76 research outputs found

    NGC 4654: polarized radio continuum emission as a diagnostic tool for a galaxy--cluster interaction

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    A recent comparison between deep VLA HI observations and dynamical models of the Virgo cluster spiral galaxy NGC 4654 has shown that only a model involving a combination of a tidal interaction and ram pressure can reproduce the data. Deep radio polarization studies, together with detailed MHD modeling, can independently verify those conclusions, that are based on HI observations and dynamical models. We performed deep polarized radio-continuum observations of the Virgo cluster spiral galaxy NGC 4654 with the Effelsberg 100m telescope at 8.35 GHz and the VLA at 4.85 GHz. Detailed 3D MHD simulations were made to determine the large-scale magnetic field and the emission distribution of the polarized radio continuum in the model, during the galaxy evolution within the cluster environment. This direct comparison between the observed and simulated polarized radio continuum emission corroborates the earlier results, that the galaxy had a recent rapid close encounter with NGC 4639 and is undergoing weak ram pressure by the intracluster medium. This combination of deep radio polarization studies and detailed MHD modeling thus gives us unique insight into the interactions of a galaxy with its cluster environment. It represents a diagnostic tool that is complementary to deep HI observations.Comment: Corrected galaxy name in captions of figures (1 & 2

    Magnetic field evolution in galaxies interacting with the intracluster medium. 3D numerical simulations

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    A fully three-dimensional (3D) magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) model is applied to simulate the evolution of the large-scale magnetic field in cluster galaxies interacting with the intra-cluster medium (ICM). As the model input we use a time dependent gas velocity field resulting from 3D N-body sticky-particle simulations of a galaxy. The modeled clouds are affected by the ram pressure due to their rapid motion through the ICM in the central part of a cluster. Numerical simulations have shown that after the initial compression phase due to ram pressure a process of gas re-accretion onto the galactic disk takes place. We find that the gas re-accretion leads to an increase of the total magnetic energy without any dynamo action. The simulated magnetic fields are used to construct the model maps of high-frequency (Faraday rotation-free) polarized radio emission. We show that the evolution of the polarized intensity shows features that are characteristic for different evolutionary stages of an ICM-ISM interaction. The comparison of polarized radio continuum emission maps with our model permits to determine whether the galaxy is in the compression or in the re-accretion phase. It also provides an important constraint upon the dynamical modeling of an ICM-ISM interactions.Comment: 12 pages with 11 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Numerical Studies of Weakly Stochastic Magnetic Reconnection

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    We study the effects of turbulence on magnetic reconnection using three-dimensional numerical simulations. This is the first attempt to test a model of fast magnetic reconnection proposed by Lazarian & Vishniac (1999), which assumes the presence of weak, small-scale magnetic field structure near the current sheet. This affects the rate of reconnection by reducing the transverse scale for reconnection flows and by allowing many independent flux reconnection events to occur simultaneously. We performed a number of simulations to test the dependencies of the reconnection speed, defined as the ratio of the inflow velocity to the Alfven speed, on the turbulence power, the injection scale and resistivity. Our results show that turbulence significantly affects the topology of magnetic field near the diffusion region and increases the thickness of the outflow region. We confirm the predictions of the Lazarian & Vishniac model. In particular, we report the growth of the reconnection speed proportional to ~ V^2, where V is the amplitude of velocity at the injection scale. It depends on the injection scale l as ~ (l/L)^(2/3), where L is the size of the system, which is somewhat faster but still roughly consistent with the theoretical expectations. We also show that for 3D reconnection the Ohmic resistivity is important in the local reconnection events only, and the global reconnection rate in the presence of turbulence does not depend on it.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Cosmic-ray driven dynamo in the interstellar medium of irregular galaxies

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    Irregular galaxies are usually smaller and less massive than their spiral, S0, and elliptical counterparts. Radio observations indicate that a magnetic field is present in irregular galaxies whose value is similar to that in spiral galaxies. However, the conditions in the interstellar medium of an irregular galaxy are unfavorable for amplification of the magnetic field because of the slow rotation and low shearing rate. We investigate the cosmic-ray driven dynamo in the interstellar medium of an irregular galaxy. We study its efficiency under the conditions of slow rotation and weak shear. The star formation is also taken into account in our model and is parametrized by the frequency of explosions and modulations of activity. The numerical model includes a magnetohydrodynamical dynamo driven by cosmic rays that is injected into the interstellar medium by randomly exploding supernovae. In the model, we also include essential elements such as vertical gravity of the disk, differential rotation approximated by the shearing box, and resistivity leading to magnetic reconnection. We find that even slow galactic rotation with a low shearing rate amplifies the magnetic field, and that rapid rotation with a low value of the shear enhances the efficiency of the dynamo. Our simulations have shown that a high amount of magnetic energy leaves the simulation box becoming an efficient source of intergalactic magnetic fields.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Formation of gaseous arms in barred galaxies with dynamically important magnetic field : 3D MHD simulations

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    We present results of three-dimensional nonlinear MHD simulations of a large-scale magnetic field and its evolution inside a barred galaxy with the back reaction of the magnetic field on the gas. The model does not consider the dynamo process. To compare our modeling results with observations, we construct maps of the high-frequency (Faraday-rotation-free) polarized radio emission on the basis of simulated magnetic fields. The model accounts for the effects of projection and the limited resolution of real observations. We performed 3D MHD numerical simulations of barred galaxies and polarization maps. The main result is that the modeled magnetic field configurations resemble maps of the polarized intensity observed in barred galaxies. They exhibit polarization vectors along the bar and arms forming coherent structures similar to the observed ones. In the paper, we also explain the previously unsolved issue of discrepancy between the velocity and magnetic field configurations in this type of galaxies. The dynamical influence of the bar causes gas to form spiral waves that travel outwards. Each gaseous spiral arm is accompanied by a magnetic counterpart, which separates and survives in the inter-arm region. Because of a strong compression, shear of non-axisymmetric bar flows and differential rotation, the total energy of modeled magnetic field grows constantly, while the azimuthal flux grows slightly until 0.05\Gyr and then saturates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    3D global simulations of a cosmic-ray-driven dynamo in dwarf galaxies

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    Star-forming dwarf galaxies can be seen as the local proxies of the high-redshift building blocks of more massive galaxies according to the current paradigm of the hierarchical galaxy formation. They are low-mass objects, and therefore their rotation speed is very low. Several galaxies are observed to show quite strong magnetic fields. These cases of strong ordered magnetic fields seem to correlate with a high, but not extremely high, star formation rate. We investigate whether these magnetic fields could be generated by the cosmic-ray-driven dynamo. The environment of a dwarf galaxy is unfavourable for the large-scale dynamo action because of the very slow rotation that is required to create the regular component of the magnetic field. We built a 3D global model of a dwarf galaxy that consists of two gravitational components: the stars and the dark-matter halo described by the purely phenomenological profile proposed previously. We solved a system of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations that include an additional cosmic-ray component described by the fluid approximation. We found that the cosmic-ray-driven dynamo can amplify the magnetic field with an exponential growth rate. The ee-folding time is correlated with the initial rotation speed. The final mean value of the azimuthal flux for our models is of the order of few μ\muG and the system reaches its equipartition level. The results indicate that the cosmic-ray-driven dynamo is a process that can explain the magnetic fields in dwarf galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&