13 research outputs found

    The Disease of the Civilized: African Insanity and Colonial Psychiatry in Ghana, 1902-1957.

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    This thesis discusses the understudied and essential contributions of British psychiatrist and anthropologist Margaret Joyce Field to colonial psychiatry in Africa. In the 1930s, colonial psychiatrists believed Africans did not experience mental diseases or insanity before colonial contact. For John Colin Carothers, the most influential colonial psychiatrist, mental diseases only emerged in African communities as their cultures struggled to adapt to the abstract ideas introduced by European colonization. By drawing on the often-overlooked work of Field, and the Ghanaian concept of insanity, this thesis demonstrates how colonial psychiatrists disregarded mental diseases and their traditional therapies in rural Africa by dismissing them as cultural traits and superstition. This thesis shows how Ghanaians conceptualized insanity before British colonization. It uses the works of Field to highlight how Africans conceptualized insanity in Ghana before colonial contact. More importantly, the thesis emphasizes how the understanding of mental diseases or insanity was culturally constructed in a colonial context. It demonstrates how essential knowledge of African cosmology and cultural beliefs like witchcraft and juju are to understanding psychiatry on the continent. Despite Field’s insightful contribution to colonial psychiatry, this thesis indicates how she misinterpreted socio-cultural beliefs like witchcraft and its associated practices as signs of mental diseases in Ghana

    An evolutionary study of production of electricity in Ghana (1900–1960s)

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    The literature on the history of electricity production have studied the evolution of electricity in both developed and developing countries and its impact on their economies. Some have laid foundations upon which other works are carried out. A close examination of historiography and multidisciplinary research on electricity production in Ghana shows that more efforts are required to improve the electric power landscape in Ghana. From the colonial era, the increasing demand for electricity has been the biggest challenge plaguing the energy sector. Respective governments have made significant strides in ensuring reliable and universal access to electricity throughout Ghana, yet such efforts have been accompanied by different levels of challenges. The study uses a qualitative and exploratory research approach to trace the activities that helped, in many other ways to the creation of a sustainable electric power provision to household and industry in Ghana, particularly in two of Ghana’s cities; Accra and Kumasi, within the period 1900 to the1960s. The work focused mainly on archival sources in its quest to arrive at how indigenous Ghanaians provided power for industrial activities and for household purposes. Results from the study show that local and cottage industries relied predominantly on wood, fuel, and biomass for their operations even before the introduction of the more sophisticated means of power generation. Also, the study revealed that in finding solutions to the challenges of electricity production, policymakers have focused more on current issues with little or no effort to trace the historical foundation of electricity production. This notwithstanding, the little efforts that have been made examined the history of energy production, with a limited focus on the immediate post-independence era

    Women and Medicine: A Historical and Contemporary Study on Ghana

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    Women have always been central concerning the provision of healthcare. The transitions into the modern world have been very slow for women because of how societies classify women. Starting from lay care, women provided healthcare for their family and sometimes to the members of the community in which they lived. With no formal education, women served as midwives and served in other specialised fields in medicine. They usually treated their fellow women because they saw ‘women’s medicine’ as women’s business. They were discriminated against by the opposite sex and by the church, which regarded it as a taboo to allow women to practice medicine. This study points to a Ghanaian context on how the charismas of women have made them excel in their efforts to provide healthcare for their people. The study also focused on the role of indigenous practitioners who are mostly found in the rural areas and modern practitioners who are mostly found in the peri-urban, urban areas and larger cities in Ghana

    An evolutionary study of production of electricity in Ghana (1900 – 1960)

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    The literature on the history of electricity production have studied the evolution of electricity in both developed and developing countries and its impact on their economies. Some have laid foundations upon which other works are carried out. A close examination of historiography and multidisciplinary research on electricity production in Ghana shows that more efforts are required to improve the electric power landscape in Ghana. From the colonial era, the increasing demand for electricity has been the biggest challenge plaguing the energy sector. Respective governments have made significant strides in ensuring reliable and universal access to electricity throughout Ghana, yet such efforts have been accompanied by different levels of challenges. The study uses a qualitative and exploratory research approach to trace the activities that helped, in many other ways to the creation of a sustainable electric power provision to household and industry in Ghana, particularly in two of Ghana’s cities; Accra and Kumasi, within the period 1900 to the1960s. The work focused mainly on archival sources in its quest to arrive at how indigenous Ghanaians provided power for industrial activities and for household purposes. Results from the study show that local and cottage industries relied predominantly on wood, fuel, and biomass for their operations even before the introduction of the more sophisticated means of power generation. Also, the study revealed that in finding solutions to the challenges of electricity production, policymakers have focused more on current issues with little or no effort to trace the historical foundation of electricity production. This notwithstanding, the little efforts that have been made examined the history of energy production, with a limited focus on the immediate post-independence era

