77 research outputs found

    "Kamień na kamieniu" Wiesława Myśliwskiego w świetle teorii popędów

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    Porównawcza charakterystyka dwóch głównych bohaterów Kamienia na kamieniu Wiesława Myśliwskiego metodą psychoanalityczną pozwala na wysnucie nader interesujących wniosków. Oto bowiem Szymon Pietruszka i jego brat, Michał, w świetle Freudowskiej teorii popędów jawią się jako dwa przeciwstawne punkty na jednej prostej: Szymon-Eros i Michał-Tanatos. Egzemplifikacja tekstowa, którą przedstawię w dalszej części artykułu, ma na celu dowiedzenie trafności tej tezy. [fragm. tekstu

    Kruczoczarny romantyzm. Motywy czarnoromantyczne w prozie Stefana Grabińskiego

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    The article concerns the implementation of Dark Romantic motifs in short-story writings by Stefan Grabiński, and above all, the motive of madness. In my opinion, Grabiński, as a pioneer of Polish horror who took inspiration from one of the key creators of Dark Romanticism, Edgar Allan Poe, is one of those authors who should be seen, in the first place, as continuators of the tradition of Dark Romanticism. His works comprise motifs so much characteristic of this tradition, such as the motif of doppelgänger („Problemat Czelawy”, „Na tropie” — „On the Trail”), madness („Pożarowisko” — „Fire”, „Spojrzenie” — „Glance”) or demonism (frequently manifesting in the femme fatale characters in stories, such as „W domu Sary” („In the House of Sarah”) or „Kochanka Szamoty” („The Lover of Szamota”). What is relevant in the context of Dark Romanticism is also the recognition of the poetics of the works by Grabiński and placing it in the historical-literary context, while taking into consideration the fact that the prose by Grabiński has a modernist character, despite the fact that the author wrote during the interwar period

    Привлекательность городов в условиях социальной изоляции: взгляды жителей Силезского воеводства (Польша)

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    Пандемия SARS-CoV-2 привела к повсеместному распространению принципов социальной изоляции, резкому сокращению прав жителей на пользование городом, ограничению мобильности и встреч. Цель статьи - исследовать, ведет ли временное ограничение мобильности из-за пандемии SARS-CoV-2 к снижению не только качества жизни, но и привлекательности города. Любой оцениваемый город стремится повысить свою привлекательность. Предполагается, что для оценки как привлекательности города, так и качества жизни в городе используются схожие характеристики. Данное исследование пытается ответить на следующие вопросы. (1) Можно ли заметить снижение привлекательности города из-за пандемии? (2) Влияет ли сложившееся мнение (убеждение) респондента о городе как жизненной среде на оценку места проживания респондента? (3) Влияют ли факторы, характеризующие мобильность жителей города, на качество жизни? Выявлено, что демографические характеристики жителей в той или иной степени связаны с оценкой привлекательности города. Пол респондентов не играет важной роли при оценивании города и текущего места проживания, в то время как возраст и уровень образования существенно влияют на эту оценку. Чем старше респондент, тем ниже он оценивает привлекательность города. В то же время, чем выше уровень образования, тем выше склонность оценивать привлекательность города. Анализ показал, что не все исследуемые элементы мобильности (измеряемое при помощи оценки места проживания) в равной степени улучшают качество жизни. Из 7 выявленных факторов, только 3 оказались статистически значимыми. Таким образом, можно сделать вывод, что эти именно эти факторы влияют на оценку качества жизни горожан.The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has led to the widespread introduction of the principles of social isolation and drastically reduced the right of residents to use the city, limiting mobility and meetings. The article examines whether the temporarily limited mobility due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, reducing the quality of life in the city, also reduces its attractiveness. The city, assessed from the viewpoint of its attractiveness, aims to strengthen its appeal. We assume that the attractiveness of the city and assessment of the quality of life in the city are based on similar features. We sought answers to the following research questions. (1) Is it really possible to notice a decrease in the city’s attractiveness due to the pandemic? (2) Does a respondent’s opinion (belief) about the city as a living environment influence the assessment of the city in which the respondent lives? (3) Do factors describing the mobility of city inhabitants influence the quality of life? We revealed that the demographic characteristics of residents are to varying degrees related to the assessment of the attractiveness of the city. Gender of respondents has no significant influence on the assessment of the city and current place of residence, while age and educational level of education are important for this assessment. The older is the respondent, the lower is their assessment of the city. Simultaneously, the higher is the educational level, the higher is the propensity to assess the attractiveness of the city. The analysis of mobility revealed that not all examined mobility elements will equally improve the quality of life (measured by the assessment of the place of residence). Out of the 7 factors identified in the study, only 3 turned out to be statistically significant. Therefore, it can be concluded that these factors improve the quality of life of city residents

