23 research outputs found

    Traditional agroecosystems as conservatories and incubators of cultivated plant varietal diversity: the case of fig (Ficus carica L.) in Morocco

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Traditional agroecosystems are known to host both large crop species diversity and high within crop genetic diversity. In a context of global change, this diversity may be needed to feed the world. Are these agroecosystems museums (i.e. large core collections) or cradles of diversity? We investigated this question for a clonally propagated plant, fig (<it>Ficus carica</it>), within its native range, in Morocco, but as far away as possible from supposed centers of domestication.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fig varieties were locally numerous. They were found to be mainly highly local and corresponded to clones propagated vegetatively. Nevertheless these clones were often sufficiently old to have accumulated somatic mutations for selected traits (fig skin color) and at neutral loci (microsatellite markers). Further the pattern of spatial genetic structure was similar to the pattern expected in natural population for a mutation/drift/migration model at equilibrium, with homogeneous levels of local genetic diversity throughout Moroccan traditional agroecosystems.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that traditional agroecosystems constitue active incubators of varietal diversity even for clonally propagated crop species, and even when varieties correspond to clones that are often old. As only female fig is cultivated, wild fig and cultivated fig probably constitute a single evolutionary unit within these traditional agroecosystems. Core collections, however useful, are museums and hence cannot serve the same functions as traditional agroecosystems.</p

    Métastases musculaires squelettique asymptomatique d’un cancer bronchique non à petites cellules

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    Le cancer bronchique reste parmi les cancers les plus agressifs malgré les avancées diagnostiques et thérapeutiques, les métastases à distance constituent l'élément majeur d'un mauvais pronostic. Nous rapportons une observation de métastases musculaires chez un patient porteur d'un cancer du poumon inopérable. La détection de cette métastase était grâce au TEP scan au 18 FDG. Ce bilan a conduit à un traitement par chimiothérapie systémique après biopsie exérèse de la localisation fessière. Les métastases musculaires squelettiques du cancer bronchique sont rares mais bien qu'indiquant un mauvais pronostic, elles sont accessibles à un traitement local efficace.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea: a report of two cases and literature review

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    Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of the trachea is rare, it represents 1% of all respiratory tract cancers. It’s generally considered as a slowgrowing, with pronlonged clinical course. Most patients present with dyspnea, and the symptoms often mimic those of asthma or chronic bronchitis Surgical resection is the mainstay of treatment often combined to radiotherapy because of close surgical margins. When surgery isn’t possible, most tumors respond to radiotherapy alone wich often results in long periods of remission We report two  cases of primary ACC of trachea: a 49 year old male presented a distal unresectable tracheal ACC treated with chemo-radiotherapy who developed a recurrence and died 7 years after the diagnosis. And a 50 years old  female with a proximal tracheal tumor treated by surgical resection and end- to- end anastomosis followed by adjuvant radiotherapy. At 10 months follow-up, our patient shows no evidence of disease with negative  histological findings.Key words: Adenoid cystic carcinoma, trachea, tracheal resection, radiotherap

    Alteration of glucose metabolism and expression of glucose transporters in ovarian cancer

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    Aerobic glycolysis also known as the Warburg effect, remains a hallmark of various cancers, including ovarian cancer. Cancer cells undergo metabolic changes to sustain their tumorigenic properties and adapt to environmental conditions, such as hypoxia and nutrient starvation. Altered metabolic pathways not only facilitate ovarian cancer cells’ survival and proliferation but also endow them to metastasize, develop resistance to chemotherapy, maintain cancer stem cell phenotype, and escape anti-tumor immune responses. Glucose transporters (GLUTs), which play a pivotal role as the rate-limiting step in glycolysis, are frequently overexpressed in a variety of tumors, including ovarian cancer. Multiple oncoproteins can regulate GLUT proteins, promoting tumor proliferation, migration, and metastasis, either dependent or independent of glycolysis. This review examines the alteration of GLUT proteins, particularly GLUT1, in ovarian cancer and its impact on cancer initiation, progression, and resistance to treatment. Additionally, it highlights the role of these proteins as biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis in ovarian cancer, and delves into novel therapeutic strategies currently under development that target GLUT isoforms

    Benign chondroid syringoma of the orbit: a rare cause of exophtalmos

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    Chondroid syringoma (CS) of the orbit is an extremely rare benign neoplasm. To the best of our knowledege, this is the second case reported in the english litérature

