10 research outputs found

    Incidencia de moscas de la fruta de importancia econ?mica sobre Citrus aurantium (Rutaceae) en Tucum?n, Argentina

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    3 ilus. 1 tab. Bib: p. 52-53Se analiz? la relaci?n entre Ceratitis capitata, Anastrepha fraterculus y su planta hospedante, Citrus aurantium (naranjo agrio), mediante la recolecci?n durante un a?o de frutos silvestres en un bosque secundario de la provincia de Tucum?n, Argentina. Adem?s, se registr? el parasitismo natural. Se recolectaron 2820 frutos silvestres de naranja agria (322 kg), de los cuales el 34 por ciento estuvo infestado. De estos frutos se obtuvieron 3216 puparios (3150 de C. capitata y 66 de A. fraterculus), de los cuales emergieron 2039 adultos. C. capitata en C. aurantium variaron entre 0.8 y 83.6 pupas/kg, mientras que los niveles de infestaci?n de A. fraterculus variaron de 0.1 a 7.3 pupas/kg. En las pupas de C. capitata se observ? solamente una especie de parasitoide, Aganaspis pelleranoi, y ninguna de las A. fraterculus. Los porcentajes de parasitismo fueron bajos, variando entre 1 y 6 por ciento A. pelleranoi podr?a ser un agente eficaz de biocontrol de moscas de la fruta en cultivos c?tricos, debido principalmente a su comportamiento de forrajeo y su ?mbito de hospedantes. This paper analyzes the relationship between Ceratitis capitata and Anastrepha fraterculus and the host plant Citrus aurantium. A survey of infested fruits was carried out in a secondary forest in the province of Tucum?n, Argentina, during one year. The degree of fruit fly larvae parasitism is also recorded. A total of 2820 wild fruits (322 Kg) of C. aurantium were sampled, of which 34 per cent were infested. Of these fruits, 3216 pupae were obtained (3150 pupae of C. capitata and 66 of A. fraterculus), of which 2.039 fruit fly adults emerged. C. capitata was the predominant fruit fly species, representing 99 (2.015 adults) of all the fruit fly adults obtained in the laboratory. Although only 24 A. fraterculus adults were found, we provide the first documented natural infestation data for C. aurantium, which has been recognized as a potential host of this fruit fly in Tucum?n. C. capitata infestation rates in C. aurantium were highly variable throughout the year, ranging from 0.1 to 7.3 pupae/Kg. Only Aganaspis pelleranoi, a larval-pupal parasitoid, was obtained from C. capitata pupae, while from A. fraterculus pupae no parasitoids were obtained. Parasitism levels were low, ranging from to 1 to 6 per cent. However, this parasitoids species could be an effective fruit fly biocontrol agent in Citrus orchards due to its foraging behavior and host range

    Large scale artificial rearing of Anastrepha sp.1 aff. fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Brazil

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    Some species of the genus Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) are successfully managed by matching the sterile insect technique with parasitoid releases. Such strategies used in integrated pest management can be implemented only where insect mass-rearing programs are feasible. In this study, we show the process of domestication, rearing technology and quality control data obtained from 54 generations of Anastrepha sp.1 aff. fraterculus (Wiedemann, 1830) kept under fully artificial conditions. Eggs were collected by an artificial oviposition panel consisting of one side of the cage made of blue voile fabric externally covered with a thin layer of silicon rubber. They were then air-bubbled in water at 25 ºC for 48 h before seeding. Larvae were reared on the regular laboratory artificial diet with 66 % of agar reduction turning over a semi-liquid diet, which reduced costs and improved insect quality. The adult and larval diets were composed of local ingredients including hydrolyzed yeast. When large-scale production of this fly is contemplated, the critical stage is larval development. This system of artificial rearing for A. fraterculus sp.1 developed in Brazil, allows for the production of a large number of insects of excellent quality using local ingredients and less agar in diet composition than the original medium used for this species. By reducing the interval of egg collection, the system might be optimized in terms of insect yield and, therefore, meet the demands of A. fraterculus sp.1 with regard to integrated pest management purposes

    Desenvolvimento e reprodução da mosca-do-mediterrâneo em caquizeiro, macieira, pessegueiro e videira

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever o desenvolvimento e reprodução de Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) em frutos de caqui 'Fuyu', maçã 'Gala', pêssego 'Maciel' e uva 'Itália'. Foram feitas avaliações quanto a: duração e viabilidade do ovo, duração do estágio larval, peso de pupa, duração e viabilidade da pupa, duração do período ovo-adulto, razão sexual, período de pré-oviposição e oviposição, fecundidade diária e total e longevidade de machos e fêmeas. A maior duração do período ovo-adulto ocorreu em maçã, em consequência do aumento do estágio larval, seguido por uva, caqui e pêssego. Larvas que se alimentaram de pêssego apresentaram maior peso médio de pupa. A maior viabilidade pupal foi registrada em pêssego, equivalente à de uva e caqui. O período de pré-oviposição foi maior para fêmeas provenientes de maçã e uva. Fêmeas provenientes de pêssego apresentaram período de oviposição mais longo, além de maior fecundidade média diária e fecundidade total. A longevidade de adultos foi superior em insetos criados em pêssego. Frutos de pessegueiro são mais adequados para o desenvolvimento de C. capitata, em comparação aos de caqui, maçã e uva

    Behavior of Flies in the Genus Ceratitis (Dacinae

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