    Czynność osi GH/IGF-I, stężenie hormonów kalciotropowych we krwi oraz gęstość mineralna kości u młodych osób z przewlekłym wirusowym zapaleniem wątroby

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    Introduction: Chronic liver disease caused by HBV and HCV infections, due to its great prevalence and serious medical consequences, is at the present time a significant clinical problem. An impaired liver function can provoke severe disturbances in calcium and phosphorus homeostasis, and consequently in the bone metabolism resulting in hepatic osteodystrophy. The aim of this study was to determine whether there are significant differences in bone mineral density (BMD) and/or circadian levels of hormones connected with bone metabolism and bone turnover markers in patients with chronic viral hepatitis. Material and methods: Circadian levels (AUC, area under the curve) of GH, IGF-I, IGFBP-3, osteocalcin (BGLAP), C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP), PTH, 25(OH)D, total calcium and total phosporus were measured in the blood of members of the study group (n = 80). BMD was assessed using the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry method of the L2-L4 lumbar spine. Data was compared to that of healthy individuals (n = 40). Results: BMD (1.05 g/cm3 vs. 1.20 g/cm3), total calcium concentration (2.20 mmol/L vs. 2.45 mmol/L), total phosphorus concentration (1.06 mmol/L vs. 1.33 mmol/L), IGF-I (AUC 3,982.32 ng/mL vs. 5,167.61 ng/mL), IGFBP-3 (AUC 725.09 ng/L vs. 944.35 ng/L), 25(OH)D (AUC 356.35 ng/mL vs. 767.53 ng/mL) and BGLAP (AUC 161.39 ng/L vs. 298 ng/L) were lower in the study group. GH (AUC 88.3 ng/mL vs. 48.04 ng/mL), iPTH (AUC 1,201.94 pg/mL vs. 711.73 pg/mL) and ICTP (AUC 104.30 μg/L vs. 54.49 μg/L) were higher in patients with hepatitis. Positive correlations were noted between bone mineral density and IGF-I, IGFBP-3, and BGLAP levels. Conclusions: Chronic viral hepatitis causes a decrease in bone mineral density. Impaired liver function disrupts homeostasis of the calcium– vitamin D–parathyroid hormone axis and provokes secondary hyperparathyroidism. Chronic viral hepatitis induces a decrease in the synthesis of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 and an increase in GH secretion. Hepatic osteodystrophy is probably caused by both changes in calciotropic hormones as well as in the somatotropin hormone axis.Wstęp: Przewlekłe zakażenia HBV i HCV są obecnie znaczącym problemem klinicznym. W wyniku zaburzeń czynności wątroby może dochodzić do zaburzeń w homeostazie wapnia i fosforu oraz w metabolizmie kostnym prowadzących do osteodystrofii wątrobowej. Celem badania była ocena gęstości mineralnej kości (BMD), okołodobowych stężeń hormonów związanych z metabolizmem kości oraz markerów obrotu kostnego u chorych na przewlekłe wirusowe zapalenie wątroby. Materiał i metody: W grupie badanej (n = 80) oznaczano we krwi okołodobowe stężenia (AUC, area under the curve [pole pod krzywą]) GH, IGF-I, IGFBP-3, osteokalcyny (BGLAP), C-terminalnego telopeptydu kolagenu typu I (ICTP), PTH, 25(OH)D, całkowitego wapnia oraz fosforu. BMD (L2-L4) oceniono z użyciem DEXA. Dane porównano ze zdrową grupą kontrolną (n = 40). Wyniki: BMD (1,05 g/cm3 vs. 1,20 g/cm3), stężenia wapnia (2,20 mmol/l vs. 2,45 mmol/l) i fosforu (1,06 mmol/l vs. 1,33 mmol/l), IGF-I (AUC 3982,32 ng/ml vs. 5167,61 ng/ml), IGFBP-3 (AUC 725,09 ng/l vs. 944,35 ng/l), 25(OH)D (AUC 356,35 ng/ml vs. 767,53 ng/ml), BGLAP (AUC 161,39 ng/l vs. 298 ng/l) okazały się niższe w grupie badanej niż w grupie kontrolnej, zaś stężenia GH (AUC 88,3 ng/ml vs. 48,04 ng/ml), PTH (AUC 1201,94 pg/ml vs. 711,73 pg/ml) i ICTP (AUC 104,30 μg/l vs. 54,49 μg/l) były większe u osób z zapaleniem wątroby. Stwierdzono dodatnią korelację między BMD a stężeniami IGF-I, IGFBP-3 oraz BGLAP. Wnioski: Przewlekłe wirusowe zapalenie wątroby prowadzi do zmniejszenia gęstości mineralnej kości. Upośledzona funkcja wątroby zakłóca homeostazę wapnia, witaminy D, PTH, prowadzi do wtórnej nadczynności przytarczyc. Dochodzi do zmniejszenia syntezy IGF-I i IGFBP-3 oraz do zwiększenia wydzielania GH. Osteodystrofia wątrobowa jest prawdopodobnie spowodowana zarówno poprzez zmiany stężenia hormonów kalciotropowych, jak i zaburzenia funkcjonowania osi somatotropinowej

