116 research outputs found

    La exclusi?n educativa de los estudiantes con discapacidad de la jurisdicci?n de Veracruz en el municipio de Alvarado ? Tolima

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    103 P?ginasLa Exclusi?n Educativa es un fen?meno que se viene presentando en todo el territorio nacional. La Instituci?n Educativa Luis Carlos Gal?n Sarmiento no es ajeno a esta problem?tica y ha visto la necesidad de mirar con buenos ojos la exclusi?n de los ni?os, ni?as y j?venes con discapacidad. El rechazo, el abandono, la relegaci?n, la burla y la discriminaci?n hacen parte de esa relegaci?n dentro de las Escuelas. Adem?s, existe un choque did?ctico, porque los profesores no est?n preparados para ense?ar a los ni?os con necesidades educativas especiales. Por consiguiente, los padres de familia se enfrentan con los docentes, por el inadecuado aprendizaje de sus hijos.ABSTRACT The Educational Exclusion is a phenomenon that is in all our country, The Educational Institute Luis Carlos Galan of Alvarado (Tolima) is not uncommented to this difficulty and has seen the necessity to look with good and the exclusion of girls, boys and teenagers with disabled conditions. The rejection, the abandoning, the relegation, the mockery, and discrimination make part of this exclusion into the schools. Besides, there is a didactic impact because the teachers are not prepared to teach to children with special educational needs. The parents reject the teachers for inadequate formation of their children.ADVERTENCIA La Facultad de Ciencias de la Educaci?n de la Universidad del Tolima, el director, codirector y el jurado calificador, no son responsables de los conceptos, ni de las ideas expuestas por los autores del presente trabajo. Art?culo 16, Acuerdo 032 de 1976 y Art?culo 29, Acuerdo 064 de 1991, emanados por el Consejo Acad?mico de la Universidad del Tolima.INTRODUCCION 12 1. FORMULACION DEL PROBLEMA 16 1.1 PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 16 1.2 FORMULACION DEL PROBLEMA 19 1.2.1 Pregunta Principal 19 1.2.2 Pregunta Secundaria 20 2. JUSTIFICACION 23 3. OBJETIVOS 23 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 23 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS 23 4. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 24 4.1 MARCO TEORICO Y CONCEPTUAL 24 4.1.1 Inclusi?n Educativa 24 4.1.2. La discapacidad 4.1.3 M?todos para tratar la discapacidad 4.1.4 Proceso t?cnico pedag?gico de la discapacidad 32 42 45 4.2 MARCO JURIDICO Y LEGAL DE LA DISCAPACIDAD 46 4.2.1 Ley de Infancia y Adolescencia- decreto 1098 de 2006. 49 4.2.2 Sentencias referentes a la discapacidad 51 4.2.3 Marco legal de la discapacidad en el contexto internacional 52 4.2.4 Marco legal en el contexto nacional 53 4.2.5 Pol?tica de infancia y adolescencia del Departamento del Tolima 55 5. METODOLOGIA 57 5.1. TIPO DE INVESTIGACION 57 5.2. PARTICIPANTES 57 5.3. TECNICAS E INSTRUMENTOS 58 5.4. PROCEDIMIENTOS 58 6. ANALISIS DE RESULTADOS 60 6.1 LA DISCAPACIDAD EN LA INSTITUCION EDUCATIVA LUIS CARLOS GALAN SARMIENTO DE LA JURISDICCION DE VERACRUZ EN EL MUNICIPIO DE ALVARADO (TOLIMA). 60 9 P?g. 6.2 FACTORES DE EXCLUSION Y VULNERABILIDAD 67 6.3 ESTRATEGIAS METODOLOGICAS Y MATERIAL DE APOYO PARA LA DISCAPACIDAD 69 7. CONCLUSIONES 74 REFERENCIAS 78 ANEXOS 80 1