    BRAFV600E hot spot mutation in thyroid carcinomas: first Moroccan experience from a single-institution retrospective study

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    Background: The incidence of thyroid cancer is increasing worldwide at an alarming rate. BRAFV600E mutation is described to be associated with a worse prognostic of thyroid carcinomas, as well as extrathyroidal invasion and increased mortality. Objective: To our knowledge, there are no reported studies neither from Morocco nor from other Maghreb countries regarding the prevalence of BRAFV600E mutation in thyroid carcinomas. Here we aim to evaluate the frequency of BRAFV600E oncogene in Moroccan thyroid carcinomas. Methods: In this Single-Institution retrospective study realized in the Anatomic Pathology and Histology Service in the Military Hospital of Instruction Mohammed V \u2018HMIMV\u2019 in Rabat, we report, using direct genomic sequencing, the assessment of BRAFV600E in 37 thyroid tumors. Results: We detected BRAFV600E mutation exclusively in Papillary Thyroid Carcinomas \u2018PTC\u2019 with a prevalence of 28% (8 PTC out 29 PTC). Like international trends, Papillary Thyroid Carcinomas \u2019PTC\u2019 is more frequent than Follicular Thyroid Carcinomas \u2018FTC\u2019 and Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinomas \u2018ATC\u2019 (29 PTC, 7 FTC and 1 ATC). Conclusion: Our finding gives to the international community the first estimated incidence of this oncogene in Morocco showing that this prevalence falls within the range of international trends (30% to 90%) reported in distinct worldwide geographic regions

    Diagnostic challenge for ovarian malignant melanoma in premenopausal women: Primary or metastatic?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the ovary, metastatic malignant melanoma may be confused with primary malignant melanoma and presents a diagnosis challenge. Most cases are associated with disseminated diseases and poor prognosis. We present this case report of a metastatic ovarian malignant melanoma simulating primary ovarian cancer.</p> <p>Case report</p> <p>A 45-year-old premenopausal woman was incidentally found to have an abdominal mass, 3 years after removal of a cutaneous melanoma lesion. Ultrasound and CT scan revealed left two solid masses, which were found to be an ovarian tumor at laparotomy. Left oophorectomy was performed. Histopathology and immunohistochemistry showed melanoma metastasis to the ovary. Nine months later, the patient developed epilepsy and confusion. Magnetic Resonance Imaging showed unique Wright frontal lobe lesion. She underwent stereotactic radio surgery and dacarbazine monotherapy. For months later, the patient is died from disseminate disease progression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Ovarian metastasis is an unusual presentation of cutaneous melanoma and the prognosis was dismal. As illustrated by this case report, a differential diagnosis of a metastatic malignant melanoma must be considered.</p

    Von Zumbusch’s pustular psoriasis associated with oral terbinafine

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    Adverse skin reactions have been reported in 2.7% of patients receiving oral terbinafine. Less common but life-threatening reactions include acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, exacerbation or induction of psoriasis. We report a case of a 28 year-old woman with no history of psoriasis, the patient presented generalized pustular eruption, erythroderma, prolonged fever and altered general conditions, associated with initiation of oral terbinafine. The histological analysis of the cutaneous biopsy was compatible with pustular psoriasis. The intake of terbinafine was discontinued and treatment by acitretin 25 mg/day associated with emollient cream was started. The evolution was marked by resolution of skin eruption and disappearance of the fever in a few days. The complete remission was reached 2 months later. The diagnosis of severe generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP), type Von Zumbusch associated with initiation of oral terbinafine was made. The present case indicates that terbinafine is a drug that may be associated with the development of psoriasis de novo or its exacerbation

    Métastase mandibulaire d’un carcinome folliculaire de la thyroïde : un cas rare après 7 ans

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    Introduction : Les métastases au niveau de la mandibule ne représentent que 1 % des tumeurs malignes de la cavité buccale. Observation : Nous rapportons le cas d’un patient opéré il y a 7 ans pour un carcinome folliculaire de la thyroïde et qui présentait une tumeur mandibulaire localisée sans métastases à distance. Une exérèse de la tumeur mandibulaire avec reconstruction a été réalisée. L’histologie révélait une métastase mandibulaire d’un carcinome folliculaire de la thyroïde. L’évolution était favorable avec un recul de 17 mois. Conclusion : Bien que rares, les métastases mandibulaires de la thyroïde doivent être évoquées devant toute tumeur de la région buccale, car la détection et le traitement de ces lésions métastatiques à un stade précoce améliorent la survie des patients