794 research outputs found

    The Study of the Level of Artistic Experience Development of Young Teenagers on the Base of Polyart Approach

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    The aim of this research is the elaboration of diagnostic instruments for revelation of the level of artistic experience development of young teenagers on the base of polyart approach and also analysis of diagnostic arrangements with fifth-year pupils. The criteria, parameters and level of artistic experience development of teenagers were described in the article; the author\u27s diagnostic tasks were elaborated according to the polyart approach. The diagnostic methods (testing, essay, questionnaire, creative tasks) were determined for each parameter. The diagnostic arrangements at institutions of general education allowed make a conclusion about the necessity to raise the level of artistic experience development of pupils and to prognosticate thhe methods that favor it


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    The aim of this research is the elaboration of diagnostic instruments for revelation of the level of artistic experience development of young teenagers on the base of polyart approach and also analysis of diagnostic arrangements with fifth-year pupils. The criteria, parameters and level of artistic experience development of teenagers were described in the article; the author’s diagnostic tasks were elaborated according to the polyart approach. The diagnostic methods (testing, essay, questionnaire, creative tasks) were determined for each parameter. The diagnostic arrangements at institutions of general education allowed make a conclusion about the necessity to raise the level of artistic experience development of pupils and to prognosticate thhe methods that favor it


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    The purpose of the article. The research is related to the study of film music of contemporary Ukrainian com-posers. It is a specific genre layer in Ukrainian music culture of today. The author tries to define the problem field of cultural studies of film music of Ukrainian composers and identify some aspects of its understanding (film music as a sound reality of culture, communicative function of music and sound image, etc.). Research methodology lies in the use of comparative methodological principles as well as system and musical-historical methods. The above methodological approach allows to study the applied (by its origin) composing sphere in perspective of representation of contemporary culture and reveal national and cultural identity of film music of Ukrainian composers. The scientific novelty of this study consists in the expansion of notions of the “secondary” field of Ukrainian composers’ works, which is a significant part of our culture and often reflects the major trends of its development. "Music for Films" is a constant of the works of Ukrainian authors, but this issue has not yet become the subject of a special scientific discussion. Conclusions. Film music of Ukrainian composers of the second half of the XX century and today represents a specific phenomenon, characterized by heterogeneity of functional and stylistic manifestations. If, in some cases, music created for a film, is only a special case of manifestation of the creative talent of the composer (as Boris Liatoshynsky, Miroslav Skoryk, Valentin Silvestrov), in others – we are dealing with real experts in this area, whose works in their bulk are connected to the "production" of music for films (Vladimir Guba, Oleg Kiva). Цель статьи. Исследование связано с изучением киномузыки современных украинских композиторов, которая составляет специфический жанровый пласт в украинской музыкальной культуре современности. Сделана попытка очертить проблемное поле культурологического исследования киномузыки украинских композиторов, определить некоторые аспекты её понимания (киномузыка как звуковая реальность культуры, коммуникативная функция музыкально-звукового образа и т.п.). Методология исследования заключается в применении методологических принципов компаративистики, системного и музыкально-исторического методов. Указанный методологический подход позволяет исследовать прикладную по своему происхождению сферу композиторской практики в ракурсе представительства современной культуры, а также выявить национально-культурную самобытность киномузыки украинских композиторов. Научная новизна данной статьи заключается в расширении представлений о «второстепенной» отрасли творчества украинских композиторов, которая является значительной частью культуры современности и часто отражает основные тенденции её развития. «Музыка для кино» является постоянной величиной творчества украинских авторов, однако эта тема еще не стала предметом специального научного обсуждения. Выводы. Киномузыка украинских композиторов второй половины XX века и современности представляет специфическое явление, для которого характерна неоднородность функциональных и стилевых проявлений. Если в одних случаях, музыка, созданная для фильма, является лишь частным случаем проявления творческого дарования композитора (как у Бориса Лятошинского, Мирослава Скорика, Валентина Сильвестрова, например), то в других – мы имеем дело с настоящими специалистами в этой сфере, у которых основной массив произведений связан именно с «производством» музыки для кино (Владимир Губа, Олег Кива). Мета статті. Дослідження пов'язане з вивченням кіномузики сучасних українських композиторів, яка складає специфічний жанровий пласт в український музичній культурі сучасності. Зроблено спробу окреслити проблемне поле культурологічного дослідження кіномузики українських композиторів, визначити декілька аспектів її розуміння (кіномузика як звукова реальність культури, комунікативна функція музично-звукового образу і т.п.). Методологія дослідження полягає в застосуванні методологічних принципів компаративістики, системного та музично-історичного методів. Зазначений методологічний підхід дозволяє досліджувати прикладну за своїм походженням сферу композиторської практики в ракурсі представництва сучасної культури, а також виявити національно-культурну самобутність кіномузики українських композиторів. Наукова новизна даної статті полягає у роз-ширенні уявлень про «другорядну» галузь творчості українських композиторів, яка є значною частиною культури сучасності і часто відображає провідні тенденції її розвитку. «Музика для кіно» є постійною величиною творчості українських авторів, однак ця тема ще не стала предметом спеціального наукового обговорення. Висновки. Кіномузика українських композиторів другої половини XX століття і сучасності представляє специфічне явище, для якого характерна неоднорідність функціональних та стильових проявів. Якщо в одних випадках, музика, створена для фільму, є лише окремим випадком прояву творчого обдарування композитора (як у Бориса Лятошинського, Мирослава Скорика, Валентина Сильвестрова, наприклад), то в інших – ми маємо справу зі справжніми фахівцями в цій сфері, у яких основний масив творів пов'язаний саме з «виробництвом» музики для кіно (Володимир Губа, Олег Кива).

