7 research outputs found

    Common contextual influences in ambiguous and rivalrous figures

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    Images that resist binocular fusion undergo alternating periods of dominance and suppression, similarly to ambiguous figures whose percepts alternate between two interpretations. It has been well documented that the perceptual interpretations of both rivalrous and ambiguous figures are influenced by their spatio-temporal context. Here we consider whether an identical spatial context similarly influences the interpretation of a similar rivalrous and ambiguous figure. We developed a binocularly rivalrous stimulus whose perceptual experience mirrors that of a Necker cube. We employed a paradigm similar to that of Ouhnana and Kingdom (2016) to correlate the magnitude of influence of context between the rivalrous and ambiguous target. Our results showed that the magnitude of contextual influence is significantly correlated within observers between both binocularly rivalrous and ambiguous target figures. This points to a similar contextual-influence mechanism operating on a common mechanism underlying the perceptual instability in both ambiguous and rivalrous figures.Canadian Institute of Health Researc

    Grid-texture mechanisms in human vision:contrast detection of regular sparse micro-patterns requires specialist templates

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    Previous work has shown that human vision performs spatial integration of luminance contrast energy, where signals are squared and summed (with internal noise) over area at detection threshold. We tested that model here in an experiment using arrays of micro-pattern textures that varied in overall stimulus area and sparseness of their target elements, where the contrast of each element was normalised for sensitivity across the visual field. We found a power-law improvement in performance with stimulus area, and a decrease in sensitivity with sparseness. While the contrast integrator model performed well when target elements constituted 50–100% of the target area (replicating previous results), observers outperformed the model when texture elements were sparser than this. This result required the inclusion of further templates in our model, selective for grids of various regular texture densities. By assuming a MAX operation across these noisy mechanisms the model also accounted for the increase in the slope of the psychometric function that occurred as texture density decreased. Thus, for the first time, mechanisms that are selective for texture density have been revealed at contrast detection threshold. We suggest that these mechanisms have a role to play in the perception of visual textures

    Aftereffect of perceived regularity

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