7 research outputs found

    Genetic and Environmental Influences on Chemosensory Perception and Preferences

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    Chemosensory perceptions have biological relevance in aiding the recognition of nutrients and toxins, and initiating physiological processes that affect the digestion system. Food is first and foremost a source of nutrition affecting our well-being, but it is also characterized by one s culture and is a great source of pleasure and satisfaction. Affective responses to sensory characteristics of foods are the best predictor of human food choice in the absence of economic and availability constraints. The aim of this work was to elucidate the impact of genes and environment on responses and preference for astringent, pungent (sensory burn caused by spicy foods) and sour perceptions. Furthermore, a coherent picture of the chemosensory preferences and their underlying causes in young adulthood was achieved. Extensive data from 331 Finnish twins (21-25 years, 146 men, 185 women) were collected as part of FinnTwin12-study including pleasantness and intensity responses to samples spiked with sour, pungent, umami, and astringent stimuli (subgroup for astringency n=194, 96 men, 98 women). Liking and use-frequency responses for variety of food and beverage names representing these chemosensory qualities were collected. In addition, eating behavior related traits (e.g. food neophobia) were measured with validated scales. The heritabilities of chemosensory traits and food preferences were estimated. Furthermore, subgroups of respondents were identified based on preferences to sour, pungent and umami foods. Differences in food behavior and sensory responses, and the impact of genes were explored in the obtained subgroups. Sensory pleasantness and intensity responses to sourness and pungency showed modest heritabilities (12-31%) whereas astringency perception showed no inheritance. However, suggestive evidence that salivary secretion related to astringent stimulation is under genetic control was observed (heritability 43-51%). The preference for foods with sour and spicy flavor qualities showed a clearer and higher impact of genes (heritability 45-50%). Two subgroups of respondents were identified. The basic group was less dramatic in their flavor preferences, whereas the adventurous favored foods with sour and pungent qualities. The adventurous, were also less food neophobic and exhibited more tolerance for the sensory burn caused by capsaicin compared to the basic subgroup. The influence of genes underlying the subgrouping was discovered (heritability 66%). Being adventurous was suggestively found to be in linkage with umami and sour coding taste receptor genes: TAS1R1 and PKD1L3, respectively. This is the first work to demonstrate the role of genetics and environment in perceptions and preference for astringent and pungent flavor qualities, and one of the few to study the heritability of sour taste. It was demonstrated that preference for sour and pungent flavors was partially inherited. Furthermore, two subgroups of individuals were found differing in their flavor preferences. Genetic variability together with food neophobic tendency partially