5,083 research outputs found

    Total coloring of 1-toroidal graphs of maximum degree at least 11 and no adjacent triangles

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    A {\em total coloring} of a graph GG is an assignment of colors to the vertices and the edges of GG such that every pair of adjacent/incident elements receive distinct colors. The {\em total chromatic number} of a graph GG, denoted by \chiup''(G), is the minimum number of colors in a total coloring of GG. The well-known Total Coloring Conjecture (TCC) says that every graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta admits a total coloring with at most Δ+2\Delta + 2 colors. A graph is {\em 11-toroidal} if it can be drawn in torus such that every edge crosses at most one other edge. In this paper, we investigate the total coloring of 11-toroidal graphs, and prove that the TCC holds for the 11-toroidal graphs with maximum degree at least~1111 and some restrictions on the triangles. Consequently, if GG is a 11-toroidal graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta at least~1111 and without adjacent triangles, then GG admits a total coloring with at most Δ+2\Delta + 2 colors.Comment: 10 page

    Sobol' indices for problems defined in non-rectangular domains

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    A novel theoretical and numerical framework for the estimation of Sobol sensitivity indices for models in which inputs are confined to a non-rectangular domain (e.g., in presence of inequality constraints) is developed. Two numerical methods, namely the quadrature integration method which may be very efficient for problems of low and medium dimensionality and the MC/QMC estimators based on the acceptance-rejection sampling method are proposed for the numerical estimation of Sobol sensitivity indices. Several model test functions with constraints are considered for which analytical solutions for Sobol sensitivity indices were found. These solutions were used as benchmarks for verifying numerical estimates. The method is shown to be general and efficient

    Thermodynamics and Phase Transitions of Electrolytes on Lattices with Different Discretization Parameters

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    Lattice models are crucial for studying thermodynamic properties in many physical, biological and chemical systems. We investigate Lattice Restricted Primitive Model (LRPM) of electrolytes with different discretization parameters in order to understand thermodynamics and the nature of phase transitions in the systems with charged particles. A discretization parameter is defined as a number of lattice sites that can be occupied by each particle, and it allows to study the transition from the discrete picture to the continuum-space description. Explicit analytic and numerical calculations are performed using lattice Debye-H\"{u}ckel approach, which takes into account the formation of dipoles, the dipole-ion interactions and correct lattice Coulomb potentials. The gas-liquid phase separation is found at low densities of charged particles for different types of lattices. The increase in the discretization parameter lowers the critical temperature and the critical density, in agreement with Monte Carlo computer simulations results. In the limit of infinitely large discretization our results approach the predictions from the continuum model of electrolytes. However, for the very fine discretization, where each particle can only occupy one lattice site, the gas-liquid phase transitions are suppressed by order-disorder phase transformations.Comment: Submitted to Molecular Physic

    Inverse spin-s portrait and representation of qudit states by single probability vectors

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    Using the tomographic probability representation of qudit states and the inverse spin-portrait method, we suggest a bijective map of the qudit density operator onto a single probability distribution. Within the framework of the approach proposed, any quantum spin-j state is associated with the (2j+1)(4j+1)-dimensional probability vector whose components are labeled by spin projections and points on the sphere. Such a vector has a clear physical meaning and can be relatively easily measured. Quantum states form a convex subset of the 2j(4j+3) simplex, with the boundary being illustrated for qubits (j=1/2) and qutrits (j=1). A relation to the (2j+1)^2- and (2j+1)(2j+2)-dimensional probability vectors is established in terms of spin-s portraits. We also address an auxiliary problem of the optimum reconstruction of qudit states, where the optimality implies a minimum relative error of the density matrix due to the errors in measured probabilities.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, PDF LaTeX, submitted to the Journal of Russian Laser Researc

    Substitution of the gamma-chain Asn308 disturbs the D : D interface affecting fibrin polymerization, fibrinopeptide B release, and FXIIIa-catalyzed cross-linking

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    This research was originally published in Blood. Authors. Okumura, N; Gorkun, OV; Terasawa, F; Lord, ST Title. Blood. 2004; 103(12): 4157-4163. © by the American Society of Hematology.ArticleBLOOD. 103(11): 4157-4163 (2004)journal articl

