317 research outputs found

    Higher-Order QCD Corrections to Inclusive Particle Production in p anti-p Collisions

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    Inclusive single-particle production cross sections have been calculated including higher-order QCD corrections. Transverse-momentum and rapidity distributions are presented and the scale dependence is studied. The results are compared with experimental data from the CERN S(p anti-p)S Collider and the Fermilab Tevatron.Comment: 28 pages, [12 uuencoded PS figures, 3 available under request]. Preprint DESY 92-13


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    We calculate the inclusive production of charged hadrons in \pbp collisions to next-to-leading order (NLO) in the QCD improved parton model using a new set of NLO fragmentation functions for charged pions and kaons. We predict transverse-momentum distributions and compare them with experimental data from the CERN S\pbpS Collider and the Fermilab Tevatron.Comment: the file containing the figures has been replaced: we correct a mistake in the uuencoding procedure and we give the real Fig 4 instead of the spurious one which was accidentally included in the previous file. the text is unchanged

    Оценивание устойчивого развития окружающей среды на субнациональном уровне в Украине

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    Рассмотрены существующие методы оценивания устойчивого развития окружающей среды (самостоятельные индикаторы, а также их системы и индексы). Предложен индекс устойчивого развития окружающей среды для оценивания взаимоотношений с окружающей средой на уровне регионов Украины, учитывающий национальные приоритеты в экологической политике. По предложенному региональному индексу получены экологические профили и рейтинг областей Украины.Розглянуто існуючі методи оцінювання сталого розвитку довкілля (самостійні індикатори, а також їх системи та індекси). Запропоновано індекс сталого розвитку довкілля для оцінювання взаємовідносин із навколишнім середовищем на рівні регіонів України, який враховує національні пріоритети в екологічній політиці. За запропонованим регіональним індексом отримано екологічні профілі і рейтинг областей України.The existing methods for assessment of the environment sustainable development (independent indicators, their systems and indices) are considered. The environment sustainability index for assessment of relations with the environment at a regional level for Ukraine is proposed, which takes into account the national priorities in ecological policy. Ecological profiles and rating of the Ukrainian regions are obtained according to the proposed regional index

    Discrete Sibson interpolation

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    Three-nucleon mechanisms in photoreactions

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    The 12^{12}C(γ,ppn)(\gamma,ppn) reaction has been measured for Eγ_{\gamma}=150-800 MeV in the first study of this reaction in a target heavier than 3^3He. The experimental data are compared to a microscopic many body calculation. The model, which predicts that the largest contribution to the reaction arises from final state interactions following an initial pion production process, overestimates the measured cross sections and there are strong indications that the overestimate arises in this two-step process. The selection of suitable kinematic conditions strongly suppresses this two-step contribution leaving cross sections in which up to half the yield is predicted to arise from the absorption of the photon on three interacting nucleons and which agree with the model. The results indicate (γ,3N)(\gamma,3N) measurements on nuclei may be a valuable tool for obtaining information on the nuclear three-body interaction.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Spin-dependent Parton Distributions from Polarized Structure Function Data

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    In the past year, polarized deep inelastic scattering experiments at CERN and SLAC have obtained structure function measurements off proton, neutron and deuteron targets at a level of precision never before achieved. The measurements can be used to test the Bjorken and Ellis-Jaffe sum rules, and also to obtain information on the parton distributions in polarized nucleons. We perform a global leading-order QCD fit to the proton deep inelastic data in order to extract the spin-dependent parton distributions. By using parametric forms which are consistent with theoretical expectations at large and small xx, we find that the quark distributions are now rather well constrained. We assume that there is no significant intrinsic polarization of the strange quark sea. The data are then consistent with a modest amount of the proton's spin carried by the gluon, although the shape of the gluon distribution is not well constrained, and several qualitatively different shapes are suggested. The spin-dependent distributions we obtain can be used as input to phenomenological studies for future polarized hadron-hadron and lepton-hadron colliders.Comment: 23 pages, DTP/94/3

    Excitation of spin-isospin giant resonance states in 12c(gamma,pi+)12b using tagged photons

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    The angular distribution of positive pions from the reaction, 12C(gamma,pi+)12B* were measured at five angles (theta= 35°, 55°, 90°, 125°, 145°) using the tagged photons in the range 176 < Egamma < 182 MeV. The pi+ spectra were measured with a system of DeltaE-E plastic scintillator telescopes. The separation of pi+ from other particles was achieved by measuring the DeltaE vs. E scatter plot and also by observing the delayed decay muons from the stopped pi+ in the E-detector

    Thallium isotopes reveal protracted anoxia during the Toarcian (Early Jurassic) associated with volcanism, carbon burial, and mass extinction

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    For this study, we generated thallium (Tl) isotope records from two anoxic basins to track the earliest changes in global bottom water oxygen contents over the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (TOAE; ∼183 Ma) of the Early Jurassic. The T-OAE, like other Mesozoic OAEs, has been interpreted as an expansion of marine oxygen depletion based on indirect methods such as organic-rich facies, carbon isotope excursions, and biological turnover. Our Tl isotope data, however, reveal explicit evidence for earlier global marine deoxygenation of ocean water, some 600 ka before the classically defined T-OAE. This antecedent deoxygenation occurs at the Pliensbachian/Toarcian boundary and is coeval with the onset of initial large igneous province (LIP) volcanism and the initiation of a marine mass extinction. Thallium isotopes are also perturbed during the T-OAE interval, as defined by carbon isotopes, reflecting a second deoxygenation event that coincides with the acme of elevated marine mass extinctions and the main phase of LIP volcanism. This suggests that the duration of widespread anoxic bottom waters was at least 1 million years in duration and spanned early to middle Toarcian time. Thus, the Tl data reveal a more nuanced record of marine oxygen depletion and its links to biological change during a period of climatic warming in Earth’s past and highlight the role of oxygen depletion on past biological evolution

    Reconstructing the 3-D Trajectories of CMEs in the Inner Heliosphere

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    A method for the full three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction of the trajectories of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) data is presented. Four CMEs that were simultaneously observed by the inner and outer coronagraphs (COR1 and 2) of the Ahead and Behind STEREO satellites were analysed. These observations were used to derive CME trajectories in 3-D out to ~15Rsun. The reconstructions using COR1/2 data support a radial propagation model. Assuming pseudo-radial propagation at large distances from the Sun (15-240Rsun), the CME positions were extrapolated into the Heliospheric Imager (HI) field-of-view. We estimated the CME velocities in the different fields-of-view. It was found that CMEs slower than the solar wind were accelerated, while CMEs faster than the solar wind were decelerated, with both tending to the solar wind velocity.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 1 appendi

    Dijet Rapidity Gaps in Photoproduction from Perturbative QCD

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    By defining dijet rapidity gap events according to interjet energy flow, we treat the photoproduction cross section of two high transverse momentum jets with a large intermediate rapidity region as a factorizable quantity in perturbative QCD. We show that logarithms of soft gluon energy in the interjet region can be resummed to all orders in perturbation theory. The resummed cross section depends on the eigenvalues of a set of soft anomalous dimension matrices, specific to each underlying partonic process, and on the decomposition of the scattering according to the possible patterns of hard color flow. We present a detailed discussion of both. Finally, we evaluate numerically the gap cross section and gap fraction and compare the results with ZEUS data. In the limit of low gap energy, good agreement with experiment is obtained.Comment: 37 pages, Latex, 17 figure