6 research outputs found

    Language and Proofs for Higher-Order SMT (Work in Progress)

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    Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers have throughout the years been able to cope with increasingly expressive formulas, from ground logics to full first-order logic modulo theories. Nevertheless, higher-order logic within SMT is still little explored. One main goal of the Matryoshka project, which started in March 2017, is to extend the reasoning capabilities of SMT solvers and other automatic provers beyond first-order logic. In this preliminary report, we report on an extension of the SMT-LIB language, the standard input format of SMT solvers, to handle higher-order constructs. We also discuss how to augment the proof format of the SMT solver veriT to accommodate these new constructs and the solving techniques they require.Comment: In Proceedings PxTP 2017, arXiv:1712.0089

    Lifting congruence closure with free variables to λ-free higher-order logic via SAT encoding

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    International audienceRecent work in extending SMT solvers to higher-order logic (HOL) has not explored lifting quantifier instantiation algorithms to perform higher-order unification. As a consequence, widely used instantiation techniques, such as trigger-and particularly conflictbased, can only be applied in a limited manner. Congruence closure with free variables (CCFV) is a decision procedure for the E-ground (dis-)unification problem, which is at the heart of these instantiation techniques. Here, as a first step towards fully supporting trigger-and conflict-based instantiation in HOL, we define the E-ground (dis-)unification problem in λ-free higher-order logic (λfHOL), an extension of first-order logic where function symbols may be partially applied and functional variables may occur, and extend CCFV to solve it. To improve scalability in the context of handling higher-order variables, we rely on an encoding of the CCFV search as a propositional formula. We present a solution reconstruction procedure so that models for the propositional formula lead to solutions for the E-ground (dis-)unification problem. This is instrumental to port triggerand conflict-based instantiation to be fully applied in λfHOL. * The order of authors is inverse alphabetic

    Higher-Order SMT Solving (Work in Progress)

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    International audienceSatisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers have throughout the years been able to cope with increasingly expressive formulas, from ground logics to full first-order logic modulo theories. Nevertheless, higher-order logic within SMT (HOSMT) is still little explored. In this preliminary report we discuss how to extend SMT solvers to natively support higherorder reasoning without compromising their performances on FO problems. We present a pragmatic extension of the cvc4 solver in which we generalize existing data structures and algorithms to HOSMT, thus leveraging the extensive research and implementation efforts dedicated to efficient FO solving. Our evaluation shows that the initial implementation does not add significant overhead to FO problems and its performance is on par with the encoding-based approach for HOSMT. We also discuss an alternative extension being implemented in veriT, in which new data structures and algorithms are being developed from scratch to best support HOSMT, thus avoiding the inherent difficulties of generalizing in a graceful way existing infrastructure not indented to higher-order reasoning

