741 research outputs found

    Investment in human capital as the factor of development of innovative economy in Ukraine

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    The issue of human capital as the main factor of innovative economic development in Ukraine. Determined the particular qualities of investment in human capital due to its nature and differences from physical capital. Using the methods of scientific analysis allowed to determine in this article the risks and threats to the effective use of human capital existing in today's economy of Ukraine, including: discrepancy vocational qualification structure, demographic situation, lower income  etc. and indicate ways of their removal.Key words: innovative economy, human capital, investments in human capital, risks and threats of innovative development, specifics of human capital.Розглянуто питання людського капіталу як основного фактору становлення інноваційної економіки в Україні. Визначено особливості інвестування в людський капітал, викликані його природою і відмінностями від фізичного капіталу. Звернута увага на характер зношування людського капіталу. Використання методів наукового аналізу дозволило визначити в даній статті існуючі в сучасній економіці України загрози і ризики ефективного використання людського капіталу, серед яких: невідповідність професійно-кваліфікаційної структури, демографічна ситуація, зниження рівня доходів  та інші  і вказати  напрями  їх усунення . Ключові слова:інноваційна економіка, людський капітал, інвестиції  в людський капітал, ризики і загрози інноваційного розвитку, особливості людського капіталу

    Development of a formalism of movable cellular automaton method for numerical modeling of fracture of heterogeneous elastic-plastic materials

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    A general approach to realization of models of elasticity, plasticity and fracture of heterogeneousmaterials within the framework of particle-based numerical methods is proposed in the paper. It is based onbuilding many-body forces of particle interaction, which provide response of particle ensemble correctlyconforming to the response (including elastic-plastic behavior and fracture) of simulated solids. Implementationof proposed approach within particle-based methods is demonstrated by the example of the movable cellularautomaton (MCA) method, which integrates the possibilities of particle-based discrete element method (DEM)and cellular automaton methods. Emergent advantages of the developed approach to formulation of manybodyinteraction are discussed. Main of them are its applicability to various realizations of the concept ofdiscrete elements and a possibility to realize various rheological models (including elastic-plastic or visco-elasticplastic)and models of fracture to study deformation and fracture of solid-phase materials and media.Capabilities of particle-based modeling of heterogeneous solids are demonstrated by the problem of simulationof deformation and fracture of particle-reinforced metal-ceramic composites

    HADES trbnet data formats for DABC and Go4

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    Nonlinear focusing of Terahertz laser beam using layered superconductor

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    We theoretically study the propagation of a Terahertz (THz) Gaussian beam through a thin sample of layered superconductor. We consider the beam axis and the superconducting layers to be perpendicular to the sample interface, while the electric field in the beam is perpendicular to the layers. We show that, in such a geometry, the Josephson current between the superconducting layers supports lensing of the beam instead of divergence on the Rayleigh range. Moreover, due to the nonlinearity, the focal length and waist of the transmitted beam depend on the incident beam intensity. These dependences demonstrate nontrivial hysteresis behavior that can be observed in experiments with THz lasers

    Synthesis of nitroxyl radical by direct nucleophilic functionalization of a C-H bond in the azadiene systems

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    Cyclic dinitrones underwent nucleophilic substitution of the hydrogen atom in the reaction with a paramagnetic carbanion, the lithium derivative of 4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-1-oxyl 3-oxide, to give polyfunctional nitronyl nitroxyls. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Laser beam focusing by layered superconductor tuned by DC magnetic field

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    We develop a theory of the propagation and focusing of the THz Gaussian laser beam through the layered superconductor slab of finite thickness in the presence of an external DC magnetic field in a nonlinear regime. We show that, in this case, focusing of radiation, which results from the specific nonlinearity of the medium, can be flexibly tuned by the external magnetic field providing a new way to control THz waves. We analytically study the main characteristics of the Gaussian beam, its waist, and the focusing distance as the functions of wave frequency, amplitude, and the external magnetic field. The results of analytic calculations are supported by the numerical simulation of the electromagnetic field distribution in the slab