24 research outputs found

    Wedged analog tunable beam steering device based on cholesteric liquid crystals

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    In this work we propose a novel cholesteric liquid crystal beam steering device based on the Kerr effect. The first version of the device consists of two ITO coated glass plates, with intentionally prepared electrodes, assembled together with a thickness gradient between both sides of the device. One side of the cell has two substrates at direct contact; the other side has separated substrates to form the wedge. The cell was filled with a cholesteric liquid crystal. The liquid crystal material is an innovative mixture called 1892E with extremely low viscosity doped with a ZLI chiral nematogen. The proposed beam steering device based on cholesteric liquid crystals has great potential for many photonic applications. Results describing the performance of the device and the properties of the selected liquid crystals are presented

    Silicon oxides as alignment surfaces for vertically-aligned nematics in photonic devices

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    A comparative study on alignment performance and microstructure of inorganic layers used for liquid crystal cell conditioning has been carried out. The study has focused on two specific materials, SiOx and SiO2, deposited under different conditions. The purpose was to establish a relationship between layer microstructure and liquid crystal alignment. The surface morphology has been studied by FESEM and AFM. An analysis on liquid crystal alignment, pretilt angle, response time, contrast ratio and the conditions to develop backflow effect (significant rise time increase due to pure homeotropic alignment) on vertically-aligned nematic cells has been carried out. A technique to overcome the presence of backflow has been identified. The full comparative study of SiOx and SiO2 layer properties and their influence over liquid crystal alignment and electrooptic response is presented

    Ellipsometric study of nematic alignment on silicon oxides for display

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    Vertical Alignment Nematics (VANs) displays are a form of LCDs in which the liquid crystals naturally align vertically to the glass substrates. In spite of their name, the liquid crystal (LC) director is never exactly vertical, rather it always show a small angle with the normal to the sample plane called tilt that may vary throughout the cell bulk. Its values are ultimately determined by the pretilt, defined as the tilt angle on the surfaces in the absence of voltage

    Point diffraction interferometer with a liquid crystal monopixel

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    In this work a novel point diffraction interferometer based on a variable liquid crystal wave plate (LCWP) has been implemented. The LCWP consists of a 3x3 cm2 monopixel cell with parallel alignment. The monopixel cell was manufactured such that the electrode covers the entire surface except in a centered circular area of 50 μm of diameter. This circle acts as a point perturbation which diffracts the incident wave front giving rise to a spherical reference wave. By applying a voltage to the LCWP we can change the phase of the wave front that passes through the monopixel, except at the center. Phase shifting techniques are used in order to calculate the amplitude and phase distribution of the object wave front. The system allows a digital hologram to be obtained, and by using the Fresnel diffraction integral it is possible to digitally reconstruct the different planes that constitute the three dimensional object

    Tunable liquid crystal-photonic crystal fiber interferometer

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    In this work, we present a novel interferometer based on liquid crystal and photonic crystal fiber technology. The objective of this project is the development of a tunable (switchable) modal (Mach-Zehnder) interferometer for optical communications or sensing

    2D tunable graded index prism beam steering device based on nematic liquid crystals

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    Liquid crystal devices are being used in many non-display applications in order to construct small devices controlled by low voltage electronics without mechanical components. In this work, we present a novel liquid crystal device for laser beam steering. In this device the orientation of the liquid crystal molecules can be controlled. A change in the liquid crystal orientation results in a change of the refractive index. When a laser beam passes through the device, the beam will be deviated (Fig.1) and the device works a prism. The main difference between this device and a prism is that in the device the orientation profile of the liquid crystal molecules can be modified so that the laser beam can be deviated a required angle: the device is tuneable

    Implementación de un interferómetro de difracción puntual con un monopíxel de cristal líquido

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    En este trabajo se presenta la implementación de un interferómetro por difracción puntual construido con un monopíxel de cristal líquido. En primer lugar se ha fabricado un monopíxel de cristal líquido con alineamiento paralelo de unas dimensiones de 3x3 cm2, en el que el electrodo cubre toda la superficie excepto en un orificio central de unas 50 ?m. Este orificio es el que actuará como punto difractor. Aplicando diferentes tensiones se puede cambiar la fase de la onda que llega al píxel en relación al punto central. Se ha construido un interferómetro con este elemento. Se captan 4 interferogramas con lo que se puede obtener la distribución de amplitud y fase de la onda. Se aplica este sistema para obtener un holograma digital y enfocar digitalmente diferentes planos de un objeto tridimensional

    Detection of microbes using flowing lyotropic liquid crystals

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    Microbial contamination of food, water and even air supply is a permanent threat against the health of humans and livestock. This threat is particularly serious in contexts such as hospitals (Legionella contamination of air-conditioning) and in extreme situations, such as those met in the third world and in natural crisis situations where water contamination is one of the most serious risks to human wellbeing

    Games-Based Learning Framework

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    This work presents the authors’ experience in the field of mobile technologies, from which several initiatives have emerged. As result of this, a games-based framework for learning has been developed in these last years. This framework is composed by a competition called Mobigame, which has as main aim to stimulate the participation of the students. By participating in this competition participants learn to develop for mobile devices. A game to practice Japanese is also presented in this article, which was presented in the above mentioned competition. This game has been developed for mobile phones or PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) based on the JME (Java Mobile Edition) technology. Finally, another initiative is also presented: A free download platform of digital contents for mobile devices based on info-educational games

    Pure Membranous Lupus Nephritis: Description of a Cohort of 150 Patients and Review of the Literature

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    Objectives The course and long-term outcome of pure membranous lupus nephritis (MLN) are little understood. The aims of this study are to evaluate the clinical features, course, outcome and prognostic indicators in pure MLN and to determine the impact of ethnicity and the type of health insurance on the course and prognosis of pure MLN. Methods We conducted a retrospective review of medical records of 150 patients with pure MLN from Spain and the USA. Results Mean age was 34.2±12.5 and 80% were women. Sixty-eight percent of patients had nephrotic syndrome at diagnosis. The average serum creatinine was 0.98±0.78mg/dl. Six percent of patients died and 5.3% developed end-stage renal disease (ESRD). ESRD was predicted by male sex, hypertension, dyslipidemia, high basal 24h-proteinuria, high basal serum creatinine and a low basal creatinine clearance. Age, cardiac insufficiency, peripheral artheriopathy, hemodialysis and not having received mycophenolate mofetil or antimalarials for MLN predicted death. Conclusions Pure MLN frequently presents with nephrotic syndrome, high proteinuria and normal serum creatinine. Its prognosis is favourable in maintaining renal function although proteinuria usually persists over time. Baseline cardiovascular disease and not having a health insurance are related with poor prognosis