199 research outputs found

    What do we know when we know a compulsive buying person? Looking at now and ahead

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    Over the last few decades, research has seamlessly confirmed the marked multicausal nature of compulsive buying, since variables from different realms (e.g., family, social, and contextual domains) have demonstrated their explanatory capacity. However, it has been personality variables that have, to a greater extent, aroused the interest of researchers, leading to what is now a cumbersome richness of personal constructs of different nature that seem to require some arrangement under integrative frameworks. The proposal by McAdams under the suggestive title of “What do we know when we know a person?” is, in this regard, especially attractive and thought-provoking. McAdams approaches us to the person as a whole by establishing three differentiated levels (dispositional traits, personal concerns or characteristics adaptations, life story), and it will be precisely these levels that will become the structure we will use to address the state of the art on compulsive buyers. The location of the multiple personal variables analyzed at each of the levels with a common grammar will allow us to identify what it is known, as well as what remains to be done in each space. Lastly, suggestions for the future are given, with particular emphasis on advancing our understanding of the person from each of the academic vantage points but also the suitability of designing studies that integrate and/or build bridges between dispositional traits, characteristic adaptations, and life narratives. The hope is that research in the coming years satisfactorily integrates the different visions of the person to achieve a more comprehensive, nuanced portrait of a person with compulsive buying problemsS

    Una aproximación integradora al estudio del burnout en los profesores de Universidad

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    The aim of this paper is to use an integrative approach to identify the main correlates and/or predictors at different levels (personal, psychosocial, occupational and outside the workplace) of the burnout dimensions. The sample consists of 813 university professors. Results from statistical analyses show that there are, indeed, both common and specific predictors for the different facets of the syndrome. Specifically, while social support and optimism are selected to confirm all manifestations of burnout, other factors (work hours per week, time in the profession, hardiness, Type A behavioural pattern, life events, daily hassles) do increase the emergence of differential profiles. Lastly, findings are discussed and the main conclusions are presentedEl objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar, desde un acercamiento integrador, cuáles son los principales correlatos y/o predictores de distintos ámbitos (personal, psicosocial, ocupacional y extralaboral) de las dimensiones del burnout. La muestra está formada por 813 profesores de Universidad. Los resultados de los análisis estadísticos realizados permiten constatar la existencia de predictores comunes y específicos para las facetas del síndrome. Concretamente, mientras se confirma que el apoyo social y el optimismo son seleccionados para explicar todas las manifestaciones del burnout, otros factores (horas de trabajo a la semana, tiempo en la profesión, personalidad resistente, patrón de conducta Tipo A, acontecimientos vitales, contrariedades cotidianas) acentúan la existencia de perfiles diferenciales. Finalmente, se discuten los hallazgos y se presentan las principales conclusionesThis study was possible thanks to a grant given to the project «Análisis de los determinantes psicosociales y biológicos en el estrés laboral de los docentes universitarios» (reference PGIDT99PXI21103A; BSO2000-0475) financed by the Consellería de Educación y Ordenación Universitaria of the Xunta de Galicia and by the Ministerio de Educación y CienciaS

    Transparency Policies in European Public Broadcasters: Sustainability, Digitalisation and Fact-Checking

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    Over the last few years, European public broadcasters have promoted the concept of public service media as one of their main values. To this end, transparency policies have been implemented as a mechanism of corporate projection by strengthening their role as an essential service. The objective of this article is to ascertain the existence of this type of policies among European public broadcasters. To this end, a nominal group was made with 24 experts who were surveyed, thus generating new indicators of transparency and accountability strategies around sustainability and digitalization. The contents of the websites of RTVE (Spain), RTP (Portugal), France TV (France), RAI (Italy), BBC (UK), RTÉ (Ireland), ZDF (Germany), VRT (Belgium), and SVT (Sweden) were also analyzed, paying attention to such indicators and strategies. The main results include the identification of differences on the basis of the ideal models described by Hallin and Mancini; a commitment to credibility (fact-checking) to the detriment of diversity of opinions; and a connection between the political system and the media system, which, preliminarily, determines the level of transparency of these public entitiesThe results of this research are part of the work of the “Equipo de Investigaciones Políticas” (USC). It is also part of the project “Nuevos valores, gobernanza, financiación y servicios audiovisuales públicos para la sociedad de Internet: contrastes europeos y españoles” (2019–2021) financed by the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Universities (RTI2018-096065-B-I00)S

    Más allá de los Cinco Grandes: papel de las metas vitales extrínsecas en la compra compulsiva

