15 research outputs found

    Arterial spin labeling using spatio-temporal encoding readout for robust perfusion imaging in inhomogenous magnetic fields

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    Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility of spatio-temporal encoding (SPEN) readout for pseudo-continuous ASL (pCASL) in brain, and its robustness to susceptibility artifacts as introduced by aneurysm clips. Methods: A 2D self-refocused T-2*-compensated hybrid SPEN scheme, with super-resolution reconstruction was implemented on a 1.5T Philips system. Q (=BWchirp*T-chirp) was varied and, the aneurysm clip-induced artifact was evaluated in phantom (label-images) as well as in vivo (perfusion-weighted signal (PWS)-maps and temporal SNR (tSNR)). In vivo results were compared to gradient-echo EPI (GE-EPI) and spin-echo EPI (SE-EPI). The dependence of tSNR on TR was evaluated separately for SPEN and SE-EPI. SPEN with Q similar to 75 encodes with the same off-resonance robustness as EPI. Results: The clip-induced artifact with SPEN decreased with increase in Q, and was smaller compared to SE-EPI and GE-EPI in vivo. tSNR decreased with Q and the tSNR of GE-EPI and SE-EPI corresponded to SPEN with a Q-value of approximately similar to 85 and similar to 108, respectively. In addition, SPEN perfusion images showed a higher tSNR (p 75) compared to SE-EPI and GE-EPI. However, the SPEN chirp-pulse saturates incoming blood, thereby reducing pCASL labeling efficiency of the next acquisition for short TRs. Future developments are needed to enable 3D scanning.Radiolog

    Degree of biomimicry of artificial spider silk spinning assessed by NMR spectroscopy.

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    Biomimetic spinning of artificial spider silk requires that the terminal domains of designed minispidroins undergo specific structural changes in concert with the β-sheet conversion of the repetitive region. Herein, we combine solution and solid-state NMR methods to probe domain-specific structural changes in the NT2RepCT minispidroin, which allows us to assess the degree of biomimicry of artificial silk spinning. In addition, we show that the structural effects of post-spinning procedures can be examined. By studying the impact of NT2RepCT fiber drying, we observed a reversible beta-to-alpha conversion. We think that this approach will be useful for guiding the optimization of artificial spider silk fibers

    Structural Characterization of CspZ, a Complement Regulator Factor H and FHL-1 Binding Protein from Borrelia Burgdorferi

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    Borrelia burgdorferi is the causative agent of Lyme disease and is found in two different types of hosts in nature - Ixodes ticks and various mammalian organisms. To initiate disease and survive in mammalian host organisms, B. burgdorferi must be able to transfer to a new host, proliferate, attach to different tissue and resist the immune response. To resist the host's immune response, B. burgdorferi produces at least five different outer surface proteins that can bind complement regulator factor H (CFH) and/or factor H-like protein 1 (CFHL-1). The crystal structures of two uniquely folded complement binding proteins, which belong to two distinct gene families and are not found in other bacteria, have been previously described. The crystal structure of the CFH and CFHL-1 binding protein CspZ (also known as BbCRASP-2 or BBH06) from B. burgdorferi, which belongs to a third gene family, is reported in this study. The structure reveals that the overall fold is different from the known structures of the other complement binding proteins in B. burgdorferi or other bacteria; this structure does not resemble the fold of any known protein deposited in the Protein Data Bank. The N-terminal part of the CspZ protein forms a four-helix bundle and has features similar to the FAT domain (focal adhesion targeting domain) and a related domain found in the vinculin/α-catenin family. By combining our findings from the crystal structure of CspZ with previous mutagenesis studies, we have identified a likely binding surface on CspZ for CFH and CFHL-1

    Diversified Structural Basis of a Conserved Molecular Mechanism for pH-Dependent Dimerization in Spider Silk N-Terminal Domains

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    Conversion of spider silk proteins from soluble dope to insoluble fibers involves pH-dependent dimerization of the N-terminal domain (NT). This conversion is tightly regulated to prevent premature precipitation and enable rapid silk formation at the end of the duct. Three glutamic acid residues that mediate this process in the NT from Euprosthenops australis major ampullate spidroin 1 are well conserved among spidroins. However, NTs of minor ampullate spidroins from several species, including Araneus ventricosus (AvMiSp NT), lack one of the glutamic acids. Here we investigate the pH-dependent structural changes of AvMiSp NT, revealing that it uses the same mechanism but involves a non-conserved glutamic acid residue instead. Homology modeling of the structures of other MiSp NTs suggests that these harbor different compensatory residues. This indicates that, despite sequence variations, the molecular mechanism underlying pH-dependent dimerization of NT is conserved among different silk types