    Science, Technology and Healthcare Delivery in Ghana: A Historical Perspective = Tudomány, technológia és egészségügyi ellátás Ghánában: Történelmi perspektíva

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    In the last three decades, a number of studies have been undertaken concerning the impact of science and technological innovations on health sector reforms and responsive healthcare delivery in most countries globally. However, few of these studies are placed in historical context and/or focused particularly on the case of Ghana. In addition, such studies are mostly carried out in the biomedical and physical sciences with very few in the social sciences. Against this background, this paper draws experiences from health professionals in purposively selected institutions in Ghana and supported with critical review of related literature, to answer two central research questions. First, how has science and technological advancement effectively and efficiently supported healthcare delivery system in Ghana? Second, how have post-independence health sector reforms in Ghana been responsive to the needs of patients due to advances in science and technology? Based on empirical results, we argue in this paper that over the last few decades, advances in science and technology have significantly improved Ghana’s health delivery system and promoted responsive healthcare particularly in the area of orthodox medical services. However, the gains from advances in science and technology need to be strengthened by the Ministry of Health, Ghana Health Services and relevant stakeholders to improve health facilities and conditions especially in rural districts in the country

    Наука і технологія як фактори, що сприяють розвитку охорони здоров'я в Гані: минуле і сьогодення

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    Based on qualitative research, the authors were able to gather information from primary and secondary sources in order to highlight some of the essential aspects ofwhich explains the progress made in health care in Ghana. The purpose of the article is to study the impact of science and new technologies on qualitative changes in the system of the health system of Ghana, as well as to consider the process of change in a historical context. Source study base of work - documents regulating the activities of health care in Ghana, international sources. Methodological approaches: historical comparative analysis, statistical and descriptive methods. The results presented in this research paper point to developing traditional and alternative approaches as well as advances in biomedicine in Ghana. Conclusiondy Thanks to the gradual and, to some extent, pragmatic formulations and implementation of the new policy inhealth care. The article also speaks of the commitment of practitioners, researchers and policy makers to ensure and make some relevant commitments to improving the quality of health care in Ghana. It is assumed that this part will induce Ghanaians and politicians, in particular, to continue to engage in scientific research and avoid absolute conservatism.Sur la base d'une étude qualitative, les auteurs ont pu collecter des informations auprès de sources primaires et secondaires afin de mettre en évidence certains des aspects essentiels de ce qui explique les progrès réalisés dans les soins de santé au Ghana. Le but de l'article est d'étudier l'impact de la science et des nouvelles technologies sur les changements qualitatifs dans le système de santé du Ghana, ainsi que de considérer le processus de changement dans un contexte historique. Base d’étude source - documents réglementant les activités des soins de santé au Ghana, sources internationales. Approches méthodologiques: analyse comparative historique, méthodes statistiques et descriptives. Les résultats présentés dans ce document de recherche indiquent quedévelopper des approches traditionnelles et alternatives ainsi que des avancées en biomédecine au Ghana. Conclusions. Grâce aux formulations et à la mise en œuvre graduelles et, dans une certaine mesure, pragmatiques de la nouvelle politiquesoins de santé. L'article parle également de l'engagement des praticiens, des chercheurs et des décideurs politiques à garantir et à prendre des engagements pertinents pour améliorer la qualité des soins de santé au Ghana. On suppose que cette partie incitera les Ghanéens et les hommes politiques, en particulier, à poursuivre leurs recherches scientifiques et à éviter le conservatisme absolu.На основе качественного исследования авторы смогли собрать информацию из первичных и вторичных источников, чтобы выделить некоторые существенные аспекты того, что объясняет прогресс, достигнутый в сфере здравоохранения в Гане. Цель статьи – изучить влияние науки и новых технологий на качественные изменения в системе здравоохранительной системы Ганы, а также рассмотреть процесс изменения в историческом ключе. Источниковедческая база работы – документы, регламентирующие деятельность здравоохранения Ганы, международные источники. Методологические подходы: исторический сравнительный анализ, статистический и описательный методы. Результаты, представленные в этом исследовательском документе, указывают наразвивающиеся традиционные и альтернативные подходы, а также на достижения в сфере биомедицины в Гане. Выводы. Благодаря постепенным и, в некоторой степени, прагматическим формулировкам и реализации новой политики в области здравоохранения. В статье также говорится о приверженности специалистов-практиков, исследователей и политиков к обеспечению и принятию некоторых соответствующих обязательств на пути повышения качества здравоохранения в Гане. Предполагается, что эта часть побудит ганцев и политиков, в частности, продолжать заниматься научными исследованиями и избегать абсолютной консервативности.На основі якісного дослідження автори змогли зібрати інформацію з первинних і вторинних джерел, щоб виділити деякі істотні аспекти того, що пояснює прогрес, досягнутий у сфері охорони здоров'я в Гані. Мета статті - вивчити вплив науки і нових технологій на якісні зміни в системі системи охорони здоров'я Гани, а також розглянути процес зміни в історичному ключі. Джерельна база роботи - документи, що регламентують діяльність охорони здоров'я Гани, міжнародні джерела. Методологічні підходи: історичний порівняльний аналіз, статистичний і описовий методи. Результати, представлені в цьому дослідницькому документі, вказують на що розвиваються традиційні і альтернативні підходи, а також на досягнення в сфері біомедицини в Гані. Висновки. Завдяки поступовим і, в деякій мірі, прагматичним формулювань і реалізації нової політики в галузі охорони здоров'я. У статті також йдеться про прихильність фахівців-практиків, дослідників і політиків до забезпечення і прийняття деяких відповідних зобов'язань на шляху підвищення якості охорони здоров'я в Гані. Передбачається, що ця частина спонукає Ганцов і політиків, зокрема, продовжувати займатися науковими дослідженнями і уникати абсолютної консервативності

