUS cytological reports. These women belonging in the health care centers in the South Metropolitan area of Santiago de Chile. The algorithms “The Specialist Derivation Algorithm or UPC for the first atypical Pap according to the Bethesda 2001 classification” and “Diagnosis Confirmation Algorithm” were used for the follow-up process of these patients. Results: Women with a first ASCUS report were selected (n = 446). The compliance of the clinical decisions flow to derivation algorithm was 42.4% and alternative behaviors were 5.8%. In the diagnosis confirmation algorithm was 89.6% the compliance the recommended procedures. Conclusion: Half ASCUS carrier women followed the procedures recommended by the derivation algorithm. In the algorithms of diagnostic confirmation it is met mostly. © 2018 Universidad de Ciencias Medicas de La Hab. All rights reserved.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-75262018000400338&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=e

    Effects of Dysprosium Oxide Nanoparticles on Escherichia coli

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    There is increasing interest in the study of dysprosium oxide nanoparticles (nDy2O3) for biomedical applications due to their fluorescence and paramagnetic properties. However, the fate of nDy2O3 and their effects on natural biological systems are a growing concern. This study assessed the toxicity of nDy2O3 on Escherichia coli for concentrations between 0.02 and 2 mg L−1, exposed to three concentrations of NaCl (8500, 850, and 85 mg L−1) and three glucose concentrations (35, 70, and 140 mg L−1). The ranges of these variables were selected to cover manufacturer recommendations of analytical methodologies for toxicity assessment, environmental and industrial nDy2O3 effluent concentrations, and metabolic activity. Two array-based toxicity techniques were used to evaluate the 27 combinations of conditions. Fluorescent dyes (Live/Dead) and respirometric assays were used to measure the undisturbed cell membrane (UCM) and remaining respiration percentage (RRP), respectively. Respirometric tests showed a higher toxic effect than Live/Dead test assays, indicating that metabolic processes are more affected than the physical structure of the cell by exposure to nDy2O3. After exposing the bacteria to concentrations of 2.0 mg L−1 uncoated nDy2O3 for 2 h at 85 mg L−1 NaCl and 140 mg L−1 glucose, the RRP and UCM decreased to 43% and 88%, respectively. Dysprosium ion (Dy+3) toxicity measurement suggested that Dy+3 was the main contributor to the overall toxicity

    Measuring gambling: Prevalence of at risk and problematic gambling in Chile 2015-2018.

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    This study reports the prevalence of problematic gambling in Santiago de Chile for the period 2015-2018. Two household-based surveys were implemented in the metropolitan area of Santiago de Chile in 2015 and 2018 in order to assess changes on the prevalence, characteristics and severity of gambling (n=1030 each; SE=2,2% for a CI=95%). Severity of gambling was measured using the NODS scale. Results show that during the analysed period the percentage of at-risk players has increased, passing from 14,3% to 16,1%, among them, we identified a decrease in the prevalence of pathological gamblers, passing from 2,4% to 1,4%. We also identify a change in the type of pathological gambler: while in 2015, the main pathological gamblers were women, in 2018, most pathological players were men. In both years, most pathological gamblers came from lower social strata. In both years, the most played games were bingo and lottery, scratch cards and nonregulated slot machines. In 2018, most people declared to play solo, while in 2018, most people declare to play with friends and family. There are significant differences between at risk and not at-risk gamblers in satisfaction with life and other psychosocial indicators

    Validación del índice de bienestar personal (PWI) en usuarios vulnerables de servicios de salud en Santiago, Chile

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    Background: Personal well-being calculates quality of life in terms of the necessary conditions required to live well. Aim: To validate the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) in a representative sample of vulnerable users of the public health system in Santiago, Chile. Material and Methods. A probabilistic and multistage sample consisting of 400 individuals aged 44 +/- 18 years (61% females) belonging to the lower income group of the National Health Fund (FONASA), residents of Gran Santiago was surveyed. Internal consistency and correlation between items and scale were examined. Structure was analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis. Results: The seven-item PWI is a good indicator of subjective well-being in the population under study, considering internal consistency, factor loadings, relation with overall life satisfaction and goodness of fit. The indicators mostly associated with personal well-being are the socioeconomic level followed by relationships with the community, health conditions and achievements. Conclusions: The 7-item version of the PWI is suitable for application in vulnerable health service users


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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus; Scielo.Este estudio compara el bienestar subjetivo en Magallanes, Arica y Parinacota con el resto de las regiones de Chile utilizando los datos de la encuesta CASEN de 2011 sobre quintiles de ingreso, edad, sexo y un ítem de satisfacción con la vida. Los resultados evidencian que el bienestar subjetivo era mayor en Magallanes que en Arica y en el resto del país, aun controlando la edad, el sexo y los niveles de ingreso. Las diferencias en bienestar debidas a sexo y niveles de ingreso son menores en la Región de Magallanes, sugiriendo que la fuerte identidad colectiva y clima emocional positivo de esta región amortigua el impacto de las asimetrías de status y económicas. Este estudio aporta evidencia indirecta respecto a la existencia de una identidad social o colectiva regional magallánica positiva, que actúa como un factor de bienestar.http://www.magallania.cl/index.php/magallania/article/view/86

    WTP for Water Filters and Water Quality Testing Services in Guatemala

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    We conduct a contingent valuation study to estimate the willingness to pay for a point-of-use water quality technology and water quality testing services in the highlands of Guatemala. This study is unique in two ways: we measure drinking water quality at the household level through water samples collected at the household and we elicit the willingness to pay for water quality testing services. We find a significant divergence in subjects’ perceptions of water quality and the measured bacteria counts in their household water. This divergence is economically important as perceptions may play a significant role in willingness to pay for water quality improvements