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    Background: The integration of units of differing natures which are found in different parts of some multilevel personality models is one of the most thought-provoking paths in contemporary research. In the fi eld of compulsive buying, little is known about the interrelationships between the comparative and stable units such as personality traits (basic tendencies or Level I units) and goals (a kind of middle-level unit) which are more related to motivational processes and intentions governing people’s behavior. Method: Self-reporting measures of compulsive buying, Big Five personality traits, and extrinsic life aspirations were administered to a general population sample consisting of 2,159 participants aged 15 to 65 (48.1% males; Mage= 35.4, SD= 13.24). Results: Our results confi rmed statistically signifi cant associations with compulsive buying for the traits as well as the extrinsic goals. Furthermore, an important relationship between both levels in personality – traits vs. extrinsic life aspirations – was found. Finally, extrinsic life aspirations (specially, image, popularity, and conformity) contribute to the potentiation of the prediction of compulsive buying beyond the Five Factor Model. Conclusions: Current fi ndings emphasize the advisability of considering both levels in personality, traits and middle-level units like life aspirations, not only in the prediction of compulsive buying, but also as potential targets for preventive and treatment programsAntecedentes: la integración de unidades de distinta naturaleza, incluidas en distintos niveles en algunos de los modelos multinivel de personalidad, constituye una de las más sugerentes trayectorias de la investigación contemporánea. En el campo de estudio de la compra compulsiva se conoce muy poco acerca de la interrelación entre unidades comparativas y estables como son los rasgos (tendencias básicas o unidades de Nivel I) y las metas (un tipo de unidad de nivel medio) más vinculadas con procesos motivacionales y con las intenciones que dirigen la conducta de las personas. Método: se administraron autoinformes de compra compulsiva, Cinco Grandes rasgos de la personalidad y aspiraciones vitales extrínsecas a una muestra de población general formada por 2.159 participantes entre 15 y 65 años de edad (48,1% hombres; Medad= 35,4, DT= 13,24). Resultados: los resultados confi rman que la compra compulsiva se asocia signifi cativamente tanto con los rasgos como con las metas extrínsecas. Además, se constata una importante relación entre ambos niveles de la personalidad. Por último, se confi rma que, más allá de la contribución del Modelo de los Cinco Grandes, las metas extrínsecas (en particular, imagen, popularidad y conformidad) potencian la explicación de la compra compulsiva. Conclusiones: se confi rma la idoneidad de considerar ambos niveles explicativos de la personalidad, rasgos y unidades de nivel-medio tales como las metas vitales, no solo en la predicción de la compra compulsiva sino también como dianas potenciales de los programas preventivos y de intervenciónS

    La aplicación de la robótica y programación por bloques en la enseñanza elemental

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    This study shows the relevance of introducing visual block programming and robotics in primary education. The study describes how robotics are effectively implemented in schools, based on computational concepts and the classroom activities. We describe, apply and present specific resources teachers, who may think of introducing programming and robotics in education must consider. These resources can be adapted to their students’ levels and education stages. It is essential to be aware of the resources available and adapt them to students’ needs. The analysis involves 107 fifth-grade students in primary education at three schools. The sample of the study was non-probabilistic and intentional. The study is bidimensional. The first dimension is a quasi-experimental design obtaining data from a test. Construct validity was tested by an exploratory factor analysis. The second dimension details the results for four scales previously described: active learning, computational concepts, perceived usefulness and enjoyment. This dimension examines the results of the aforementioned scale, which analyses the pedagogical interactions. Statistically significant improvements were achieved in the understanding of basic computational concepts such as sequences, loops, conditional statements, parallel execution, event handling and use of robotics. Improvements were also noted in didactic interaction, and in greater enjoyment, enthusiasm, efficiency and active participation of students. They also showed stronger motivation, commitment and interest in the process.Este estudio demuestra la importancia de un diseño para la educación que incorpore la programación de visual por bloques y la robótica en educación primaria. Este estudio describe cómo la robótica se implementa de manera efectiva en las escuelas, basándose en conceptos computacionales y las actividades del aula. Describimos, aplicamos y presentamos varios recursos, los docentes que deseen comenzar a trabajar con la programación y la robótica en la educación deben considerar los recursos requeridos y cómo se pueden adaptar a los niveles y etapas de la educación de sus alumnos. Es fundamental conocer los recursos disponibles y adaptarlos a las necesidades de los discentes. El análisis involucra a 107 estudiantes de quinto curso de educación primaria en tres centros escolares, la muestra fue no probabilística e intencional. La primera dimensión es un diseño cuasi-experimental que obtiene datos de una prueba, la validez de constructo se probó mediante análisis factorial exploratorio. La segunda dimensión detalla los resultados para las cuatro escalas descritas anteriormente: aprendizaje activo, conceptos computacionales, utilidad percibida y disfrute, esta dimensión examina los resultados de la escala antes mencionada que analiza las interacciones pedagógicas. Se lograron mejoras estadísticamente significativas en la comprensión de conceptos computacionales básicos: secuencias, bucles, declaraciones condicionales, ejecución paralela, manejo de eventos y uso de robótica. También se observaron mejoras en la interacción didáctica, y en un mayor disfrute, entusiasmo, eficiencia y participación activa, mostrando los estudiantes una mayor motivación, compromiso e interés en el proceso

