208 research outputs found
Geometrical Properties of Two-Dimensional Interacting Self-Avoiding Walks at the Theta-Point
We perform a Monte Carlo simulation of two-dimensional N-step interacting
self-avoiding walks at the theta point, with lengths up to N=3200. We compute
the critical exponents, verifying the Coulomb-gas predictions, the theta-point
temperature T_theta = 1.4986(11), and several invariant size ratios. Then, we
focus on the geometrical features of the walks, computing the instantaneous
shape ratios, the average asphericity, and the end-to-end distribution
function. For the latter quantity, we verify in detail the theoretical
predictions for its small- and large-distance behavior.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure
Exact Solution of the Discrete (1+1)-dimensional RSOS Model with Field and Surface Interactions
We present the solution of a linear Restricted Solid--on--Solid (RSOS) model
in a field. Aside from the origins of this model in the context of describing
the phase boundary in a magnet, interest also comes from more recent work on
the steady state of non-equilibrium models of molecular motors. While similar
to a previously solved (non-restricted) SOS model in its physical behaviour,
mathematically the solution is more complex. Involving basic hypergeometric
functions , it introduces a new form of solution to the lexicon of
directed lattice path generating functions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
Exact Results for Hamiltonian Walks from the Solution of the Fully Packed Loop Model on the Honeycomb Lattice
We derive the nested Bethe Ansatz solution of the fully packed O() loop
model on the honeycomb lattice. From this solution we derive the bulk free
energy per site along with the central charge and geometric scaling dimensions
describing the critical behaviour. In the limit we obtain the exact
compact exponents and for Hamiltonian walks, along with
the exact value for the connective constant
(entropy). Although having sets of scaling dimensions in common, our results
indicate that Hamiltonian walks on the honeycomb and Manhattan lattices lie in
different universality classes.Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX, 3 figures supplied on request, ANU preprint
Six-minute walk test on a special treadmill: Primary results in healthy volunteers
Background: The guidelines approved by the American Thoracic Society in 2002 definitely
recognize the six-minute walk test (6MWT) as a useful tool for the evaluation of physical
efficiency in individuals with at least moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart
failure and intermittent dysbasia. So far, the American Thoracic Society has not approved the
use of a treadmill to determine the six-minute walking distance (6MWD) because patients are
unable to pace themselves on a treadmill. The purpose of our work was to prove that these
problems could be avoided if physical efficiency is evaluated with the use of a modified treadmill.
Methods: The work evaluates the function of a treadmill able to adjust its speed to the
walking speed of healthy volunteers. The evaluation is based on a comparison of the distance
covered by the healthy volunteers and the comfort of the test on the treadmill during six minutes
with the distance covered and comfort during the same period in a 22-metre-long hallway in
29 healthy volunteers. Non-invasive blood pressure and pulse measurements were taken immediately
before and after the test.
Results: The average distance covered during the six-minute period on the treadmill was
57.1 m longer than in the hallway. The comfort of the treadmill test was indicated to be better
by 18 subjects, worse by 4 subjects and identical by 7 subjects.
Conclusions: The tests confirm that the speed of the modified treadmill adjusts properly to the
walking speed of the healthy volunteers. The hemodynamic effects were identical for the healthy
volunteers both in the hallway and treadmill tests. The distance differences were caused by
turnarounds in the corridor test. The results obtained with the special treadmill allow us to
develop a new method and, at present, provide a basis for a second stage of research comprising
subjects with diagnosed heart failure. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 447-452
Scaling of Self-Avoiding Walks in High Dimensions
We examine self-avoiding walks in dimensions 4 to 8 using high-precision
Monte-Carlo simulations up to length N=16384, providing the first such results
in dimensions on which we concentrate our analysis. We analyse the
scaling behaviour of the partition function and the statistics of
nearest-neighbour contacts, as well as the average geometric size of the walks,
and compare our results to -expansions and to excellent rigorous bounds
that exist. In particular, we obtain precise values for the connective
constants, , , ,
and give a revised estimate of . All of
these are by at least one order of magnitude more accurate than those
previously given (from other approaches in and all approaches in ).
