82 research outputs found

    Keseimbangan personaliti dan akademik sebagai teras pembangunan modal insan

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    Islam menggesa umatnya agar berakhlak dengan akhlak yang baik. Islam juga telah menggariskan beberapa prinsip yang dapat menjadi pedoman kepada umat Islam sebagaimana yang ditunjukkan oleh Rasulullah sebagai model terbaik. Personaliti Islami merupakan asas kepada perkembangan tamadun Islam. Ia terbina daripada modal insan yang baik yang dapat menyempurnakan tugas membangun tamadun yang selari dengan hukum Islam. Isu yang terkini merupakan pencarian terhadap cara dan kaedah bagaimana sesebuah negara dapat menghasilkan masyarakat yang memiliki kesedaran yang mendalam terhadap agamanya, perasaan tanggungjawab untuk mencapai paras tertinggi dari aspek etika dan nilai moral dan dalam masa yang sama bersikap dinamik dan berdedikasi terhadap kemajuan. Dimensi rohaniah manusia yang sering diabaikan oleh kebanyakan ahli psikologi barat perlu dikembalikan ke tempat asalnya agar manusia berupaya untuk mencapai perkembangan personaliti yang seimbang dan holistik. Hasil kajian penulis mendapati bahawa di antara dimensi-dimensi penting yang menjadi tunjang kepada pembentukan personaliti manusia dari perspektif Islam adalah Ibadah, Amanah dan Ilm. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan tentang pentingnya keseimbangan yang wujud antara personaliti dan pencapaian akademik pelajar sebagai teras pembangunan modal insan. Katakunci: personaliti; akademik; modal insa

    Eksplorasi dimensi Ummatic Personality Inventory (UPI) sebagai alat pengukuran personaliti psiko-spiritualiti Islami

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    The Ummatic Personality Inventory was devised within a specific framework. It intends to be an assessment tool for self-introspection (muhasabah) and self-improvement (islah). Central to this idea is the concept of one would be able to identify the area where improvements could be made as far as one’s personality as a Muslim is concerned. The instrument was developed and validated using an advanced statistical method, Principal Component Analysis (PCA). PCA was used to identify the underlying dimensions for each construct of the instrument. For the purpose of measuring construct validation and its reliability, data collection was conducted at two universities in Malaysia. The sample size was 588 and randomly selected. With the use of PCA, Ibadah construct produced 5 significant factors, Amanah construct generated 5 factors andIlm contruct produced 2 factors. The reliability test indicated that the instrument was reliable, given that the overall reliability value of Conbach’s Alpha was .96. In conclusion, this study produced a prototype of the Ummatic Personality Inventory which contribute to the development of a novel psychological instrument from the Islamic perspective

    Personaliti sebagai teras pembangunan modal insan: aplikasi ummatic personality inventory (UPI)

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    Islam menggesa umatnya agar berakhlak dengan akhlak yang baik. Islam juga telah menggariskan beberapa prinsip yang dapat menjadi pedoman kepada umat Islam sebagaimana yang ditunjukkan oleh Rasulullah sebagai model terbaik. Personaliti Islamik merupakan asas kepada perkembangan tamadun Islam. Ia terbina daripada modal insan yang baik yang dapat menyempurnakan tugas membangun tamadun yang selari dengan hukum Islam. Isu yang terkini merupakan pencarian terhadap cara dan kaedah bagaimana sesebuah negara dapat menghasilkan masyarakat yang memiliki kesedaran yang mendalam terhadap agamanya, perasaan tanggungjawab untuk mencapai paras tertinggi dari aspek etika dan nilai moral dan dalam masa yang sama bersikap dinamik dan berdedikasi terhadap kemajuan. Dimensi rohaniah manusia yang sering diabaikan oleh kebanyakan ahli psikologi barat perlu dikembalikan ke tempat asalnya agar manusia berupaya untuk mencapai perkembangan personaliti yang seimbang dan holistik. Hasil kajian penulis mendapati bahawa di antara dimensi-dimensi penting yang menjadi tunjang kepada pembentukan personaliti manusia dari perspektif Islam adalah Ibadah, Amanah dan Ilm. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan tentang aplikasi Ummatic Personality Inventory (UPI) sebagai alat muhasabah diri yang dapat membantu mengenalpasti kelemahan dan kekuatan diri. Bertitik tolak dari itu, alat ini diharap dapat membantu umat Islam untuk mendidik dan memperbaiki kelemahan yang ada demi meningkatkan diri ke arah pembentukan modal insan yang terbaik

    Bridging the gap between policy intent and implementation

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    The paper is about bridging the gap between policy intent and implementation. The gap is due to the lack of a link between policymakers and implementers and the absence of a clear policy goal. Policy implementation is the subsequent activity after the policy is made; it is the process in which ideas are translated into actions however most of the time attention had never been paid to such an important stage, at the same time as most attention is paid to the policy formulation stage. There are appropriate and nicely-formulated policies but ineffectively carried out, as a result, lead to a wide gap between policy intent and implementation. The study was conducted based on selected reviewed works of literature on policy implementation aim at describing the gap between policy intent and implementation and policy recommendation. The study found out that policymakers and implementers carry out a significant role in implementing policy also the frontline workers provide information to the policymakers at the top and ascertain whether the policy can be applied or not with the available resources. The paper recommends linkage between policymakers and implementers and engagement of the people and community in policy formulation and implementation

    Tahap Resilien dan Kesihatan Mental Individu di Era Pandemik Covid-19: Satu Kajian Empirikal dalam kalangan Remaja di Malaysia

