82 research outputs found

    Rigor and Ethics in the World of Big-team Qualitative Data: Experiences From Research in International Development

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    In the large international projects where many qualitative researchers work, generating qualitative Big Data, data sharing represents the status quo. This is rarely acknowledged, even though the ethical implications are considerable and span both process and product. I argue that big-team qualitative researchers can strengthen claims to rigor in analysis (the product) by drawing on a growing body of knowledge about how to do credible secondary analysis. Since this necessitates a full account of how the research and the analysis are done (the process), I consider the structural disincentives for providing these. Debates around credibility and rigor are not new to qualitative research in international development, but they intensify when new actors such as program evaluators and quantitative researchers use qualitative methods on a large scale. In this context, I look at the utility of guidelines used by these actors to ensure the quality of qualitative research. I ask whether these offer pragmatic suggestions to improve its quality, recognizing the common and hierarchized separation between the generation and interpretation of data, or conversely, whether they set impossible standards and fail to recognize the differences between and respective strengths of qualitative and quantitative research

    Clubbing masculinities: Gender shifts in gay men's dance floor choreographies

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Journal of Homosexuality, 58(5), 608-625, 2011 [copyright Taylor & Francis], available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/00918369.2011.563660This article adopts an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the intersections of gender, sexuality, and dance. It examines the expressions of sexuality among gay males through culturally popular forms of club dancing. Drawing on political and musical history, I outline an account of how gay men's gendered choreographies changed throughout the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. Through a notion of “technologies of the body,” I situate these developments in relation to cultural levels of homophobia, exploring how masculine expressions are entangled with and regulated by musical structures. My driving hypothesis is that as perceptions of cultural homophobia decrease, popular choreographies of gay men's dance have become more feminine in expression. Exploring this idea in the context of the first decade of the new millennium, I present a case study of TigerHeat, one of the largest weekly gay dance club events in the United States


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    The status of thorium and uraniumn-233 technology for power reactor applications is reviewed. In the areas of fuel cycle, reactor design snd reactor operational problems, information was s developed on current status of techology, current and planned research and developrent programs, need for additional resesrch and developmet, and time schedule of required kilograms of U-23 over the next five years to carry out the research and development now being planned, and the further work believed desirable in the longer term. (auth

    Intravitreal anti-VEGF-therapy in myopic CNV - Overview of literature and own experiences

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    Sontaneous regression of a macular hole

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    First experience with the new Navilas system for laser coagulation in Diabetic Maculopathy

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    Efficacy of Ozurdex in retinal vein occlusion

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