    Biometric Technology for Fighting Fraud in National Health Insurance: Ghana\u27s Experience

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    The purpose of this study is to understand how developing countries can deploy biometric technology to fight fraud in national health insurance. Information systems research has discussed the use and impact of ICTs in fighting corruption. However, little is known about biometric technology and national health insurance fraud. To fill this knowledge gap, this paper draws on interpretive case study methodology and sociomateriality theory to investigate Ghana’s experience in using biometric technology to fight national health insurance fraud. The findings show that health insurance fraud can be reduced by employing an integrated solution of social and technical systems comprising: 1) online biometric enrollment of members and verification at the point of health service delivery; 2) use of complementary technologies such as e-claims and 3) operational policies such as the use clinicians in vetting service providers\u27 claims

    Institutional Enablers and Constraints of National Biometric Identification Implementation in Developing Countries: The Case of Ghana

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    The purpose of this study is to understand how institutions shape national biometric identification implementation in developing countries. National biometric identification initiatives have become important because they are being used by governments in developing countries to support socio-economic development. There is a growing body of research on national biometric identification systems but many lack theoretical grounding to better inform policy, practice and research. Given this gap, this paper employs a qualitative interpretive case study methodology to investigate regulative, normative and cognitive institutional effects on a national biometric identification implementation in a developing country. The findings show how a confluence of some local regulative and cognitive institutions as well as international normative institution enabled implementation while others constrained it. The net effect was the identification initiative becoming stalled. The findings have implication for policy, practice and research


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    Using a qualitative research approach, this study focuses on the major medical systems; traditional and western medical practices in the Atiwa District of Ghana from 1960 to 2010 with particular emphasis on western medicine. The people of Atiwa District accessed the two medical systems to combat diseases and also to ensure a healthy life. Before the advent of western medical practice in the Atiwa District, people travelled to Nkawkaw, Koforidua, and Kyebi for medical treatment. Upon the establishment of health centres and hospitals with related impediments, that is, lack of access to health facilities due to long distance, bad roads and low levels of finance from the indigenous population among other things, the local population were not entirely convinced from discontinuing to access the services of traditional medical practitioners in addition to these basic neo-medical facilities. Diseases that were common among the people were malaria, skin diseases and stomach pains among others. However, new and different diseases in other regions also gradually infected the people within the district. They include cerebro-spinal meningitis (CSM), tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS among others within the period under review

    Исследование эволюции производства электроэнергии в Гане (1900–1960 года)

