559 research outputs found

    The main sources for the Arte Mayor in sixteenth century Spain

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    One of the main changes in European Renaissance mathematics was the progressive development of algebra from practical arithmetic, in which equations and operations began to be written with abbreviations and symbols rather than in the rethorical way found in earlier arithmetical texts. In Spain, the introduction of algebraic procedures was mainly achieved through certain commercial or arithmetical texts, in which a section was devoted to algebra or thePeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Thesen, die dem theologischen Schlussexamen dienen koennen

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    Thesen, die dem theologischen Schlussexamen dienen koennen (Theses that can serve the final theological exam .

    Die Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Hochschule fĂĽr Welthandel, 1918-1973

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    This contribution examines the teaching of economics at the Hochschule fĂĽr Welthandel as a case study in the evolution of Austrian academic economics in the 20th century. The period considered is divided into three periods - before, under and after the NS-regime. The main focus is on the multiparadigmatic character of the discipline before WWII, on economics under the NS rule, and on the restoration and delayed integration of economics into the international mainstream after 1945. On the personal level, the teaching of economics at the Welthandel was dominated for more than three decades by Walter Heinrich and Richard Kerschagl, whose influence is explored with regard to their academic, scientific and political activities. (author's abstract)Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Serie

    Das Widerstreben des Menschen und unwiderstehliche Gnade

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    Das Widerstreben des Menschen und unwiderstehliche Gnade (Man\u27s reluctance and irresistible grace

    Die persoenliche Weisheit Gottes

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    Die persoenliche Weisheit Gottes (The Personal Wisdom of God

    Dispositionen ueber die zweite von der Synodalkonferenz angenommene Evangelienreihe

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    Dispositionen ueber die zweite von der Synodalkonferenz angenommene Evangelienreihe (Dispositions on the Second Adopted by the Synodal Conference gospel series

    Intuitu Fidei und Sola Gratia

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    Intuitu Fidei und Sola Gratia ( Intuition of Faith and Grace alone

    Wie muss Gottes Wort gepredigt werden, damit. Glaube entstehe in den Herzen der Zuhoerer

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    Wie muss Gottes Wort gepredigt werden, damit glaube entstehe in den Herzen der Zuhoerer (How must God\u27s word be preached so that faith arises in the hearts of the hearers

    Kleine Hesekielstudien

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    Kleine Hesekielstudien (Little Ezekiel Studies

    Die Schriftlehre von der Verstockung

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    Die Schriftlehre von der Verstockung (The Doctrine of Hardening
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