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    Sejarah baharu pada tahun 2020 telah tercipta apabila kesejahteraan individu dan kemampuannya berfungsi secara efektif tergugat kerana penularan Covid-19 di Malaysia. Pelbagai konflik wujud akibat daripada penularan wabak ini antaranya dari segi kewangan, perhubungan sosial, pekerjaan, pengurusan dan termasuklah kesihatan mental. Namun begitu, dapat dilihat bahawa kajian terdahulu lebih menumpu kepada kesan penularan Covid-19 terhadap psikososial individu tanpa melibatkan data empirikal yang jelas, justeru kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap tekanan, kebimbangan dan kemurungan remaja di era pandemik Covid-19 dan mengenal pasti tahap resilien serta pengaruhnya terhadap kesihatan mental. Seramai 135 orang remaja telah dipilih secara rawak sebagai responden kajian. Kajian ini berbentuk kajian kuantitatif di mana ujian Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) dan Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC-25) digunakan bagi pengumpulan data. Secara keseluruhan dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap kesihatan mental remaja berada pada tahap yang normal dan majoriti responden mempunyai tahap resilien yang sederhana. Walau bagaimanapun, dapatan juga menunjukkan terdapat 18.6% responden menghadapi tekanan hidup dan 9.5% mempunyai tahap resilien yang rendah. Implikasi kajian ini turut bermanfaat bagi pihak yang berkenaan seperti para kaunselor agar pelbagai pelan pemulihan dan rawatan dapat dilakukan segera bagi kesihatan mental berada pada tahap terbaik

    Psychological well-being, work-family conflicts and life satisfaction among Malaysian women

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    This study examines the relationship between aspects of psychological wellbeing and work-family conflicts and life satisfaction among Malaysian women in Kuala Lumpur. This quantitative study employs the survey method. A total of 253 respondents who have been selected using the purposive sampling technique are involved in this study. The instruments used are a combination of three instruments: the psychological well-being scale, the work-family / family-work conflict scale and the life satisfaction scale. There are 54 items in this instrument each using the five-point Likert scale. Data have been analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software and AMOS. The advanced statistical analysis methods, namely the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), are used. The CFA is used for the purpose of validating psychological wellbeing while the SEM is used to analyse the relationship between constructs. The findings showed a significant relationship between autonomous dimensions in the psychological well-being constructs and work-family conflicts. An analysis of the relationship between dimensions in psychological wellbeing and life satisfaction did not show the existence of a significant relationship. An analysis involving the overall relationship between the constructs showed a weak insignificant relationship. This study significantly highlights the importance of strengthening the aspects of women’s psychological wellbeing in influencing the ability to manage work-family conflicts and finally allowing them to enjoy their life satisfaction

    Nilai yang mendasari integriti dan amalan masyarakat hadhari

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    Bahagia punya banyak makna bagi manusia. Ada yang mendefinisikan bahagia dapat dinikmati bila punya wang dan harta benda yang banyak. Ada yan g merasakan bahagia apabila dapat hidup berseronok - seronok. Ada juga yang mentakrifkan bahagia apabila punya waktu yang terluang. Bahagia terus ditafsir dalam makna yang pelbagai termasuklah kebebasan untuk melakukan apa sahaja. Menurut seorang sarjana Isl am tersohor, Dr. Yusuf Al - Qaradhawy , hanyalah keimanan yang dapat memancarkan ke dalam hati manusia sumber - sumber kebahagiaan yang dirindukan oleh setiap orang. Kebahagiaan baru menjadi suatu kenyataan yang dapat dirasakan hanyalah jika ada ketenangan, ket enteraman, keamanan batin, pengharapan, kepuasan, cita - cita dan kasih sayang. Untuk semua itu iman yang menjadi sumbernya. Tanpa ada keimanan, hal - hal di atas hanyalah dapat menjadi sebutan dan harapan kosong belaka. Dengan iman, tercipta keamanan lahir da n bati

    Diagonally implicit block backward differentiation formula for solving linear second order ordinary differential equations

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    The three point block method for solving second order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) directly using constant step size is derived. The reliability of this new method is verified in the numerical results with the improved performance in terms of computation time while maintaining the accuracy. The comparison is presented between the new method and classical backward differentiation formulas (BDF) of order 3

    Factors that enhance the implementation of skills and training outcomes in Nigeria

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    Billions of dollars are spending every year in Nigeria for the training of government officials in order to increase their productivity and efficiency. The training focused on trying to change behavior or teach new skills and knowledge to an individual trainee to realize their performance goals. This paper focuses on how participants implement knowledge gain from workshop programs attended. The study examines the literature on the study of implementation and proffers a model for the implementation of training programs. The paper finds out that implementation of skills and knowledge from training programs are below expectation in Nigeria the paper also find out that based on the literature reviewed there are factors that enhance the implementation of skills and training outcomes attended by public servants in Nigeria. Finally, the paper concludes by suggesting ways that will improve the implementation of skills and knowledge from training programs

    A preliminary analysis on the humanity, ethics and cultural aspects of the Malaysian educational policy

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    Educational policy plays a significant role in the development of a balanced Malaysian society which should not only possesses the knowledge and skills required for the country economic development but has also the essential moral qualities desired as a good citizen. Hence, the significant elements and concerns relating to humanity, ethics and cultural aspects of the Malaysian society must be identified and accordingly addressed through the education system as it is the best formal platform for early societal development. This article aims to highlight the inclusion of humanity, ethics and cultural aspects in the Malaysian Educational Policy. The analysis covers the development of the Malaysian education system from the pre-independence days up to the development of the Malaysian Educational Policy which focused greatly on improving the education standard to cope up with the challenges accompanying the globalisation era. The impacts of addressing the humanity, ethics and cultural aspects to the development of the Malaysian society have been discussed. It is worth to note that the continuous efforts to instil the importance of humanity, ethics and culture in the society, Malaysians are expected to live a peaceful life and healthy lifestyle, not just physically but also mentally