216 research outputs found

    Centro Beaubourg París – Francia

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    In this article, the characteristics are studied of the Beaubourg Centre, in which different activities are performed simultaneously and which provide great dynamism to the surroundings. This parallelepiped building has two perfectly limited parts: — a concrete infrastructure, which includes three carpark storeys and three technical and service storeys; — a Steel and glass superstructure, made up of fourteen porticos. Communications are as follows: those of the public, through the West front; and for materials and services, through the East frontage.En este artículo se estudian las características del Centro Beaubourg, en el que se producen simultáneamente diversas actividades y que proporciona un gran dinamismo al entorno que le rodea. Este edificio, de forma paralelepipédica, tiene dos partes perfectamente delimitadas: — una infraestructura de hormigón, que comprende tres plantas de aparcamiento y tres plantas técnicas y de servicio; — una superestructura de acero y vidrio constituida por catorce pórticos. Las comunicaciones se realizan: las del público, por la fachada Oeste; y para los materiales y servicios, por la fachada Este

    Torre TV Emley Moore - Gran Bretaña

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    The new Emley Moor television tower was built to replace a guyed steel mast which collapsed at the site in March 1969. It is the first tower of its kind in the UK and, at 330 m height, it is the third highest such tower in the world. We describe here the methods of design and the construction which enabled the new broadcasting aerials to be brought into service within nineteen months of the Consulting Engineer's initial briefing from the Client.Esta nueva torre fue construida para sustituir el primitivo mástil de acero, atirantado, que se desplomó, en el mismo lugar, el mes de mayo de 1969. Se trata de la primera torre de este tipo que se levanta en el Reino Unido, y es, con sus 330 m de altura, la tercera del mundo. En este artículo describimos detalles del proyecto y los métodos de construcción, que han permitido realizar y poner en servicio tan importante obra, dentro de los 16 meses programados

    Water management at BedZED - Some lessons

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    Copyright © 2008 ICE Publishing Ltd. Permission is granted by ICE Publishing to print one copy for personal use. Any other use of these PDF files is subject to reprint fees.The Beddington zero fossil energy development (BedZED) in London, UK, is something of a modern icon in terms of assembling simultaneously on the same site new construction methods, the best of available ‘green’ technology and social engineering combined with new peri-urban lifestyles. The development also includes a number of ‘alternative’ water systems. As with many innovative and exploratory departures, however, not everything went according to plan. This paper describes the bold vision, highlights some of the issues and seeks to learn and disseminate lessons for the future, with special reference to the integrated water and wastewater services


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    ABSTRACT An in-situ push-out test was carried out on a 3.4m diameter, 12m high trial suction caisson to determine the ultimate uplift capacity and, in particular, the shaft friction that could be generated along the walls of the caisson. The test was performed in the south-eastern waters of Hong Kong in ground conditions comprising soft clay with alluvial sand at the caisson tip. Numerical back-analysis of test reveal that considerable suction was generated at the caisson base due to a combination of the relatively high rate of loading adopted in the test and the silty nature of the alluvium. Inferred friction values generated on the outside wall of the caisson are found to be in line with existing data reported in the literature

    Briefing: The role of human values in behavioural safety

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    Whilst behavioural based safety (BBS) is not new and is even becoming increasingly common, especially among large construction organisations; research on BBS and hence its implementation has paid limited attention to the role of innate drivers of behaviour, particularly human values (e.g. individual worker values). It is argued in this article that there is a need for empirical studies in this area towards the generation of fresh insight that could be valuable for designing more robust interventions for strengthening BBS programmes

    Sports Club for the Riyadh Diplomatic Quarter

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    elevation (drawing), sports halls, north elevation (top); club house, south elevation (bottom

    Bahrain Centre, Offices and Shops

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    site pla

    Bab Al-Sheikh City Centre Redevelopment

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    model (representation), Gateway Bridg
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