    Use of the Maximum Power Point Tracking Method in a Portable Lithium-Ion Solar Battery Charger

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    The use of solar panels in low-power applications is an increasingly developing topic. Various methods are currently used to obtain the highest possible solar panel power generation efficiency. The methods of determining the maximum power point (MPP) and its tracking are under constant development, resulting in the creation of new algorithms to accelerate the operational efficiency while maintaining good parameters. Typically, these methods are only used in high-power photovoltaic installations. Due to the problems resulting from the adjustment to MPP working conditions for low-power solar panels used to charge a Li-Ion battery, an attempt was made to check the feasibility of operating control based on a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) method and a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm like the one used in high-power solar systems also for low-power systems. The article presents adaptation of PWM and MPPT methods for small chargers, including the stages of modelling a solar charger and the results of a computer simulation of the charger operation. The stages of building a real, physical device are also presented. From the analysis of the test results of the constructed charger in real- and laboratory conditions with the use of a device imitating sunlight, the so-called solar box, and comparisons with computer simulations show that the assumed goal was achieved. The results obtained with the PWM method were compared with the MPPT method. The optimization of the device operation parameters and improvement of the algorithms used in the MPPT method resulted in better optimalization of maximum point tracking, improving the efficiency of energy storage from solar cells

    Use of the Maximum Power Point Tracking Method in a Portable Lithium-Ion Solar Battery Charger

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    The use of solar panels in low-power applications is an increasingly developing topic. Various methods are currently used to obtain the highest possible solar panel power generation efficiency. The methods of determining the maximum power point (MPP) and its tracking are under constant development, resulting in the creation of new algorithms to accelerate the operational efficiency while maintaining good parameters. Typically, these methods are only used in high-power photovoltaic installations. Due to the problems resulting from the adjustment to MPP working conditions for low-power solar panels used to charge a Li-Ion battery, an attempt was made to check the feasibility of operating control based on a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) method and a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm like the one used in high-power solar systems also for low-power systems. The article presents adaptation of PWM and MPPT methods for small chargers, including the stages of modelling a solar charger and the results of a computer simulation of the charger operation. The stages of building a real, physical device are also presented. From the analysis of the test results of the constructed charger in real- and laboratory conditions with the use of a device imitating sunlight, the so-called solar box, and comparisons with computer simulations show that the assumed goal was achieved. The results obtained with the PWM method were compared with the MPPT method. The optimization of the device operation parameters and improvement of the algorithms used in the MPPT method resulted in better optimalization of maximum point tracking, improving the efficiency of energy storage from solar cells

    Polish Botanical Society Repository

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    School climate in the perspective of international studies of schools of the Visegrad Group

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