1,619 research outputs found

    Complete Chaotic Mixing in an Electro-osmotic Flow by Destabilization of Key Periodic Pathlines

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    The ability to generate complete, or almost complete, chaotic mixing is of great interest in numerous applications, particularly for microfluidics. For this purpose, we propose a strategy that allows us to quickly target the parameter values at which complete mixing occurs. The technique is applied to a time periodic, two-dimensional electro-osmotic flow with spatially and temporally varying Helmoltz-Smoluchowski slip boundary conditions. The strategy consists of following the linear stability of some key periodic pathlines in parameter space (i.e., amplitude and frequency of the forcing), particularly through the bifurcation points at which such pathlines become unstable.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Transport and diffusion in the embedding map

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    We study the transport properties of passive inertial particles in a 2−d2-d incompressible flows. Here the particle dynamics is represented by the 4−d4-d dissipative embedding map of 2−d2-d area-preserving standard map which models the incompressible flow. The system is a model for impurity dynamics in a fluid and is characterized by two parameters, the inertia parameter α\alpha, and the dissipation parameter γ\gamma. We obtain the statistical characterisers of transport for this system in these dynamical regimes. These are, the recurrence time statistics, the diffusion constant, and the distribution of jump lengths. The recurrence time distribution shows a power law tail in the dynamical regimes where there is preferential concentration of particles in sticky regions of the phase space, and an exponential decay in mixing regimes. The diffusion constant shows behaviour of three types - normal, subdiffusive and superdiffusive, depending on the parameter regimes. Phase diagrams of the system are constructed to differentiate different types of diffusion behaviour, as well as the behaviour of the absolute drift. We correlate the dynamical regimes seen for the system at different parameter values with the transport properties observed at these regimes, and in the behaviour of the transients. This system also shows the existence of a crisis and unstable dimension variability at certain parameter values. The signature of the unstable dimension variability is seen in the statistical characterisers of transport. We discuss the implications of our results for realistic systems.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, To Appear in Phys. Rev. E; Vol. 79 (2009

    Advection of vector fields by chaotic flows

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    We have introduced a new transfer operator for chaotic flows whose leading eigenvalue yields the dynamo rate of the fast kinematic dynamo and applied cycle expansion of the Fredholm determinant of the new operator to evaluation of its spectrum. The theory hs been tested on a normal form model of the vector advecting dynamical flow. If the model is a simple map with constant time between two iterations, the dynamo rate is the same as the escape rate of scalar quantties. However, a spread in Poincar\'e section return times lifts the degeneracy of the vector and scalar advection rates, and leads to dynamo rates that dominate over the scalar advection rates. For sufficiently large time spreads we have even found repellers for which the magnetic field grows exponentially, even though the scalar densities are decaying exponentially.Comment: 12 pages, Latex. Ask for figures from [email protected]

    On the effectiveness of mixing in violent relaxation

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    Relaxation processes in collisionless dynamics lead to peculiar behavior in systems with long-range interactions such as self-gravitating systems, non-neutral plasmas and wave-particle systems. These systems, adequately described by the Vlasov equation, present quasi-stationary states (QSS), i.e. long lasting intermediate stages of the dynamics that occur after a short significant evolution called "violent relaxation". The nature of the relaxation, in the absence of collisions, is not yet fully understood. We demonstrate in this article the occurrence of stretching and folding behavior in numerical simulations of the Vlasov equation, providing a plausible relaxation mechanism that brings the system from its initial condition into the QSS regime. Area-preserving discrete-time maps with a mean-field coupling term are found to display a similar behaviour in phase space as the Vlasov system.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Targeted mixing in an array of alternating vortices

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    Transport and mixing properties of passive particles advected by an array of vortices are investigated. Starting from the integrable case, it is shown that a special class of perturbations allows one to preserve separatrices which act as effective transport barriers, while triggering chaotic advection. In this setting, mixing within the two dynamical barriers is enhanced while long range transport is prevented. A numerical analysis of mixing properties depending on parameter values is performed; regions for which optimal mixing is achieved are proposed. Robustness of the targeted mixing properties regarding errors in the applied perturbation are considered, as well as slip/no-slip boundary conditions for the flow

    Moving walls accelerate mixing

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    Mixing in viscous fluids is challenging, but chaotic advection in principle allows efficient mixing. In the best possible scenario,the decay rate of the concentration profile of a passive scalar should be exponential in time. In practice, several authors have found that the no-slip boundary condition at the walls of a vessel can slow down mixing considerably, turning an exponential decay into a power law. This slowdown affects the whole mixing region, and not just the vicinity of the wall. The reason is that when the chaotic mixing region extends to the wall, a separatrix connects to it. The approach to the wall along that separatrix is polynomial in time and dominates the long-time decay. However, if the walls are moved or rotated, closed orbits appear, separated from the central mixing region by a hyperbolic fixed point with a homoclinic orbit. The long-time approach to the fixed point is exponential, so an overall exponential decay is recovered, albeit with a thin unmixed region near the wall.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. PDFLaTeX with RevTeX 4-1 styl

    Phases saturation control on mixing driven reactions in 3D porous media

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    Transported chemical reactions in unsaturated porous media are relevant across a range of environmental and industrial applications. Continuum scale dispersive models are often based on equivalent parameters derived from analogy with saturated conditions, and cannot appropriately account for processes such as incomplete mixing. It is also unclear how the third dimension controls mixing and reactions in unsaturated conditions. We obtain 3DD experimental images of the phases distribution and of transported chemical reaction by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) using an immiscible non-wetting liquid as a second phase and a fast irreversible bimolecular reaction. Keeping the P\'eclet number (Pe) constant, we study the impact of phases saturation on the dynamics of mixing and the reaction front. By measuring the local concentration of the reaction product, we quantify temporally resolved effective reaction rate (RR). We describe the temporal evolution of RR using the lamellar theory of mixing, which explains faster than Fickian (t0.5t^{0.5}) rate of product formation by accounting for the deformation of mixing interface between the two reacting fluids. For a given Pe, although stretching and folding of the reactive front are enhanced as saturation decreases, enhancing the product formation, this is larger as saturation increases, i.e., volume controlled. After breakthrough, the extinction of the reaction takes longer as saturation decreases because of the larger non-mixed volume behind the front. These results are the basis for a general model to better predict reactive transport in unsaturated porous media not achievable by the current continuum paradigm
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