Our results are consistent with most theoretical predictions, though in
we find clear evidence of anomalous -corrections for the scaling of
the geometric size of the walks, which we understand as a non-analytic
correction to scaling of the general form (not present in pure
Gaussian random walks).Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure
Generalized Noiseless Quantum Codes utilizing Quantum Enveloping Algebras
A generalization of the results of Rasetti and Zanardi concerning avoiding
errors in quantum computers by using states preserved by evolution is
presented. The concept of dynamical symmetry is generalized from the level of
classical Lie algebras and groups to the level of dynamical symmetry based on
quantum Lie algebras and quantum groups (in the sense of Woronowicz). A natural
connection is proved between states preserved by representations of a quantum
group and states preserved by evolution with dynamical symmetry of the
appropriate universal enveloping algebra. Illustrative examples are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures Postscrip
Chebyshev type lattice path weight polynomials by a constant term method
We prove a constant term theorem which is useful for finding weight
polynomials for Ballot/Motzkin paths in a strip with a fixed number of
arbitrary `decorated' weights as well as an arbitrary `background' weight. Our
CT theorem, like Viennot's lattice path theorem from which it is derived
primarily by a change of variable lemma, is expressed in terms of orthogonal
polynomials which in our applications of interest often turn out to be
non-classical. Hence we also present an efficient method for finding explicit
closed form polynomial expressions for these non-classical orthogonal
polynomials. Our method for finding the closed form polynomial expressions
relies on simple combinatorial manipulations of Viennot's diagrammatic
representation for orthogonal polynomials. In the course of the paper we also
provide a new proof of Viennot's original orthogonal polynomial lattice path
theorem. The new proof is of interest because it uses diagonalization of the
transfer matrix, but gets around difficulties that have arisen in past attempts
to use this approach. In particular we show how to sum over a set of implicitly
defined zeros of a given orthogonal polynomial, either by using properties of
residues or by using partial fractions. We conclude by applying the method to
two lattice path problems important in the study of polymer physics as models
of steric stabilization and sensitized flocculation.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figure
Scaling prediction for self-avoiding polygons revisited
We analyse new exact enumeration data for self-avoiding polygons, counted by
perimeter and area on the square, triangular and hexagonal lattices. In
extending earlier analyses, we focus on the perimeter moments in the vicinity
of the bicritical point. We also consider the shape of the critical curve near
the bicritical point, which describes the crossover to the branched polymer
phase. Our recently conjectured expression for the scaling function of rooted
self-avoiding polygons is further supported. For (unrooted) self-avoiding
polygons, the analysis reveals the presence of an additional additive term with
a new universal amplitude. We conjecture the exact value of this amplitude.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure
Two dimensional self-avoiding walk with hydrogen-like bonding: Phase diagram and critical behaviour
The phase diagram for a two-dimensional self-avoiding walk model on the
square lattice incorporating attractive short-ranged interactions between
parallel sections of walk is derived using numerical transfer matrix
techniques. The model displays a collapse transition. In contrast to the
standard -point model, the transition is first order. The phase diagram
in the full fugacity-temperature plane displays an additional transition line,
when compared to the -point model, as well as a critical transition at
finite temperature in the hamiltonian walk limit.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures. To appear in Journal of Physics
Dry and Humid Periods Reconstructed from Tree Rings in the Former Territory of Sogdiana (Central Asia) and Their Socio-economic Consequences over the Last Millennium
One of the richest societies along the Silk Road developed in Sogdiana,
located in present-day Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. This urban civilisation
reached its greatest prosperity during the golden age of the Silk Road (sixth to
ninth century ce). Rapid political and economic changes, accelerated by climatic
variations, were observed during last millennium in this region. The newly developed
tree-ring-based reconstruction of precipitation for the pastmillennium revealed
a series of dry and wet stages. During the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA), two
dry periods occurred (900–1000 and 1200–1250), interrupted by a phase of wetter
conditions. Distinct dry periods occurred around 1510–1650, 1750–1850, and
1920–1970, respectively. The juniper tree-ring record of moisture changes revealed
that major dry and pluvial episodes were consistent with those indicated by hydroclimatic
proxy data from adjacent areas. These climate fluctuations have had longand
short term consequences for human history in the territory of former Sogdiana
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