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    The literature on the history of electricity production have studied the evolution of electricity in both developed and developing countries and its impact on their economies. Some have laid foundations upon which other works are carried out. A close examination of historiography and multidisciplinary research on electricity production in Ghana shows that more efforts are required to improve the electric power landscape in Ghana. From the colonial era, the increasing demand for electricity has been the biggest challenge plaguing the energy sector. Respective governments have made significant strides in ensuring reliable and universal access to electricity throughout Ghana, yet such efforts have been accompanied by different levels of challenges. The study uses a qualitative and exploratory research approach to trace the activities that helped, in many other ways to the creation of a sustainable electric power provision to household and industry in Ghana, particularly in two of Ghana’s cities; Accra and Kumasi, within the period 1900 to the1960s. The work focused mainly on archival sources in its quest to arrive at how indigenous Ghanaians provided power for industrial activities and for household purposes. Results from the study show that local and cottage industries relied predominantly on wood, fuel, and biomass for their operations even before the introduction of the more sophisticated means of power generation. Also, the study revealed that in finding solutions to the challenges of electricity production, policymakers have focused more on current issues with little or no effort to trace the historical foundation of electricity production. This notwithstanding, the little efforts that have been made examined the history of energy production, with a limited focus on the immediate post-independence eraУ літературі з історії виробництва електроенергії вивчалася її еволюція як в розвинених, так і в країнах, що розвиваються і її вплив на економіку. Деякі автори заклали основи, на яких основивются інші роботи. Уважне вивчення історіографії виробництва електроенергії в Гані показує, що для поліпшення ситуації з електроенергією в Гані потрібні додаткові зусилля. Зростаючий попит на електроенергію став найбільшою проблемою стоїть перед енергетичним сектором, з часів колоніальної епохи. Відповідні уряду домоглися значних успіхів в забезпеченні надійного і універсального доступу до електрики на всій території Гани, однак такі зусилля супроводжувалися різними рівнями проблем. У дослідженні використовується якісний дослідницький підхід, що дозволяє простежити діяльність, яка у багатьох відношеннях допомогла створити стійке забезпечення електроенергією для домашніх господарств і промисловості в Гані, особливо в містах Аккра і Кумасі, в період з 1900 по 1960 роки. Дослідження було зосереджено, головним чином, на архівних джерелах, з метою з'ясувати яким чином корінні жителі Гани яка забезпечує електроенергією свою промислову діяльність і побутові цілі. Результати цього дослідження показують, що в своїй діяльності місцеві та кустарні підприємства в основному покладалися на деревину, паливо і біомасу ще до введення більш досконалих засобів виробництва електроенергії. Крім того, дослідження показало, що при знаходити власні шляхи розв'язання проблем виробництва електроенергії, розробники більше уваги приділяють поточних питань, практично не докладаючи зусиль для відстеження історичної основи виробництва електроенергії. Незважаючи на це, важливими є невеликі зусилля, які були зроблені для вивчення історії виробництва енергії, з обмеженим акцентом на епоху, що настала відразу після здобуття незалежності.В литературе по истории производства электроэнергии изучалась ее эволюция как в развитых, так и в развивающихся странах и ее влияние на экономику. Некоторые авторы заложили основы, на которых основывются другие работы. Внимательное изучение историографии производства электроэнергии в Гане показывает, что для улучшения ситуации с электроэнергией в Гане требуются дополнительные усилия. Растущий спрос на электроэнергию стал самой большой проблемой стоящей перед энергетическим сектором, со времен колониальной эпохи. Соответствующие правительства добились значительных успехов в обеспечении надежного и универсального доступа к электричеству на всей территории Ганы, однако такие усилия сопровождались различными уровнями проблем. В исследовании используется качественный исследовательский подход, позволяющий проследить деятельность, которая во многих отношениях помогла создать устойчивое обеспечение электроэнергией для домашних хозяйств и промышленности в Гане, особенно в городах Аккра и Кумаси, в период с 1900 по 1960 года. Исследование было сосредоточено, главным образом, на архивных источниках, с целью выяснить каким образом коренные жители Ганы обеспечивали электроэнергей свою промышленную деятельность и бытовые цели. Результаты этого исследования показывают, что в своей деятельности местные и кустарные предприятия в основном полагались на древесину, топливо и биомассу еще до введения более совершенных средств производства электроэнергии. Кроме того, исследование показало, что при поиске решений проблем производства электроэнергии, разработчики больше внимания уделяют текущим вопросам, практически не прилагая усилий для отслеживания исторической основы производства электроэнергии. Несмотря на это, важными являются небольшие усилия, которые были предприняты для изучения истории производства энергии, с ограниченным акцентом на эпоху, наступившую сразу после обретения независимости