    Méthodes pour le raisonnement d'ordre supérieur dans SMT

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    Many applications, notably in the context of verification (for critical systems in transportation, energy, etc.), rely on checking the satisfiability of logic formulas. Satisfiability-modulo-theories (SMT) solvers handle large formulas in expressive languages with built-in and custom operators (e.g. arithmetic and data structure operators). These tools are built using a cooperation of a SAT (propositional satisfiability) solver to handle the Boolean structure of the formula and theory reasoners to tackle the atomic formulas (e.g. « x > y+z » for the theory of arithmetic). Currently, SMT solvers only handle first-order logic. They cannot reason about higher-order expressions, and they generally cannot perform proofs by induction. This is unfortunate, because most interactive verification tools, which use SMT solvers as back-end reasoning engines, offer higher-order languages. This thesis offers solutions to improve interactions between automatic solvers and proof assistants. In particular, we answer two important issues allowing us to improve the use of SMT solvers within proof assistants. Our first contribution consists in providing a suitable architecture to SMT solvers for higher-order logic. The second contribution aims to improve quantifier reasoning inside SMT solvers. For both approaches, we developed a practical implementation and provide a concrete evaluation on a large collection of problems mostly coming from formalization problems. The results obtained during these evaluations are encouraging and show that the developed techniques can provide good improvements for SMT solvers.Many applications, notably in the context of verification (for critical systems in transportation, energy, etc.), rely on checking the satisfiability of logic formulas. Satisfiability-modulo-theories (SMT) solvers handle large formulas in expressive languages with built-in and custom operators (e.g. arithmetic and data structure operators). These tools are built using a cooperation of a SAT (propositional satisfiability) solver to handle the Boolean structure of the formula and theory reasoners to tackle the atomic formulas (e.g. « x > y+z » for the theory of arithmetic). Currently, SMT solvers only handle first-order logic. They cannot reason about higher-order expressions, and they generally cannot perform proofs by induction. This is unfortunate, because most interactive verification tools, which use SMT solvers as back-end reasoning engines, offer higher-order languages. This thesis offers solutions to improve interactions between automatic solvers and proof assistants. In particular, we answer two important issues allowing us to improve the use of SMT solvers within proof assistants. Our first contribution consists in providing a suitable architecture to SMT solvers for higher-order logic. The second contribution aims to improve quantifier reasoning inside SMT solvers. For both approaches, we developed a practical implementation and provide a concrete evaluation on a large collection of problems mostly coming from formalization problems. The results obtained during these evaluations are encouraging and show that the developed techniques can provide good improvements for SMT solvers.La vérification formelle de programmes informatiques ou de systèmes dits critiques tels que dans le transport, l'énergie, etc, est essentielle pour garantir le bon fonctionnement de ces systèmes. Les méthodes de vérification employées s'appuient très fortement sur des procédés mathématiques et logiques permettant de raisonner de manière formelle sur le comportement de ces systèmes. Ces procédés définissent généralement les comportements sous forme de grands ensembles de contraintes logiques. L'approche par satisfaisabilité est une méthode largement utilisée pour vérifier ces contraintes et est un exemple de cas, où les solveurs SMT (satisfaisabilité modulo théories) sont fortement sollicités. Généralement, les solveurs SMT ne gèrent que la logique de premier ordre. Ils ne peuvent pas raisonner sur des expressions d'ordre supérieur, et ils ne peuvent généralement pas effectuer de preuves par induction. C'est regrettable, car la plupart des outils de vérification interactifs, qui utilisent les solveurs SMT, utilisent des langages d'ordre supérieur. L'objectif de cette thèse dans sa globalité est d'offrir des solutions pour améliorer les interactions entre solveur automatique et assistant de preuves. En particulier nous répondons à deux problématiques importantes permettant d'améliorer les usages de solveurs SMT au sein des assistants de preuves. Notre première contribution permet de réduire l'écart entre solveur et assistant de preuve en proposant une architecture adaptée pour la logique d'ordre supérieur. La seconde contribution permet d'améliorer les capacités de raisonnement des solveurs SMT pour les quantificateurs. Pour les deux approches développées nous apportons un ensemble d'évaluation sur des problèmes extraits pour la grande majorité de problèmes de formalisation. Les résultats obtenus lors de ces évaluations sont encourageants et montrent que les techniques développées dans cette thèse peuvent apporter de bonnes améliorations pour les solveurs SMT. Ce doctorat s'est effectué dans le cadre du projet ERC de J. Blanchette (Matryoshka), un ambitieux projet quinquennal qui vise à construire des prouveurs automatiques utiles pour la vérification interactive, et réduire l'écart entre les prouveurs interactifs et solveurs automatiques. L'un des objectifs concrets du projet est d'étendre les capacités de raisonnement des solveurs SMT vers l'ordre supérieur