    Adherence to Hippocratic Oath in the Treatment of Urinary Tract Stones by Minimally Invasive Surgery; A five Years Experience in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    Background: Minimally invasive treatment – (referring to endoscopic,  laparoscopic and shockwave procedures) have made open surgery for stones nearly obsolete hence adhering to the father’s of medicine that not to provide treatments which are pointless or harmful. The development of shock wave lithotripsy, percutaneous nephrolithotomy techniques and intracorporeal lithotripsy devices has conferred unprecedented  management tools for upper tract stones. With experience, successful stone retrieval has occurred in upwards of 90% of cases, again with  minimal complications. Moreover, transfusion rates, hospital costs, and convalescence periods have been markedly reduced when compared to open surgery.Objective: This study aimed to document the profile and outcome of patients treated for urinary tract stones by minimally invasive approach at Apollo Medical Centre – Dar-es-salaam, for five years being an experience in a typical third world environment.Methods: This was a five years hospital based descriptive, combined retrospective and prospective study conducted by using a structured data collecting tool. The data were analyzed using SPSS software.Results: A total of 281patients treated for urinary tract stones by minimally invasive approach in a period of five years were enrolled, of which 204 were retrospective, and 77 patients were prospective. Males were the majority at 66.9% (188) giving M:F ratio of 2:1. Majority of the patients, 274 (80%) were over 30 years of age. Renal stones were the commonest at 45.5% with ESWL being the most popular procedure performed in 47.7% of all patients. ESWL had a success rate of 70.7%, lower than contact lithotripsy and forceps picking. Only 4.6% complication rate was reported, both being minor.Conclusions: the prevalence of urinary tract stones is increasing among female. Our patients deserve the benefits of minimally invasive techniques in the management of urolithiasis as they have been demonstrated to be feasible, safe and ESWL non-technically demanding.Key words; Minimal invasive treatment, Urinary stones, Complications, Succes

    Languages ordered by the subword order

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    We consider a language together with the subword relation, the cover relation, and regular predicates. For such structures, we consider the extension of first-order logic by threshold- and modulo-counting quantifiers. Depending on the language, the used predicates, and the fragment of the logic, we determine four new combinations that yield decidable theories. These results extend earlier ones where only the language of all words without the cover relation and fragments of first-order logic were considered

    The 35S U5 snRNP is generated from the activated spliceosome during In vitro splicing

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    Primary gene transcripts of eukaryotes contain introns, which are removed during processing by splicing machinery. Biochemical studies In vitro have identified a specific pathway in which introns are recognised and spliced out. This occurs by progressive formation of spliceosomal complexes designated as E, A, B, and C. The composition and structure of these spliceosomal conformations have been characterised in many detail. In contrast, transitions between the complexes and the intermediates of these reactions are currently less clear. We have previously isolated a novel 35S U5 snRNP from HeLa nuclear extracts. The protein composition of this particle differed from the canonical 20S U5 snRNPs but was remarkably similar to the activated B* spliceosomes. Based on this observation we have proposed a hypothesis that 35S U5 snRNPs represent a dissociation product of the spliceosome after both transesterification reactions are completed. Here we provide experimental evidence that 35S U5 snRNPs are generated from the activated B* spliceosomes during In vitro splicing

    High folic acid consumption leads to pseudo-MTHFR deficiency, altered lipid metabolism, and liver injury in mice.

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    Increased consumption of folic acid is prevalent, leading to concerns about negative consequences. The effects of folic acid on the liver, the primary organ for folate metabolism, are largely unknown. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) provides methyl donors for S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) synthesis and methylation reactions

    Qubit portrait of the photon-number tomogram and separability of two-mode light states

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    In view of the photon-number tomograms of two-mode light states, using the qubit-portrait method for studying the probability distributions with infinite outputs, the separability and entanglement detection of the states are studied. Examples of entangled Gaussian state and Schr\"{o}dinger cat state are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, TeX file, to appear in Journal of Russian Laser Researc