    Exploring Stress, Burnout, and Job Dissatisfaction in Secondary School Teachers

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    The aim of this study is to identify, from an integrative approach, the main predictors of different manifestations of occupational malaise (stress, burnout and job dissatisfaction). The sample consists of 1,386 teachers from compulsory secondary education. The results from statistical analysis conducted (correlation and regression) strongly support the existence of (personal, psychosocial and contextual) determining factors common to all three phenomena. Specifically, support by colleagues, optimism, hardiness, daily hassles and life events are valid predictors of stress, burnout and job dissatisfaction in secondary school teachers. Other variables (a type A behavioral pattern, family support, conscientiousness) also show that account for the specificity of each of the phenomena. Finally, the implications of the findings are discussed and possible courses of action are suggested at the preventive/intervention level.El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar, desde un acercamiento integrador, cuáles son los principales predictores de distintas manifestaciones del malestar laboral (estrés, burnout e insatisfacción laboral). La muestra está formada por 1386 profesores de enseñanza secundaria obligatoria. Los resultados de los análisis estadísticos realizados (correlación y regresión) apoyan firmemente la existencia de determinantes comunes (personales, psicosociales y contextuales) entre los tres fenómenos. En concreto, el apoyo de los compañeros, el optimismo, la personalidad resistente, las contrariedades cotidianas y los acontecimientos vitales son predictores válidos del estrés, burnout e insatisfacción laboral de los profesores de secundaria. No obstante, también se constata que otras variables (patrón de conducta tipo A, apoyo de la familia, responsabilidad) dan cuenta de la especificidad de cada uno de los fenómenos. Finalmente, se discuten las implicaciones de los hallazgos y se sugieren, a nivel preventivo y/o de intervención, posibles vías de actuación.Reference PGIDT02CS024101PR, financed by the Consellería de Educación y Ordenación Universitaria of the Xunta de GaliciaS

    Estrés, variables positivas y burnout: un modelo explicativo

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    The notion that personal resources are a powerful screen for the negative influence of stressors in the burnout process is one of the aspects where consensus is more widespread in the domain of Positive Psychology. It is nonetheless true that identifying them and finding out how these “personal strengths or competences” operate would be crucial to improve health and well-being in the workplace. It seems therefore urgent to throw light –from a research perspective– not merely on whether the positive variables play a mediating role between the potential stressors and burnout but also on which the alternative paths are that have an influence on occupational stress. So, the fundamental objective of this study is to analyze a model of influences in which the levels of stress perceived by the teacher from the different disruptive behaviors of the students (verbal abuse at the teacher, aggressions among students, vandalism) are the exogenous variables while the different positive personal variables (optimism, hardiness, life satisfaction) are mediating variables and burnout is the endogenous variable. The results obtained from a sample of 523 secondary education teachers confirm that teacher “resilience” (optimism and hardiness) and life satisfaction mediate the negative impact that stressors from student behavior have on experiencing burnoutLa idea de que los recursos personales constituyen un poderoso tamiz de la influencia negativa de los estresores en el proceso de burnout constituye uno de los aspectos con mayor consenso en el ámbito de la Psicología Positiva. No es menos cierto que la identificación de cuáles son y cómo actúan estas “competencias o fortalezas personales” sería crucial para potenciar la salud y el bienestar en el trabajo. Parece entonces urgente y necesario clarificar, desde la investigación, no sólo si las variables positivas tienen un rol mediador entre los potenciales estresores y el burnout, sino también cuáles son las rutas alternativas de influencia en el malestar laboral. Pues bien, el objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es analizar un modelo de influencias en el que los niveles de estrés percibidos por el docente a partir de distintas conductas problemáticas de los alumnos (agresiones verbales al profesor, agresiones entre alumnos, vandalismo) constituyen las variables exógenas, mientras que distintas variables personales positivas (optimismo, hardiness, satisfacción vital) se postulan como mediadoras y el burnout como variable endógena. Los resultados obtenidos, a partir de una muestra de 523 profesores de enseñanza secundaria, confirman que la “resiliencia” del docente (optimismo y hardiness) y la satisfacción vital median en el impacto negativo que los estresores derivados del comportamiento de los alumnos tienen en la experiencia de burnoutS