    The value of prognostic clinical data in Bell’s palsy

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    SummaryElectroneurography (ENoG) and clinical staging are currently the methods of choice to indicate prognosis in Bell’s palsy, although ENoG is an electrophysiological test not universally available. Aim: Identify other options of prognostic evaluation based upon clinical aspects and minimal electrical stimulation test allowing prognostic measurement in almost any circumstances. Study design: historic cohort. Material and Method: Chart review of 1,521 cases of IPFP, analyzing the following clinical aspects: gender, age, paralyzed side, installation mode, previous symptoms, associated symptoms and minimal electrical stimulation test (Hilger test) and its statistical correlation to facial palsy evolution after 6 months. Results: Data indicated that patients above 60 years old had worse prognosis in comparison with patients under 30 years old. A progressive mode of paralysis installation, absence of previous symptoms, concomitant vertigo and response superior to 3.5 mA at minimum electrical stimulation test were also related to worse prognosis. On the other hand, the absence of concomitant symptoms, diminished tearing and sudden onset were related to better prognosis. Conclusion: Clinical factors and Hilger’s test can accurately indicate the prognosis in cases of Bell’s palsy when ENoG is not available

    Aktivnost feruloil esteraze proizvedene fermentacijom na čvrstoj podlozi od otpada nastalog pri proizvodnji kave

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    Hydroxycinnamic acids (HAs) have a potential application in the food and pharmaceutical industry because they are rich in phenolics. Feruloyl esterases release phenolic compounds from plant cell walls. Coffee pulp is rich in HAs linked to polysaccharides. A solvent extraction of free HAs was performed with aqueous methanol (80 %). A response surface methodology was applied to optimise the extraction of these compounds from coffee pulp, and the best results were obtained at 56 °C for 34 min. Alkaline and acid hydrolyses were performed to evaluate the content of linked HAs. Treated (extracted) coffee pulp was used to produce feruloyl esterases in solid-state fermentation by Aspergillus tamarii V12307, previously selected by a hydrolysis plate assay. Different dilutions of a culture medium were added to the coffee pulp, and the diluted medium with half the nutrients allowed for higher CO2 production. A specific growth rate (μCO2 ) of 0.25 h^–1 and a lag phase (tlag) of 14.3 h were observed under the selected conditions. Finally, enzymatic activities were 14.0 and 10.8 nkat per g of dried matter when methyl and ethyl ferulate were used as substrates, respectively. Productivities (9.3 and 7.2 nkat per g of dried matter per day, respectively) were higher when compared to other studies carried out in solid-state fermentation. Utilisation of coffee pulp for enzyme production improves the added value of this abundant by-product of the coffee industry.Hidroksicinamične se kiseline mogu upotrijebiti u prehrambenoj i farmaceutskoj industriji, jer su bogate fenolima, koje enzim feruloil esteraza oslobađa iz staničnih stijenki biljaka. Otpad koji nastaje pri proizvodnji kave bogat je hidroksicinamičnim kiselinama vezanim za polisaharide. Ekstrakcija tih spojeva vodenom otopinom metanola (80 %) optimirana je pomoću metode odzivnih površina, a najbolji su rezultati postignuti pri 56 °C tijekom 34 minute. Alkalnom je i kiselom hidrolizom procijenjen udio vezanih hidroksicinamičnih kiselina. Pomoću odabranoga soja Aspergillus tamarii V12307 proizvedena je feruloil esteraza fermentacijom na čvrstoj podlozi od otpada nastalog pri proizvodnji kave. Otpadu su dodana različita razrjeđenja podloge za uzgoj, pri čemu je proizvedeno više CO2 primjenom podloge koja sadržava 50 % hranjiva. Pritom je specifična brzina rasta (μCO2) bila 0,25 h-1, a lag je faza (tlag) iznosila 14,3 h. Uporabom metil ferulata kao supstrata postignuta je aktivnost enzima od 14 nkat/g suhe tvari i produktivnost od 9,3 nkat/g suhe tvari po danu, dok je pomoću etil ferulata dobivena aktivnost enzima od 10,8 nkat/g suhe tvari i produktivnost od 7,2 nkat/g suhe tvari po danu. Produktivnost je procesa bila veća nego u prijašnjim istraživanjima. Primjenom otpada nastalog pri proizvodnji kave u proizvodnji enzima povećala se dodana vrijednost tog nusproizvoda