explained these differences. Food neophobia and genetic differences may form a barrier through which individual flavor preferences are generated.Kemiallisilla aistimuksilla on biologinen merkitys syƶtƤvƤksi kelpaavan ravinnon tunnistamisessa sekƤ ruoansulatusjƤrjestelmƤn fysiologisten prosessien alkuun saattamisessa. Ruoka on kulttuurin ilmentymƤ, joka ravinnon ja terveysvaikutusten lisƤksi on myƶs mielihyvƤn lƤhde. Makumieltymykset selittƤvƤtkin pitkƤlti ruokavalintoja. TƤssƤ tutkimuksessa selvitettiin geenien ja ympƤristƶn osuutta astringoivan, polttavan (mausteiden aiheuttama) ja happaman maun mieltymyksissƤ. TyƶssƤ selvitettiin myƶs nuorten makumieltymysten kokonaiskuvaa ja mieltymysten taustaa. Aineisto kerƤttiin suomalaisilla kaksosilla (21-25 v., 146 miestƤ, 185 naista) osana Kaksosten kehitys- ja terveystutkimusta (FinnTwin12). MieltymystƤ ja aistimuksen voimakkuutta (makumittaus) mitattiin maistamalla erilaisia nƤytteitƤ, joihin oli lisƤtty hapanta, polttavaa, umamia tai astringoivaa yhdistettƤ (alaryhmƤ astringoivuusmittauksissa n=194, 96 miestƤ, 98 naista). RuokakyselyllƤ kartoitettiin mieltymyksiƤ ja kƤyttƶuseutta happamien, polttavien, umami- ja astringoivien ruokien suhteen. RuokakƤyttƤytymistƤ (esim. uusien ruokien pelkoa) mitattiin useilla validoiduilla mittareilla. Aistimusten miellyttƤvyydelle, voimakkuudelle sekƤ ruokakyselyn perusteella muodostetuille makumuuttujille mƤƤritettiin periytyvyysaste. LisƤksi vastaajat jaettiin alaryhmiin mieltymysten suhteen (happamat, polttavat ja umamia sis. ruoat). Ala-ryhmien vƤlisiƤ eroja ruokakƤyttƤytymisen ja aistimusten suhteen sekƤ geenien vaikutusta tutkittiin. Makumittauksen happaman ja polttavan maun miellyttƤvyydestƤ sekƤ voimakkuudesta vain pieni osa selittyi perinnƶllisillƤ tekijƶillƤ (12-31%). Astringoivuuden aistiminen ei tƤmƤn tutkimuksen mukaan ollut periytyvƤ ominaisuus, mutta viitteitƤ saatiin aistimusta osittain selittƤvƤn syljentuotannon perinnƶllisistƤ ominaisuuksista (perityvyysaste 43-51%). RuokakyselyssƤ lƤhes puolet mieltymyksistƤ happamiin ja polttaviin ruokiin selittyi perinnƶllisillƤ tekijƶillƤ (periytyvyysaste 45-50%). Vastaajat voitiin jakaa kahteen ala-ryhmƤƤn. PerusryhmƤ oli flavorimieltymysten suhteen maltillisempi verrattuna seikkailijat -ryhmƤƤn, joka suosi ruokien happamia ja polttavia ominaisuuksia. Seikkailijoiden keskuudessa uusien ruokien pelko oli vƤhƤisempƤƤ ja he osoittivat suurempaa sietokykyƤ makumittauksissa polttavalle nƤytteelle. Ryhmittelyn taustalla todettiin geneettinen vaikutus (periytyvyysaste 66%). ViitteitƤ saatiin umamin ja happaman aistimuksia sƤƤtelevien geenien (TAS1R1 ja PKD1L3) ja seikkalijat-ryhmƤn vƤlisestƤ kytkennƤstƤ. TƤmƤ tyƶ on ensimmƤinen, jolla havainnollistettiin geenien ja ympƤristƶn osuutta astringoivuuden ja polttavuuden aistimuksissa sekƤ mieltymyksissƤ. Tyƶ on myƶs yksi harvoista, jossa on tutkittu happaman maun periytyvyyttƤ. Voitiin osoittaa, ettƤ mieltymys happamiin ja polttaviin ruokiin on osittain periytyvƤ ominaisuus. Vastaajat voitiin jakaa kahteen ala-ryhmƤƤn flavorimieltymysten suhteen. Eroja selittivƤt osittain uusien ruokien pelko ja periytyvƤt ominaisuudet. Yksilƶlliset flavorimieltymykset voivatkin ilmentyƤ uusien ruokien pelon ja geneettisten erojen kautta