    Phenomenon of the Russian Avant-garde. Moscow Architectural School of the 1920s

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    he phenomenon of the Russian Avant–garde architecture formed under the influence of the Moscow Higher School of Architecture and Art is today widely known by the name of VKHUTEMAS. This school is mentioned in the context of professional activity of the artists and architects who also worked in other institutes, but who had creative links. In the limelight is Nikolai Ladovsky, creator of the introductory course on architectural composition, lecturing along with many authoritative Moscow utilitarian architects, such as Alexander Kuznetsov, Vesnin brothers and others

    The analysis of the ventricle assist device controlled rotor dynamics

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    The analysis of dynamics of rotor-driven artificial ventricle (VAD) was conducted in the work. A comparison of two types of control is given: a linear-quadratic (LC) optimization and PID-regulator. It was shown that LC – control allows the pump rotor positioning with an accuracy of 0.2 mm at speeds ranging from 5,000 to 12,000 rev/min

    Associations between SNPs in candidate immune-relevant genes and rubella antibody levels: a multigenic assessment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The mechanisms of immune response are structured within a highly complex regulatory system. Genetic associations with variation in the immune response to rubella vaccine have typically been assessed one locus at a time. We simultaneously assessed the associations between 726 SNPs tagging 84 candidate immune response genes and rubella-specific antibody levels. Blood samples were obtained from 714 school-aged children who had received two doses of MMR vaccine. Associations between rubella-specific antibody levels and 726 candidate tagSNPs were assessed both one SNP at a time and in a variety of multigenic analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Single-SNP assessments identified 4 SNPs that appeared to be univariately associated with rubella antibody levels: rs2844482 (p = 0.0002) and rs2857708 (p = 0.001) in the 5'UTR of the LTA gene, rs7801617 in the 5'UTR of the IL6 gene (p = 0.0005), and rs4787947 in the 5'UTR of the IL4R gene (p = 0.002). While there was not significant evidence in favor of epistatic genetic associations among the candidate SNPs, multigenic analyses identified 29 SNPs significantly associated with rubella antibody levels when selected as a group (p = 0.017). This collection of SNPs included not only those that were significant univariately, but others that would not have been identified if only considered in isolation from the other SNPs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>For the first time, multigenic assessment of associations between candidate SNPs and rubella antibody levels identified a broad number of genetic associations that would not have been deemed important univariately. It is important to consider approaches like those applied here in order to better understand the full genetic complexity of response to vaccination.</p