    Multiplex cytokine profile from dengue patients: MIP-1beta and IFN-gamma as predictive factors for severity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dengue virus pathogenesis is not yet fully understood and the identification of patients at high risk for developing severe disease forms is still a great challenge in dengue patient care. During the present study, we evaluated prospectively the potential of cytokines present in plasma from patients with dengue in stratifying disease severity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seventeen-cytokine multiplex fluorescent microbead immunoassay was used for the simultaneous detection in 59 dengue patients. GLM models using bimodal or Gaussian family were determined in order to associate cytokines with clinical manifestations and laboratory diagnosis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>IL-1β, IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-6, IL-13, IL-7 and GM-CSF were significantly increased in patients with severe clinical manifestations (severe dengue) when compared to mild disease forms (mild dengue). In contrast, increased MIP-1β levels were observed in patients with mild dengue. MIP-1β was also associated with CD56+NK cell circulating rates. IL-1β, IL-8, TNF-α and MCP-1 were associated with marked thrombocytopenia. Increased MCP-1 and GM-CSF levels correlated with hypotension. Moreover, MIP-1β and IFN-γ were independently associated with both dengue severity and disease outcome.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data demonstrated that the use of a multiple cytokine assay platform was suitable for identifying distinct cytokine profiles associated with the dengue clinical manifestations and severity. MIP-β is indicated for the first time as a good prognostic marker in contrast to IFN-γ that was associated with disease severity.</p

    From primary care to hospitalization: clinical warning signs of severe dengue fever in children and adolescents during an outbreak in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    We analyzed factors associated with severe cases of dengue in children and adolescents hospitalized during the 2007/2008 epidemic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This is a retrospective case-control study that covers 88 cases of severe dengue in patients admitted to four tertiary care children's hospitals. Controls consisted of 22 children with non-severe dengue living in the same neighborhood as the patients with severe dengue. Differences in prevalence of the clinical signs - abdominal pain, breathing difficulty, drowsiness or irritability - emerged on the third day after the onset of symptoms, in the febrile stage. Cases and controls received first medical care at the same clinical stage of disease. However, hospital admission of severe cases occurred later, on average between the third and fourth day after the onset of the disease. Early discharge of patients with fever whose condition could have progressed to severe dengue may have been a consequence of the type of medical assistance provided by primary care units, suggesting deficiencies both in the use of the risk classification protocol and patient triage

    COVID-19 and hospitalizations for SARI in Brazil: a comparison up to the 12th epidemiological week of 2020.

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    Surveillance of the severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) in Brazil aims to characterize the circulation of the Influenza A and B viruses in hospitalized cases and deaths, having been expanded in 2012 to include other respiratory viruses. COVID-19 was detected in Brazil for the time in the 9th epidemiological week of 2020, and the test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus was included in the surveillance protocol starting in the 12th epidemiological week. This study's objective was to investigate the pattern of hospitalizations for SARI in Brazil since the entry of SARS-CoV-2, comparing the temporal and age profiles and laboratory results to the years 2010 through 2019. In 2020, hospitalizations for SARI, compiled from the date of the first confirmed case of COVID-19 up to the 12th week, exceeded the numbers observed during the same period in each of the previous 10 years. The age bracket over 60 years was the most heavily affected, at higher than historical levels. There was a considerable increase in negative laboratory tests, suggesting circulation of a different virus from those already present in the panel. We concluded that the increase in hospitalizations for SARI, the lack of specific information on the etiological agent, and the predominance of cases among the elderly during the same period in which there was an increase in the number of new cases of COVID-19 are all consistent with the hypothesis that severe cases of COVID-19 are already being detected by SARI surveillance, placing an overload on the health system. The inclusion of testing for SARS-CoV-2 in the SARI surveillance protocol and the test's effective nationwide deployment are extremely important for monitoring the evolution of severe COVID-19 cases in Brazil

    A modelling approach for correcting reporting delays in disease surveillance data.

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    One difficulty for real-time tracking of epidemics is related to reporting delay. The reporting delay may be due to laboratory confirmation, logistical problems, infrastructure difficulties, and so on. The ability to correct the available information as quickly as possible is crucial, in terms of decision making such as issuing warnings to the public and local authorities. A Bayesian hierarchical modelling approach is proposed as a flexible way of correcting the reporting delays and to quantify the associated uncertainty. Implementation of the model is fast due to the use of the integrated nested Laplace approximation. The approach is illustrated on dengue fever incidence data in Rio de Janeiro, and severe acute respiratory infection data in the state of Paraná, Brazil