    Plasmepsin Inhibitory Activity and Structure-Guided Optimization of a Potent Hydroxyethylamine-Based Antimalarial Hit

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    Antimalarial hit 1SR (TCMDC-134674) identified in a GlaxoSmithKline cell based screening campaign was evaluated for inhibitory activity against the digestive vacuole plasmepsins (Plm I, II, and IV). It was found to be a potent Plm IV inhibitor with no selectivity over Cathepsin D. A cocrystal structure of 1SR bound to Plm II was solved, providing structural insight for the design of more potent and selective analogues. Structure-guided optimization led to the identification of structurally simplified analogues 17 and 18 as low nanomolar inhibitors of both, plasmepsin Plm IV activity and P. falciparum growth in erythrocytes

    Carbonic Anhydrase Generates CO2 and H+ That Drive Spider Silk Formation Via Opposite Effects on the Terminal Domains

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    Spider silk fibers are produced from soluble proteins (spidroins) under ambient conditions in a complex but poorly understood process. Spidroins are highly repetitive in sequence but capped by nonrepetitive N- and C-terminal domains (NT and CT) that are suggested to regulate fiber conversion in similar manners. By using ion selective microelectrodes we found that the pH gradient in the silk gland is much broader than previously known. Surprisingly, the terminal domains respond in opposite ways when pH is decreased from 7 to 5: Urea denaturation and temperature stability assays show that NT dimers get significantly stabilized and then lock the spidroins into multimers, whereas CT on the other hand is destabilized and unfolds into ThT-positive β-sheet amyloid fibrils, which can trigger fiber formation. There is a high carbon dioxide pressure (pCO2) in distal parts of the gland, and a CO2 analogue interacts with buried regions in CT as determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Activity staining of histological sections and inhibition experiments reveal that the pH gradient is created by carbonic anhydrase. Carbonic anhydrase activity emerges in the same region of the gland as the opposite effects on NT and CT stability occur. These synchronous events suggest a novel CO2 and proton-dependent lock and trigger mechanism of spider silk formation

    Efficient protein production inspired by how spiders make silk.

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    Membrane proteins are targets of most available pharmaceuticals, but they are difficult to produce recombinantly, like many other aggregation-prone proteins. Spiders can produce silk proteins at huge concentrations by sequestering their aggregation-prone regions in micellar structures, where the very soluble N-terminal domain (NT) forms the shell. We hypothesize that fusion to NT could similarly solubilize non-spidroin proteins, and design a charge-reversed mutant (NT*) that is pH insensitive, stabilized and hypersoluble compared to wild-type NT. NT*-transmembrane protein fusions yield up to eight times more of soluble protein in Escherichia coli than fusions with several conventional tags. NT* enables transmembrane peptide purification to homogeneity without chromatography and manufacture of low-cost synthetic lung surfactant that works in an animal model of respiratory disease. NT* also allows efficient expression and purification of non-transmembrane proteins, which are otherwise refractory to recombinant production, and offers a new tool for reluctant proteins in general

    Sequential Ph-Driven Dimerization and Stabilization of the N-Terminal Domain Enables Rapid Spider Silk Formation

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    The mechanisms controlling the conversion of spider silk proteins into insoluble fibres, which happens in a fraction of a second and in a defined region of the silk glands, are still unresolved. The N-terminal domain changes conformation and forms a homodimer when pH is lowered from 7 to 6; however, the molecular details still remain to be determined. Here we investigate site-directed mutants of the N-terminal domain from Euprosthenops australis major ampullate spidroin 1 and find that the charged residues D40, R60 and K65 mediate intersubunit electrostatic interactions. Protonation of E79 and E119 is required for structural conversions of the subunits into a dimer conformation, and subsequent protonation of E84 around pH 5.7 leads to the formation of a fully stable dimer. These residues are highly conserved, indicating that the now proposed three-step mechanism prevents premature aggregation of spidroins and enables fast formation of spider silk fibres in general