    Extended LTA, TNF, LST1 and HLA Gene Haplotypes and Their Association with Rubella Vaccine-Induced Immunity

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    Recent studies have suggested the importance of HLA genes in determining immune responses following rubella vaccine. The telomeric class III region of the HLA complex harbors several genes, including lymphotoxin alpha (LTA), tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and leukocyte specific transcript -1 (LST1) genes, located between the class I B and class II DRB1 loci. Apart from HLA, little is known about the effect of this extended genetic region on HLA haplotypic backgrounds as applied to immune responses.We examined the association between immune responses and extended class I-class II-class III haplotypes among 714 healthy children after two doses of rubella vaccination. These extended haplotypes were then compared to the HLA-only haplotypes. The most significant association was observed between haplotypes extending across the HLA class I region, ten-SNP haplotypes, and the HLA class II region (i.e. A-C-B-LTA-TNF-LST1-DRB1-DQA1-DQB1-DPA1-DPB1) and rubella-specific antibodies (global p-value of 0.03). Associations were found between both extended A*02-C*03-B*15-AAAACGGGGC-DRB1*04-DQA1*03-DQB1*03-DPA1*01-DPB1*04 (p = 0.002) and HLA-only A*02-C*03-B*15-DRB1*04-DQA1*03-DQB1*03-DPA1*01-DPB1*04 haplotypes (p = 0.009) and higher levels of rubella antibodies. The class II HLA-only haplotype DRB1*13-DQA1*01-DQB1*06-DPA1*01-DPB1*04 (p = 0.04) lacking LTA-TNF-LST1 SNPs was associated with lower rubella antibody responses. Similarly, the class I-class II HLA-only A*01-C*07-B*08-DRB1*03-DQA1*05-DQB1*02-DPA1*01-DPB1*04 haplotype was associated with increased TNF-alpha secretion levels (p = 0.009). In contrast, the extended AAAACGGGGC-DRB1*01-DQA1*01-DQB1*05-DPA1*01-DPB1*04 (p = 0.01) haplotype was found to trend with decreased rubella-specific IL-6 secretion levels.These data suggest the importance of examining both HLA genes and genes in the class III region as part of the extended haplotypes useful in understanding genomic drivers regulating immune responses to rubella vaccine

    Oportunidades para desarrollar la esfera moral de la personalidad en niños con discapacidad intelectual

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    This article analyzes scholarly approaches to the moral development of personality, describes the views of particular authors on this issue from the historical perspective; highlights and defines specific features and structural components of this notion; conducts a comparative analysis of moral development in case of normal ontogenesis and in case of intellectual disability. It also attempts to synthesize the existing scholarly approaches to the methods and conditions for effective moral development of children with intellectual disability in correlations with the structural components. In the main section of the article, the authors provide a general overview of the correction methods facilitating moral development and summarize the results of the experimental research of moral development in children with intellectual disabilities of the early school age.Este artículo analiza los enfoques académicos del desarrollo moral de la personalidad, describe las opiniones de autores particulares sobre este tema desde la perspectiva histórica; destaca y define características específicas y componentes estructurales de esta noción; realiza un análisis comparativo del desarrollo moral en caso de ontogénesis normal y en caso de discapacidad intelectual. También intenta sintetizar los enfoques académicos existentes sobre los métodos y condiciones para el desarrollo moral efectivo de los niños con discapacidad intelectual en correlaciones con los componentes estructurales. En la sección principal del artículo, los autores proporcionan una visión general de los métodos de corrección que facilitan el desarrollo moral y resumen los resultados de la investigación experimental del desarrollo moral en niños con discapacidades intelectuales de la edad escolar temprana