    Role of Academic Biobanks in Public-Private Partnerships in the European Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure Community

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    Public-private partnerships (PPP) are an efficient means to advance scientific discoveries and boost the medical innovations needed to improve precision medicine. The increasing number and novel nature of such collaborations is keeping the biomedical field in a constant flux. Here we provide an update on PPP development involving academic biobanks in the BBMRI community (the European Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure) and report the views on PPP of 20 key players from this field. The interviewed academic representants broadly show interest for their institution to establish PPP and initiate or partner with BBMRI expert centers. The results indicate that PPP has gained foothold in this area of biomedical research, with great promise to facilitate access to samples and data and to improve data interoperability and reproducibility.Peer reviewe

    Oroantrala komunikācija, ārstÄ“Å”anas iespējas

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    ZobārstniecÄ«baVeselÄ«bas aprÅ«peDentistryHealth CareMērÄ·is bija noskaidrot, kura ārstÄ“Å”anas metode ir vispiemērotākā, laika taupÄ«Å”ana, viegli prasmÄ«ga un lētāka iespēja, ko vispārējs zobārsts var veikt, nenosÅ«tot pacientus pie sejas un žokļu Ä·irurga Uzdevumi bija izpētÄ«t un analizēt riska faktorus, diagnostiku, dažādas ārstÄ“Å”anas metodes un komplikācijas attiecÄ«bā uz OAC. Materiāli un metodes: Rakstu atlase tika veikta manuāli. Tika pētÄ«ts 531 raksts, un no tiem Å”im rakstam tika atlasÄ«ti 70 raksti. Visbiežāk OAC (patoloÄ£iska komunikācija starp mutes dobumu un augŔžokļa sinusu) rodas zobu ekstrakcijas, cistu noņemÅ”anas, traumu dēļ labdabÄ«gu vai ļaundabÄ«gu audzēju, zobu infekciju, sekundāru ortodontisko vai implantu operāciju dēļ, staru terapijas dēļ, neveiksmÄ«gas ārējas sinusa grÄ«das pacēlums un palielinājums, vai arÄ« tas var bÅ«t idiopātisks. OAC, ko izraisa zobu ekstrakcija, parasti rodas sakņu virsotņu un sinusa tuvuma dēļ, sarežģītas ekstrakcijas zobu leņķēŔanas dēļ un pacienta vecuma dēļ augŔžokļa sinusa maksimālā izmēra sasniegÅ”anas dēļ dzÄ«ve. Pirmie molāri ir vairāk izplatÄ«ti, lai izraisÄ«tu OAC, Ä«paÅ”i garākās palatālās saknes dēļ. Ja OAC neārstē, pacienti var iegÅ«t sinusÄ«tu 48 stundas pēc OAC attÄ«stÄ«bas un 90% pacientu pēc 2 nedēļām bÅ«s sinusÄ«ts, ja OAC nav pienācÄ«gi slēgts. RadioloÄ£iskās izmeklÄ“Å”anas zelta standarta metodes, lai izslēgtu augŔžokļa sinusa iesaistÄ«Å”anos, ir CT un/vai CBCT skenÄ“Å”ana. Diagnoze tiek veikta, veicot rÅ«pÄ«gu medicÄ«nisko un zobu pārbaudi un pacienta anamnēzi. Neviena Ä·irurÄ£iska tehnika nav pārspējÄ«gāka par citu, jo tām visām ir savas priekÅ”rocÄ«bas un trÅ«kumi. VisizplatÄ«tākās ārstÄ“Å”anas metodes ir mÄ«ksto audu atloki, piem. vaiga, palatāla un vaiga tauku spilventiņŔ. AizvērÅ”anu var panākt arÄ« ar citiem atlokiem, dažāda veida potzariem un alogēniem materiāliem. Ir arÄ« dažas neparastas ārstÄ“Å”anas metodes, piemēram, autogēns ausu skrimŔļa transplantāts, starpsienas skrimŔļi, deguna starpsienas audu atloks un apgāŔanās tehnika. Tika ierosināts, ka bioloÄ£iski noārdāmās poliuretāna putas varētu bÅ«t droÅ”a, neÄ·irurÄ£iska un nekomplicēta metode, kā parastam zobārstam slēgt OAC.The aim was to find out which treatment method is the most appropriate, time saving, easy skilled and less costly option for a general dentist to perform without needing to refer patients to a maxillofacial surgeon The tasks were to research and analyze risk factors, diagnostics, different treatment methods and complications in regards of OAC. Materials and methods: The selection of articles was done manually. 531 articles were studied and from these, 70 articles were selected for this literature review. Most commonly OAC (a pathological communication between oral cavity and the maxillary sinus) results from tooth extractions, removal of cysts, trauma, due to benign or malignant tumors, dental infections, secondary to orthodontic or implant surgeries, due to radiation therapy, failed external sinus floor elevation and augmentation, or it can also be idiopathic. OAC caused by tooth extraction, commonly occurs due to the close proximity of the root apices and the sinus, difficult extractions due to angulation of teeth and because of the age of the patient due to the maxillary sinus reaching its maximum size in the third decade of life. First molars are more prevalent to cause OAC, especially due to the longer palatal root. If OAC is left untreated, patients can acquire sinusitis 48h after the development of an OAC and 90% of patients will have sinusitis after 2 weeks, if OAC is not appropriately closed. The golden standard methods for radiological examination, to rule out the involvement of maxillary sinus are CT and/or CBCT scans. Diagnosis is made by a thorough medical and dental examination and patient anamnesis. No surgical technique is more surpassing than another because all of them have their advantages and disadvantages. Most common treatment methods are soft tissue flaps e.g. buccal, palatal and buccal fat pad. Closure can be achieved also with other flaps, different kind of grafts and allogenous materials. There are also some uncommon treatment methods, for example autogenous auricular cartilage graft, septal cartilage, nasal septum tissue flap and a turn over technique. It was suggested that biodegradable polyurethane foam could be a safe, nonsurgical and uncomplicated method for a regular dentist to close an OAC