    Methods for Higher-Order reasoning in SMT

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    La vérification formelle de programmes informatiques ou de systèmes dits critiques tels que dans le transport, l'énergie, etc, est essentielle pour garantir le bon fonctionnement de ces systèmes. Les méthodes de vérification employées s'appuient très fortement sur des procédés mathématiques et logiques permettant de raisonner de manière formelle sur le comportement de ces systèmes. Ces procédés définissent généralement les comportements sous forme de grands ensembles de contraintes logiques. L'approche par satisfaisabilité est une méthode largement utilisée pour vérifier ces contraintes et est un exemple de cas, où les solveurs SMT (satisfaisabilité modulo théories) sont fortement sollicités. Généralement, les solveurs SMT ne gèrent que la logique de premier ordre. Ils ne peuvent pas raisonner sur des expressions d'ordre supérieur, et ils ne peuvent généralement pas effectuer de preuves par induction. C'est regrettable, car la plupart des outils de vérification interactifs, qui utilisent les solveurs SMT, utilisent des langages d'ordre supérieur. L'objectif de cette thèse dans sa globalité est d'offrir des solutions pour améliorer les interactions entre solveur automatique et assistant de preuves. En particulier nous répondons à deux problématiques importantes permettant d'améliorer les usages de solveurs SMT au sein des assistants de preuves. Notre première contribution permet de réduire l'écart entre solveur et assistant de preuve en proposant une architecture adaptée pour la logique d'ordre supérieur. La seconde contribution permet d'améliorer les capacités de raisonnement des solveurs SMT pour les quantificateurs. Pour les deux approches développées nous apportons un ensemble d'évaluation sur des problèmes extraits pour la grande majorité de problèmes de formalisation. Les résultats obtenus lors de ces évaluations sont encourageants et montrent que les techniques développées dans cette thèse peuvent apporter de bonnes améliorations pour les solveurs SMT. Ce doctorat s'est effectué dans le cadre du projet ERC de J. Blanchette (Matryoshka), un ambitieux projet quinquennal qui vise à construire des prouveurs automatiques utiles pour la vérification interactive, et réduire l'écart entre les prouveurs interactifs et solveurs automatiques. L'un des objectifs concrets du projet est d'étendre les capacités de raisonnement des solveurs SMT vers l'ordre supérieur.Many applications, notably in the context of verification (for critical systems in transportation, energy, etc.), rely on checking the satisfiability of logic formulas. Satisfiability-modulo-theories (SMT) solvers handle large formulas in expressive languages with built-in and custom operators (e.g. arithmetic and data structure operators). These tools are built using a cooperation of a SAT (propositional satisfiability) solver to handle the Boolean structure of the formula and theory reasoners to tackle the atomic formulas (e.g. « x > y+z » for the theory of arithmetic). Currently, SMT solvers only handle first-order logic. They cannot reason about higher-order expressions, and they generally cannot perform proofs by induction. This is unfortunate, because most interactive verification tools, which use SMT solvers as back-end reasoning engines, offer higher-order languages. This thesis offers solutions to improve interactions between automatic solvers and proof assistants. In particular, we answer two important issues allowing us to improve the use of SMT solvers within proof assistants. Our first contribution consists in providing a suitable architecture to SMT solvers for higher-order logic. The second contribution aims to improve quantifier reasoning inside SMT solvers. For both approaches, we developed a practical implementation and provide a concrete evaluation on a large collection of problems mostly coming from formalization problems. The results obtained during these evaluations are encouraging and show that the developed techniques can provide good improvements for SMT solvers.Many applications, notably in the context of verification (for critical systems in transportation, energy, etc.), rely on checking the satisfiability of logic formulas. Satisfiability-modulo-theories (SMT) solvers handle large formulas in expressive languages with built-in and custom operators (e.g. arithmetic and data structure operators). These tools are built using a cooperation of a SAT (propositional satisfiability) solver to handle the Boolean structure of the formula and theory reasoners to tackle the atomic formulas (e.g. « x > y+z » for the theory of arithmetic). Currently, SMT solvers only handle first-order logic. They cannot reason about higher-order expressions, and they generally cannot perform proofs by induction. This is unfortunate, because most interactive verification tools, which use SMT solvers as back-end reasoning engines, offer higher-order languages. This thesis offers solutions to improve interactions between automatic solvers and proof assistants. In particular, we answer two important issues allowing us to improve the use of SMT solvers within proof assistants. Our first contribution consists in providing a suitable architecture to SMT solvers for higher-order logic. The second contribution aims to improve quantifier reasoning inside SMT solvers. For both approaches, we developed a practical implementation and provide a concrete evaluation on a large collection of problems mostly coming from formalization problems. The results obtained during these evaluations are encouraging and show that the developed techniques can provide good improvements for SMT solvers