87 research outputs found

    "Den verkliga kulturkonflikten"? Islamisk sexualmoralism i liberala Sverige

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    The article discusses the suggestion that the true clash between Western and Islamic civilizations is in the field of sexuality. Islamic morals and values regarding sex are elaborated on the basis of Islamic sources and related to the context of Swedish sexual liberalism. What conflicts can be found in questions regarding how to meet a partner for sex and/or marriage, who can be chosen as a partner, and the forced, arranged and early marriages? The sexual rights of the husband and the sexual duities of the wife are problematized. The article critically discusses the Islamic view of forbidden sexual relations and behaviour. The different understandings of sexuality are articulated in social problems such as honour-related violence, individual feelings of shame, objections to sex education in Swedish schools and the sexualization of children

    "Miljövänliga arabemiraten" : Hur världens största resursförbrukare kan upprätthålla en miljövänlig image

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    Artikeln diskuterar gåtan hur Förenade Arabemiraten kan upprätthålla en global miljövänlig image samtidigt som man är en stor förbrukare av naturresurser. De har världens största förbrukning av vatten, energi och det största ekologiska fotavtrycket i världen per capita. Artikeln diskuterar denna paradox i termer av diskursen ekologisk modernisering.The article discusses the riddle how the United Arab Emirates can uphold a global environmental friendly image while having an enourmous use of natural resources. They have the highest use of water, energy and largest ecological footprint in the world per capita. The article discusses this paradox in terms of the discours of ecological modernization

    Det heter muslimofobi : tema: islamism

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